Secret Dice

Chapter 182 Final Vote

The moment the prompt that the challenge was successful came on, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, followed by cheers.

After passing all three levels, they can get the highest level reward!

But whether you can get this reward depends on the final round of voting...

"Come on, everyone, vote this night out, and we'll wait to receive the prize!" Zheng Ji clapped his hands, grinning almost to the back of his head.

Luo Jun looked at Zheng Ji. If the challenge hadn't ended, he would have wanted to kick this kid back to the door and let him have a heart-to-heart talk with the lava monster.

No force could be used here, so Luo Jun could only glare at Zheng Ji, so coercive that he was so frightened that he immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He slithered behind Du Jincai.

"I think the performance in this round has proven that Ye is not a mole." Lao Miaomiao came out to speak for Luo Jun.

"Then how do you explain these weird behaviors of his?" Cui Zhenghai said: "Before, he threw Alyssa out for no reason, and just now, he could obviously complete the first shot safely, but he had to run to the cave first, no? Know what you’re doing.”

"This..." Lao Miaomiao knew the reason, but she couldn't say it.

"Didn't he become a prophet? He said it was a hidden mission." Zhu Sanyang suddenly said.

"Hidden mission?" Zheng Ji asked curiously: "Why didn't I receive it?"

"Why do you call it a hidden mission when you have received it?" Cui Zhenghai sighed and looked at Luo Jun: "Is Zhu Sanyang right? This time you returned to the tracker's cave, is it also a hidden mission?"

Luo Jun looked at them and shook his head: "I can't say."

This is basically an admission.

"But I can tell you that there is a traitor among us. If we don't throw him out, the mission will fail!"

"Why don't we look at the clues first," Lao Miaomiao said.

At this time, the voting session had begun, and the ballot box was raised with a red clue box on top.

Red box?

Luo Jun looked at Lao Miaomiao in surprise, and the latter smiled at him and at the same time reached out and took out a complete hidden key.

Permissions obtained by collecting hidden keys? Can we just replace the blue box clue with the red box? With this, things will be much easier to handle.

The box opened and there was a potted plant inside.

"What does the potted plant represent?" Zheng Ji held it up and looked at it, then looked at the white wall at several angles: "Hey, look, from this angle, the silhouette of the branches of the potted plant doesn't look like the word 'night'."

"You're not done yet, are you?" Luo Jun took a step forward and raised his foot as if to kick. Zheng Ji was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, losing the potted plant in his hand. Fortunately, Lao Miaomiao caught it quickly with his sharp hands and eyes.

Everyone stared at the potted plant and kept studying it, but they didn't see any clues. They didn't know what this clue meant.

Luo Jun analyzed it from another angle. First, after verification with dice, Du Jincai and Cui Zhenghai were still suspected...

What does this potted plant have to do with these two people?

He held the photos of Du Jincai and Cui Zhenghai in his hand: "Let's verify it first."

The secret dice is activated and a photo of the dummy is drawn from it!

The dice have turned!

Very good, it shows that there is indeed only one dummy!

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief

"The event difficulty is 51 points, the final point is 95+5 points, the event is successful!"

This double insurance is really a magic skill! Luo Jun sighed inwardly and took one of the two photos.

Du Jincai!

It's him!

Luo Jun looked up at Du Jincai. At this time, he was holding the potted plant, frowning and looking at it carefully. He looked very serious. If there was no dice to prove it, I am afraid no one would connect this loyal elder brother with the pseudo-monster.

Potted plants...Du Jincai...

Luo Jun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stepped forward to grab the potted plant: "Potted plant, the plant is wood, and the bottom is soil. What is the word for wood and soil when they are combined?"


Several people took a step away from Du Jincai.

"Hey, hey...why did it suddenly come to my head?" Du Jincai looked innocent. "It's a bit far-fetched to say that this potted plant is named after Du, right?"

"The last round of clues refers to men." Luo Jun looked at Du Jincai: "And the image of the toy is a warrior, so it probably refers to the martial arts sect."

"There are five men here, including you from the martial arts faction." Du Jincai argued.

"I'm not." Luo Jun shook his head: "And in the third level of the relay, there was a big problem with your stick. You are a local security chief with good strength, will you be swept all the way down the mountain by an avalanche?"

After one reincarnation, Luo Jun already knew that the rules were twisted, and the real dummy might not interfere with the game, but others didn't know that. As long as you can throw dirty water on Du Jincai, you can rely on him for any reason.

"No, the clues in the second round, those two fitness balls have nothing to do with me, right?" Du Jincai was also trying to argue.

"Fitness ball?" Lao Miaomiao took a step forward: "It is usually used by middle-aged and elderly men, right? Captain Du is fifty this year?"

"I'm only forty-eight..."

"That's also the eldest among us." Old Miaomiao laughed: "What else can you say?"

"We already have four clues, each of which can be related to you. In the third level, because you almost failed, it is very reasonable to suspect you!"

As she said that, she also picked up Du Jincai's photo.

Seeing Luo Jun targeting Du Jincai, Lao Miaomiao knew that he must be sure that Du Jincai was a fake. Moreover, the clues about the potted plants do match those of Du Jincai. As for the previous clues, others are not clear about it. Lao Miaomiao knows that only the clues about the red box are really against the dummy!

This is her last chance and the closest she gets to success! In the previous six reincarnations, she had been fighting alone and once fell into despair. Until this man awakened and took her to this step, the step that was about to succeed!

She decided to trust Ye's judgment!

She took a deep breath and stuffed Du Jincai's photo into the ballot box in front of everyone!

Seeing Lao Miaomiao's resolute attitude, the others were somewhat swayed in their thinking. At this time, Luo Junye struck while the iron was hot and came to the ballot box: "My performance in the last round has been very obvious. If I am really a 'ghost', I just need to watch you fail. There is no need to do it at the end." At this critical moment, take the most dangerous shot!"

"Now, all the known clues point to Du Jincai!" As he said that, Luo Jun picked up Du Jincai's photo and stuffed it into the ballot box: "Believe me, all my weird actions are to verify who is the real person." The inner ghost! Join me in Du Jincai!"

At this time, Du Jincai also stepped forward and voted for Luo Jun: "You don't even have a serious explanation. Why do you let us believe your previous abnormal behavior? I firmly believe that you are a mole!"

Zheng Ji followed the vote decisively. He always firmly believed that Ye was the mole.

Now the two are two to two.

Cui Zhenghai and Zhu Sanyang were left without voting.

"Brother Cui, Xiaozhu, we have walked hand in hand along this journey, you have to believe in me!"

"Justice is in the heart of the people. Think about it carefully. Could these three hurdles have gone so smoothly without me?"

"Think about who held the little boy back in the first level!" Lao Miaomiao was also making her last effort: "And just now, who caused us to almost fail, and who turned the tide!"

Both sides were vying for the final votes, and after much hesitation, the two finally cast their votes at the last minute.

The photo was stuffed in behind the back, and neither Luo Jun nor Du Jincai saw who it was...

The results are revealed.

Du Jincai received three votes.

Night received two votes.

Zheng Ji received one vote.

"Why am I still there?" Zheng Ji's eyes widened: "Who voted for it?"

"I voted for it..." Zhu Sanyang raised his hand: "You are too noisy and it makes you unhappy..."

"You're looking for a fight, aren't you?" Zheng Ji rolled up his sleeves, but Luo Jun glared at him and shrank back.

"How could it be..." Du Jincai trembled and shook his head. He looked at Cui Zhenghai, who cast the decisive vote in the end: "Why did you vote for me? You didn't trust Ye before, right?"

Cui Zhenghai smiled and shrugged: "No reason, I only look at logic and evidence. Although Ye's behavior is weird, judging from the current situation, your suspicion is indeed greater than him."

"Why is this!" Du Jincai gritted his teeth and said, "You idiots, actually..." Before he could finish his words, the cage suddenly opened, and several chains shot out, wrapping him tightly and dragging him in.

As the cage disappears, the door to the final treasure chest opens.

Success or failure depends on this, Lao Miaomiao was trembling all over. She was excited about the upcoming victory, but also worried that if something went wrong, she would enter the erasure process...

Step by step towards the treasure house door, the girl who had experienced seven reincarnations unconsciously held Luo Jun's hand. At this time, perhaps only this mysterious man who knew what she had encountered could give her the final support.

Feeling that Lao Miaomiao's palms were all sweaty, Luo Jun patted her shoulder: "Trust me, it's okay."

Lao Miaomiao looked at him blankly. The masked face was not very realistic, and there was almost no expression, but for some reason, it made her feel extra at ease.

Luo Jun sighed in his heart, the effect of this spirit-breaking effect can not only intimidate, but also comfort others. It can be used in many ways...

The five people came all the way to the treasure house door. There were two keys here, plus the last one passed in the third level. All three keys were inserted into the door and pressed the button.

Accompanied by the heavy sound of the machine, the door slowly opened, revealing a splendid treasure house.

Luo Jun's eyes widened in shock at the luxurious furnishings. Compared with the last time when two keys were used to open the treasure house, this time the treasure house was obviously more gorgeous.

But the core is still the five treasure boxes placed in the center.

According to the description, there is one legendary treasure chest, two epic treasure chests, and two rare treasure chests.

What you get depends purely on luck.

Just as everyone was approaching, they were blocked by an invisible barrier. At the same time, a mechanism rose from the ground with a huge keyhole on it.

What does it mean? Several people were stunned, but saw Lao Miaomiao step forward, take out the assembled hidden key, and insert it into the keyhole.

"There is another key?" Cui Zhenghai, Zheng Ji and Zhu Sanyang looked surprised, but they heard Lao Miaomiao explain: "This is the reason for the strange behavior before the night."

Just now, she had received the mission information, captured all the dummies, the hidden mission was completed, and the information could be made public!

The girl choked with excitement and twisted the key tremblingly.


As the key turned, the barrier did not open. Instead, a purple-black space suddenly expanded and enveloped several people!

"What's going on?" Several people immediately became alert. Luo Jun glanced at Lao Miaomiao and found that she also had a look of horror, obviously not expecting the consequences...

"Hehehe... I didn't expect that someone could actually pass the twisted mission..."

"Yeah... But unfortunately, our mastery of this mission has exceeded your imagination... If it just fails, we can let you go if we leave a reward. Now that the mission is completed, I can only ask you to die. …”

Two somewhat familiar voices came, but their tone was strange and not human.

Everyone followed the sound and found two cages standing in the purple space, in which were Du Jincai and Alyssa!

However, as the conversation progressed, the two of them abandoned their human form, and their bodies began to split and deform, eventually becoming two twisted, weird, and disgusting monsters!

Luo Jun had only seen this kind of creature in the Midnight Hotel.

Chaos creature!

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