Secret Dice

Chapter 142 (4600) I have a friend

Although it has never been successful, after all, he has more than sixty days of challenge experience. The experience of the Golden Blade Witch is very useful to Luo Jun. He listened and observed the demons on the field.

"How long will the hundred-day period last?" Luo Jun asked, moving his joints.

"I am the team responsible for the rescue." Jin Feng Witch said: "The person who activated this relic was Ling Shen. He said that he came in in the morning on the first day, and it is now the ninety-eighth day. In other words, the deadline is Until the morning of the day after tomorrow.”

"By the way, did you see Ling Shen when you passed the fourth floor? Is he okay?"

"He has mutated." Luo Jun said, "I freed him."

When he said this, Luo Jun could feel the Jin Feng Witch's emotions fluctuating, but she quickly calmed down.

"Thank you."

"It's too early to say thank you." Luo Jun stretched his body: "There are still about a dozen clan troops on the third floor, and they should be among your team members. They are all on the verge of collapse. There are others coming to save you. Hunter...if we can't kill this monster within three days, everyone will die!"

"You've already tried it, why don't you give up?" Jin Feng Witch looked at Luo Jun.

"Aren't you determined to give up?" Luo Jun snorted coldly: "Otherwise, you would have said so much to me?"

With that said, he walked onto the field.

Just listening to experience is not enough, you have to try it yourself.

The first day is counted as the day it comes in. The one hundred days should be the same moment as the one hundred and first day. Then there are still three zero points before the deadline, which means there are three opportunities to heal and refresh the dice system... How? Using these is the key to defeating this monster.

Arriving at the edge of the field, Luo Jun took a deep breath and stepped in, but did not go deep. He stood within three meters of the edge of the field so that he could exit at any time.

The golem in the center of the field seemed to sense the intruder, began to stretch its body, turned into a fighting form, and rushed over brandishing a big axe!

"The main attack methods are downward slashing, sweeping and diagonal slashing... I will give priority to using axes to attack, and occasionally use kicks and foot stamps. There are several angles where the joint movement will be limited..."

Silently reciting the information from the Golden Edge Witch, Luo Jun stared at the attacking monster and saw him raising his ax to strike head-on!

Get out of the way!

Luo Jun did not use the dice, but took two steps to the side and dodged the attack with his own strength.

The last time he challenged him, he was unprepared for the strength of the monster and was caught off guard. In a hurry, it was difficult to dodge. This time, he had made sufficient preparations and predictions, and with the security boundary behind him, his mentality and actions were completely different from before.

Although this monster is extremely powerful, it is bulky after all, and the ax in its hand is also very heavy. Its attack speed is fast enough for ordinary people, but in Luo Jun's opinion, it is almost meaningless. As long as he can see through the way, dodge and Not difficult.

If the dice were rolled, the difficulty is estimated to be less than thirty... but the severity factor is definitely high enough.

The next blow is coming! The monster pulled out the ax that was on the ground and took advantage of the situation and made a diagonal kick!

This time it was a little more difficult than the downward slash, but it was still manageable. Luo Jun dodged again and barely managed to avoid the ax blade.

At this time, the ax in the golem's hand drew a circle in the air, and came back with a sweep!

Compared with the downward slash and the upward kick, the sweeping attack surface is larger and more difficult to dodge. Luo Jun finally summoned the dice this time.

"Dodge the attack!"

"Ding, the event difficulty is 47, the final point is 70+5, the event is successful!"

The moment the prompt sounded, Luo Jun jumped forward, passed the sharp ax blade, ducked his head to avoid the ax handle, came to the feet of the golem, and punched its ankle!

When he was on the upper level, this punch was enough to penetrate the armor and twist the joints. But this time, Luo Jun's fist was so painful that his bones were almost broken... Looking at the thick armor, there were only slight dents. .

Being deprived of the fifth-level solid state, that is thirty-two times stronger!

At this moment, the demon suddenly raised one foot and kicked Luo Jun!

When it comes, it will try to attack with its kicks in the blind spot that the ax cannot reach!

Luo Jun remembered the experience taught by the Golden Edge Witch, and retreated to the blind corner of the kick, easily dodging the attack.

Taking advantage of this moment, the demon statue rotated its body and swung the ax to strike again!

But before the ax could hit him, Luo Jun had already taken several steps back and exited the field!

The golem's movements stopped for an instant, and then it retreated to the center of the field as if going back in time, and curled up again.


Luo Jun let out a sigh of relief.

After all, the experience you hear is not as real as experiencing it yourself. The brief confrontation just now gave him a deeper understanding of the attacks of high-level golems. Next time, he should be able to dodge more freely.

After resting at the edge of the field for a while, he stepped in again!

In this way, Luo Jun kept pulling at the edge of the field. When he encountered an attack that he was sure he could dodge, he relied on his own operations. If he encountered a situation that was really difficult to dodge, he would use the dice and rely on his high luck level and point correction to dodge. Start attacking.

If you find that your condition is declining and something is going to go wrong, you should decisively withdraw from the venue, rest for a while, adjust your condition and try again.

Every confrontation with a high-level demon was fraught with danger. The more encounters he had, the more Luo Jun admired the Golden Peak Witch. He couldn't imagine how he could deal with such a terrifying monster if his attributes were only 15% of what they were now.

In the stands, the Golden Edge Witch looked at "Ye" who kept trying, and the glimmer of hope that was originally ignited in her eyes gradually extinguished.

It is true that I can dodge attacks every time this night, but the content of this challenge is not to dodge, but to defeat the golem.

The real difficulty is how to break through the golem's defense with flesh and blood!

While Ye was dodging, he was also constantly looking for opportunities to counterattack, but none of them could cause effective damage to the high-level golem... If this continues, no matter how many times he challenges, it will be in vain!

But looking at the night on the field, he seemed not to realize this, and still continued to challenge tirelessly. With the challenges again and again, more than half of the ninety-eighth day had passed. According to the outside time, it was almost night Already...

At this time, Luo Jun had one last chance to roll the dice. As the number of challenges increased, he became more and more familiar with the attack patterns of the golem, and he could guarantee that he would not be put in danger for a long time. It has been more than three hours since the last time I used the dice.

But it is impossible for a person not to make mistakes all the time. In this battle, he accidentally took a wrong step and was disrupted by the monster. By the time he adjusted, the ax had already arrived!

Activate the dice!

"Ding, the event difficulty is 66, the final points are 5+5 points, the event failed!"


Luo Jun was horrified and immediately activated his repentance ability, but the last dice was also consumed and he could only dodge completely by his own ability.

Although you won't be able to enjoy the bonus brought by the dice this way, at least you can avoid the consequences of a big failure!

Luo Jun spotted the direction in which the ax was coming and dodged with all his strength...


A burst of blood appeared, and a severed arm flew into the air spinning.

Looking at Luo Jun again, he endured the severe pain and crawled out of the venue...

The arm was cut off from the upper arm and blood flowed profusely. Luo Jun endured the pain and pinched the wound to barely stop the bleeding.

This is not the most serious injury he has suffered, but this is the first time a limb has been cut off...

"It will recover after zero o'clock." The Golden Blade Witch behind said calmly: "Before then, don't challenge anymore."

Luo Jun nodded. He had run out of dice rolls and his arm was broken. He really couldn't challenge it anymore.

Looking at the panel, there are still dozens of experience points left before upgrading... I thought that this flash would increase my experience a lot, but I didn't expect that it failed and I even got an arm.

Fortunately, he had extraordinary bones and his wounds healed faster than ordinary people. The bleeding stopped not long after, but he looked a little weak from the pain.

"You have experienced it firsthand, right?" Jin Feng Witch looked at Luo Jun: "To pass this level, the biggest difficulty is not to avoid the attack of the golem, but to defeat the golem."

"You have challenged so many times and evaded countless attacks, but you have never succeeded in breaking through the defense. And your opponent can destroy you with just one hit."

Luo Jun looked at the Golden Edge Witch: "By the way, how did you get through the previous level?"

Luo Jun suddenly remembered that the upper level was deprived of vitality, and the acquired bones of ordinary people were not as good as his innate bones. If the witch could pass the fourth level, he should be able to pass the fifth level using the same method.

"Me?" The witch smiled: "My growth rate is pretty good, close to 70%. I am at the sixth level of Strengthening the Realm, and my acquired bones are more than eighty times that of ordinary people..."

70%? ! This level is basically what Mr. Yuan said is the limit of normal cultivation... This talent is really abnormal!

More than eighty times. If you have this bone, this high-level demon is indeed not difficult to deal with...

"So you know." Jin Feng Witch sighed: "It is impossible to pass this level."

"It's almost impossible." Luo Jun looked at the demon statue huddled back in the center of the field: "But as long as I'm alive, there is hope!"

"You are very optimistic." Jin Feng Witch was a little surprised: "Seeing you wearing a mask, I thought you were like me, a person who likes to hide his heart."

Luo Junxin said that what I hide is not my heart, but this handsome face.

"So what if you're not optimistic?" Luo Jun snorted and said, "Besides, you've survived more than seventy days? If you were really desperate, you wouldn't have waited until I showed up."

"Maybe I'm afraid of death." Jin Feng Witch smiled.

"Everyone is afraid of death." Luo Jun let out a long breath: "Who is not struggling to survive?"

"Since we can't change this ruin, let's work as hard as possible until the last moment under these damn rules!"

The Golden Edge Witch was slightly startled, then paused for a few seconds and said, "I... know someone who said something similar to you."

"Oh?" Luo Jun found that chatting could relieve the pain to a certain extent, "Was your friend trapped somewhere?"

"He and I... may not be considered friends..." Jin Feng Witch shook her head: "We haven't spoken a few words in total, and the recent exchanges have not been pleasant..."

These are not friends, they are almost enemies... Luo Jun complained in his heart.

Not noticing the black line under Luo Jun's mask, Jin Feng Witch continued: "He is an orphan, in an environment that he is not good at dealing with, doing things that he is not good at, and he has to work harder than others at every step. , but did not get corresponding rewards. But he is still optimistic, and even if he has no time to take care of himself, he will step forward to help others. "

Isn’t this a model young man? How can you be unhappy with such a person? What a bad character you have?

Luo Jun looked at the Golden Edge Witch with a hint of vigilance in his eyes. At the same time, he still had some sympathy for the orphan she mentioned. He was about to sigh about the difficulty of being an orphan, but suddenly realized that he could not be seen by others. …

Even if someone sees that he is an orphan, it won't work.

"Haha, orphans lack the care of a complete family and basically have psychological problems." Luo Jun said against his will the words that others had used to arrange him: "The qualities you see may be just disguise, and he may be a dark guy at heart... …”

"It's rude to judge others like that!"

Jin Feng Witch, who had been indifferent just now, suddenly became fierce: "You don't know him well, and you only rely on your so-called experience to make assumptions about others. How is this different from those irresponsible cyber bullies? How many people do you know? Did you suffer misfortune because of the slander and slander of people like you? Do you know how much harm such irresponsible remarks can cause to others?”

Luo Jun was stunned by the scolding. His original intention was to get rid of the label of orphan so that others could not guess his true identity. Why was this Golden Edge Witch so excited all of a sudden?

This woman doesn't have a crush on that orphan, right?

Although he was scolded, Luo Jun felt a little warm in his heart, but seeing that the other party was obviously really angry, he didn't want to get into trouble again, and apologizing didn't fit his current personality, so he could only pretend to be cool and snorted, and fell into silence.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the venue where there were only two people.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, as the zero hour arrived, a warm current enveloped Luo Jun. His broken arm regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the lost energy was replenished.

Okay, while you are in good condition, continue the challenge!

He moved his body and stepped into the field again.

Although the mid-level point correction has been refreshed, Luo Jun is not in a hurry to add more points. Firstly, he keeps it just in case. Secondly, the attributes are slightly lower, and the difficulty and severity multiplier when dodging attacks will be slightly higher.

Now he is only one step away from upgrading. After upgrading, the attributes of the previous level must be added. His next chance of succeeding in rolling the dice is best given to an event with a high difficulty and severity coefficient, so that the experience will overflow a lot. It is very possible to use the six refresh opportunities to complete the upgrade again and obtain the greatest improvement in the shortest time!

To defeat this impossible enemy, you must mobilize all available resources and strengthen yourself as much as possible!

With a preliminary plan in mind, Luo Jun stood on the sidelines, waiting for the high-level demon to wake up and rush over.

Dodge, counterattack, deal with... With the experience of the previous day, Luo Jun's movements became smoother and his response became more comfortable. He attacked several times in a row without letting the golem touch him.

But again, it is impossible for a person not to make mistakes, especially when his ability is greatly reduced now. Facing an enemy that is far stronger than himself, he cannot continue to deal with it indefinitely.

Finally, the high-level demon caught a flaw in Luo Jun and launched a dangerous attack!

Come on!

"Ding, the event difficulty is 48 points, the final points are 16+5, the event failed!"

If you fail, do you want to regret it and start over?

Luo Jun made a judgment in an instant. The golem's blow was not an axe, but a kick. He had successfully dodged the kick before, and the severity factor was about six times. Hitting one kick shouldn't be a big problem. At worst, he would have to leave the venue to repair for a while... …

Thinking of this, he tried his best to avoid damage and received the kick head-on!


The huge steel hoof kicked Luo Jun. Even though he tried his best to defend himself, he still felt that his whole body was shaking and his joints were in severe pain. Then, he felt that the golem's hoof seemed to have changed its direction and sent him flying. go out……

Wait... fly?


Luo Jun suddenly reacted and kicked him towards the center of the field!

When he looked up, he saw that the huge demon statue had already taken great strides to catch up with him and swung the ax at him!

He was too far away from the edge of the field and couldn't withdraw from the battle. The joints all over his body still hurt, and his dodge was not very flexible...

Activate the dice!

Get out of the way!

"Ding, the event difficulty is 88 points, and the final point is 100+15 points! The event was successful!"

Great, it worked!

Not caring about the wasted intermediate correction, Luo Jun felt excited and tried his best to avoid it, but when he exerted force, he felt severe pain in his ankle, making it difficult to move...

how so? Wasn't it successful?

He gritted his teeth and kicked hard, but it was too late to dodge. At this speed, even if he avoided the vital point, one of his legs would be removed... By then he would be in the middle of the field, and there would be nowhere to escape!

At this moment, the fallen ax of the golem actually stopped in mid-air, and then his body began to twist unnaturally, retreated to the center of the field, and began to curl up in front of Luo Jun, changing into a standby state.


Thanks to _ec for the 100 reading coins!

Thanks to reader 1343008251650068480 for the 1,500 starting coins!

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