Chapter 102: Fatherly Kindness and Filial Piety Still Exist.

Events are fermenting all over the world, and the same is true of the Naval Headquarters.

The difference is that in the Admiral’s office, the information learned is far more than that of the Fire Festival.

Pushing back his need to work and creating a space for being alone, Sengoku took out the phone bug that had previously sounded in his arms. As he expected, it wasn’t long before the Shen Talk Worm sounded again.

Sengoku picked up the phone bug, and after half a moment, a voice came from the earpiece.

“Millet fruit!”

“Great Xianbei.”

The other side took the secret sign of the Warring States and immediately opened his mouth,

“It’s me.”

Hearing this, the voice of the Warring States continued to sound,

“Luo Nandi, how are you these days, I haven’t heard from you for a while, I’m worried about you.”

Corazon’s hand holding the microphone tightened slightly, and his heart warmed at the same time as he explained: “Recently, together with four other cadres, I participated in the Flame Festival of the Kingdom of Wano with four other cadres. ”

This is news that the world has been fiercely discussing in recent days, and the Warring States have naturally toured it no less than several times, that is, they are satisfied with the environment of the country of peace and feel palpitations about the country’s combat strength.

In particular, the thunder fruit that had been hidden for a hundred years reappeared, or matched a highly gifted girl.

Whenever he thought of this, he felt extremely sorry why such a talented and fruitful figure did not appear in their navy

“What I want to say this time is that Doflamingo is involved in the action between the four emperors.”

Luo Nandi’s words pulled the thoughts of the Warring States back, and through the information from the world government, he also knew this, and Doflamingo exchanged the snow fruit for this reward, and the secrecy was very high.

So these days, the Warring States have also been waiting for Luo Nandi’s report.

“Doflamingo is involved in situations that are undesirable in every sense, and it is definitely an important matter that can change the pattern of the new world, and the look is also rigorous:

“You say.”

After once again making sure that there were no outsiders around, Corazon continued: “Doflamingo, will be in charge… The artificial demon fruit produced by the country of Wano! Among them, it is mainly the trading and transportation link in this industrial chain, and the first batch will be shipped to Kaiduo in half a year! ”


The tea that Sengoku had not yet had time to swallow was sprayed on a table, and he immediately put the microphone to his mouth with a shocked look.

“Are you sure it’s true?!”

“This is true, it was the information he came back to share with us at that time, as for the artificial demon fruit, we have not seen it with our own eyes, but it should not be false.”

After a while, the Warring States Fang, who had been somewhat silent, continued to ask, “How much do you know about the information about the Artificial Demon Fruit?” ”

“It seems that the general animal family has certain side effects, and I don’t know more specifically.”

Rosnindi explained, and then said his thoughts: “Doflamingo will personally transport this first batch, I can figure out his route, and then I can let the navy intercept it halfway.” ”

“No, it’s too risky.”

Sengoku did not hesitate to refuse.

Even after figuring out the route of Doflamingo, Crane has always had difficulty catching the flexible Doflamingo. Especially after this dew, under that pursuit, Luo Nandi will fall into a great risk.

Besides, this is only the first batch at the beginning.

Hearing this, Corazon did not speak, quietly waiting for the Sengoku to give him an answer.

“Rosandi, just keep the status quo and then report back to me the exact time of the shipment, and Kaido’s side will infiltrate our people.”

“At present, it is a priority to find out the situation of this artificial demon fruit, understand?”

After hearing the other party’s answer and giving instructions to pay attention to safety, the telephone worm hung up in the hands of the Warring States.

Rubbing the corners of his forehead with some headaches, Sengoku then took out the telephone worm above him and began to convey this information that could not be underestimated to the five old stars of the docking.

As a result, as the Warring States said, since a special industrial chain has been formed, the world government naturally pays special attention to this product of the changes in the new era.

But until then, how effective it is, as well as side effects, these can be experimented with the help of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

If it is a degree that can be accepted by the world government, they do not mind mixing a hand in the industrial chain after that.

After all, whether it is an arms deal, or a sea floor stone processing, one of the big buyers in the sense of the country of peace is the world government.

As long as it is beneficial to the world government, trading with pirates will not make them feel much shame.


And Kaido, who did not know the news of the artificial demon fruit, had already been leaked out.

At this moment, the Hundred Beasts Pirates were still worried that their captain was in a period of instability of rage.

Somewhere in the middle of an island in the New World, in the area of Kaido’s base camp, the sound of fury is heard from time to time

“Maude, that guy, that’s Lao Tzu’s son!” When did you become that bastard person completely?! ”

“And Yamato’s stinky boy, who has the blood of Lao Tzu flowing through his body, actually righteously and sternly wants to be Maude’s side to fight against Lao Tzu!”

With a roar, the table turned directly into crumbs under the sound of Kaido’s venting.

After learning that Yamato possessed the Fruit of the Thunder, Kaido asked Maud to be unsuccessful, and the situation was now there. Maud, who is far away in the country of peace, is not accustomed to Kaido.

If there was some jealousy at the beginning, now, in terms of strength and status, Maud is now higher than Kaido.

Moreover, he still occupies the leading position in the Smile industry chain, and Kaido’s anger, not daring to really contradict himself, can only become a catharsis of incompetent rage.

“Well performed.”

Maud rubbed the large and shaking white hairs.

“How could I have left Maude because of that stinky daddy?”

Yamato smugly enjoyed the warmth coming from overhead.

In every sense, under his own infection, he has become the highest position in Yamato’s heart.

Not to mention that Kaido had previously bargained with Yamato as a commodity in the phone bug, but deliberately let Yamato next to him listen word for word.

In one fell swoop, Yamato’s sense of recognition of the hundred beasts was minimized, and now it is for his own sake, and the filial piety of the father and the son still exists in this time and space.

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