Seized by the System

Chapter 302: Decided to go it alone

"This news cannot be true! So many untouchables outside have not yet played their true role. How can they be wasted in this boring natural disaster?"

Suddenly a sharp voice rang.

Everyone heard the words and immediately cast a disgusted look in the past.

I saw the direction where the sound came from, on the side of the round table. There was a fascinating middle-aged woman with a thick white foundation and wearing a leaky evening gown. She was looking frightened and staring hard With Secretary Hook.

The middle-aged woman ’s full name is Mary Barito, often showing off her ancestors from a famous royal family in Europa, and hereditary the earl title, so that others must call her Baro de Barito.

Because she holds a lot of wealth in her hand and is also proficient in the alchemy passed down from her ancestors, her true identity is the alchemist master in the wizarding family, so many people have to treat her to the snake and call her the countess.

But her arrogance, arrogance, viciousness and ignorance have already made many people hate.

At this moment, Director Hu Ke's eyes lit up and he deliberately stopped talking, and wanted to hear what the countess said.

However, at this time the meeting host, the old man in a suit and leather suit interrupted the middle-aged woman.

"Ms. Barito, please pay attention to your remarks. This is not the sincerity of discussing alchemy." The host reminded carefully, and then inadvertently swept over some people, including Director Hook.

"Humph," it seemed that the presenter had high status and strength, and the arrogant Countess suddenly stopped speaking.

This made Director Hook quite disappointed. He knew that the Wizarding Society had always circulated a very deep and terrifying big secret, but it has never been detected.

Sorcerers will be highly graded, divided into five levels, beginning, middle, high, big, legend.

Although he is extremely powerful, he was only the title of intermediate wizard in the meeting.

This time it was because of the importance of identity that I was eligible to be invited to speak at this round table.

Those who can now participate in this conference are all core members with at least the title of senior wizard.

This level depends not only on strength, but also on seniority status and contribution to the flag.

Among these core members, only a very few people know the horrible secret.

They used to collude with the demons in the magical secret realm, and used prison criminals in large numbers to refine the magic generals.

This extremely evil thing has not deliberately concealed other ordinary members. Even this matter was still discussed openly at the meeting, but I was secretly shy about the secret.

This made Director Hu Ke pay special attention, has been trying to find out, but found nothing.

And this countess was one of the insiders. Although she was arrogant and arrogant, she didn't know how to converge, but she usually didn't want to hear anything from her mouth.

As soon as I heard the news of the natural disaster today, most people would have to hang up, and only a few talents were eligible to board Noah ’s Ark to escape. The other party was so furious and unbelievable.

Obviously, she is not a person who will pity civilians, that is to say, those civilians outside are very important to her, so important that she cannot control her emotions.

Director Hook, there is a terrible guess

The old host "coughed" and pulled everyone's attention back. He said: "Director Hook, you have control of the Bureau of Special Investigations of the Americas, and the sources of intelligence should be reliable. An issue. First, we need to determine the real cause of this natural disaster and see if there is a way to avoid it. "

The members of the Wizarding Society around the round table looked at each other, and many people had not recovered from the shock just now.

They all thought that this time the natural disaster news was only used to return the black cat Tom's favor, and as in the past, they used some things that seemed to be real but only cut off the stage, and fooled the rice civilians.

Unexpectedly, it would be true? !

Then their hundreds of millions of properties, countless beautiful men and women underground lovers, extravagant life, should all disappear?

Everyone knows that boarding Noah's Ark, there can be no such high enjoyment!

In the final analysis, these enjoyments are created by those civilians! Most people hang up, who will create these extravagant lives for them?

But a few of these people knew the terrible secret, but the idea was the same as the countess who did not know how to converge.

Civilians can hang up, and even if they die, it does n’t matter, as long as that thing can be done, but it must never die so worthless, so early!

The host's voice just fell, so everyone nodded in favor, and then someone could not wait to raise their hands to speak.

"Inspector Smith, you are our first detective in the rice country. You have a sharp mind and the magical ability to detect. Please tell us your opinion." The old host of the host ordered a person.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the man. I saw that this was an old man with white hair. Although he was old, he was dressed in a chinchilla and there was nothing unclean.

He held his crutches and stood up slowly, then said.

"Hook said just now that this tidal anomaly cannot be explained by existing scientific theories. That is to say, it is very likely that it is actually from some kind of extraordinary power. I just want to ask a question now, is there any earth on earth An extraordinary person who can do this? "

Everyone nodded their heads at once, seeing blood in a pinch.

The people who can enter this wizard society, except for a few who rely on family resources, most of them have their own unique points.

Just like the countess that everyone hated just now, she is also an alchemist, and no one can challenge her at this point.

Hook smiled and said: "The teacher asked correctly, you are still as keen as ever, with amazing insight, and grasp the key to the problem at once. Yes, we also considered this problem, and there is only one conclusion, that is."

Everyone immediately held their breath and increased their concentration.


Director Hook spoke the word slowly.

"His!" Everyone heard a breath, and took a breath.

In the concept of the big guy, this one is not a good match, there is a long history, if the legend is not fictional

At this time, some people questioned: "Myth belongs to myth, reality is reality ⊥ even if the extraordinary age is coming, God may really exist, but it is not his family on earth. Other gods will watch him drop the flood to destroy the world?"

Hu Ketuo said: "Sorry, sir, your knowledge structure may need to be updated. The God I am talking about is just a reference, referring to our will of the earth. It is not the one who is mythical and legendary. It ’s impossible to show up so early. "

"Well, then you just say Gaia consciousness, why do you have to pull it on God," the man said in anger.

Hook didn't speak, he was speechless, and he just said "God", which is completely his subconscious habit.

Inspector Smith opened the door for his former disciples: "Whether it is God or Gaia is the same for us, they are irresistible. I think today's priority is to communicate with them and understand why The tidal anomaly is to be triggered. Please discuss the candidate for communication. "

If Fang Ning heard it, he would say that the hero saw the same thing, because he thought so

"I propose to invite the Abraham wizards of the Druid line. He is the best at communicating with nature, and he will definitely be able to figure out what Gaia's consciousness wants to do." Soon, someone launched candidates.

However, some people said: "That supernatural power is indeed possible. But he disagrees with the use of the devil to enhance his strength before the Wizarding Society. He has long quit. May he not help now?"

"Humph, stupid guy!" The Count Barrito just put her hands together on the dark brown round table. She seemed to have no dislike of the blood stains on it, sneering, "This is not simple. It was sent by two lawyers. Guy. As long as he kidnapped him with justice and morality, even if the old guy sacrificed his own life, he would also help us ask why the natural disaster happened.

"And just take this opportunity to get rid of this stubborn old thing, so as not to hinder us."

After listening to it, everyone hated the woman even more.

Although everyone thought so, no one would say so.

If you change to someone else, you will only say, "With the noble character of the great wizard of Abraham, I will definitely not account for the previous things. This time I will definitely shoot for countless civilians, even at the expense of myself."

When Hook heard this, he even wanted Robert to die.

Because of that, his nephew, William, can do this easily, without having to sacrifice a great and respectable Druid wizard.

Alas, the **** is not dying, the **** is dying

Abraham the great wizard, with high moral prestige, broad mind and deep strength

The front is all shit, the most important thing is naturally the last one.

He heard that the other party's recent integration with nature is one step closer. According to the latest evaluation criteria of the Dragons in the East, he is already a lake-level master, which is his most important secret Austrian aid.

Hu Ke was able to kill all the way to achieve the position of director of the investigation bureau, naturally not a soft-hearted person.

Abraham was really going to die. He would not be sad for half a point. He would only regret that he lost one of his most powerful weapons and weights.

He always believed that he was greedy for money, unscrupulous, cruel, hypocritical, but still a patriot.

For this country, he can sacrifice many things.

In order to activate William's Spider-Man's nature, he could calculate the diligence, diligence, integrity, innocence, loyalty and patriotism of Robert's agents three times.

Who should sacrifice this time?

He thought about it for a while, and then said: "I don't think we need to be so anxious. This disaster has affected the whole world. You are more anxious than us."

At this time, someone said coldly: "Humph, Mr. Director, I was just urging us to build Noah's Ark as soon as possible. Now why do you say" don't worry "?"

Hook immediately reacted, and his inconsistent performance caused some doubts.

He just urged the construction of Noah's Ark, of course, he wanted to take the opportunity to embezzle a sum of money and cultivate power.

After all, his status is the director of the Bureau of Special Investigation of the Americas. Such a large project requires mobilization of a large amount of social resources to be completed.

If you want to maintain confidentiality in the entire process, you must rely on him to cover up the blockade. In this process, how much money he wants is a matter of words.

Hook understands the minds of these people. Most of them are extremely selfish people. In that window, in order to see the scenery of the window, they can watch the ashamed dead.

Just like myself, so I can understand them.

So he opened his mouth and explained: "Because only building the Noah's Ark, we can't be anxious and let others worry for us"

Everyone suddenly heard the words, suddenly nodded.

The countess's face softened at the moment, and he gave him an approving look.

Only the Lieutenant General York just now was very dissatisfied. He "hummed" and said, "What is the leadership of our rice country? At this time, the world is watching us, and our allies are watching us!"

The countess disdainfully said: "What leadership status is nothing more than the YY of the untouchables, what is the significance of us? When Fuso is on the verge of extinction, he also asks us for help. To save those innocent Fuso people, just let them drown in the water "

The middle-aged man in brown-grey military uniform, Lieutenant General York, said that his face turned red, and he forcedly explained: "That is because the situation is unknown, the fog is heavy, and the radar is not visible. I can't let those precious alcoholics go Sacrifice for a dog we used to raise. "

The Baroness Barito continued: "Since this is the case, we can continue to sit and watch again. Secretary Hook reminded me just now that some people, such as the Eastern Lighthouse, would not watch civilians die. In him In the eyes, Orientals and Westerners should be the same.

"Otherwise, he wouldn't come to New Holland to be Batman ~ ~ and saved a guy who was said to be the Son of God."

Hearing this, around the round table, the core members of these wizarding clubs immediately started to laugh.

"Yes, we can also use the controlled media to create public opinion, hold the Oriental Lighthouse high and shape it as a universal saint. By then, he must also manage the civilians of the United States."

"And we, built Noah's Ark in secret, prepared for all escapes, it was a perfect plan."

"Hahaha, that's right, Mr. Senator."

"The hero sees the same, Your Excellency."

Many members have agreed to this proposal: they decided to set up the Noah's Ark, instigating the Oriental Lighthouse to save the world, and the rice country will once again sit back and watch the success or failure.

Just like the Great Eagle Empire of that year, sitting and watching Erdezi flaunting his power everywhere.

They believe they can still laugh to the end.

For these people, they no longer regard themselves as ordinary people.

Maybe there were many billionaires in the past, with a spirit of equality and sharing, but when the new era comes, they already know how to seek longevity. They have regarded themselves as a higher species.

But there are also a lot of core members, and the representative of the York Lieutenant General is ugly.

To know that no matter what organization, there will not be only one idea.

These people are still deeply fond of the glory of the world not long ago.

Although the practice of these companions is very beneficial to individuals, it is obviously not good for the entire rice country.

Because that would mean that the Rice Congress once again lost a great opportunity to establish authority and lay the foundation of a new era.

They looked at each other and decided to go it alone.

At the end of the month, everyone must have a ticket. Give it a monthly ticket. The four invasions are coming. )

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