Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 704 Obito, where are you from?

In the conference room, everyone looked solemn.

"Shikaku, how many troops can the village mobilize in the shortest time?"

Nara Shikaku stood up and said:

"Leaving aside the genin and the ninjas who are performing tasks and commissions, the village can form a ninja force of more than three thousand people in one day, with jounin and special jounin as the main force, and chunin as the main force."

"Three thousand people?"

Yan calculated it:

"That's enough. I need these people to mobilize immediately. I will personally lead the army to the front line tonight. We need to stop the enemy at the door. Since the enemy invaded the Fire Country from the Rain Country, we need to defeat them. Go back to the land of rain.”

Regardless of whether it is a world-class war or not, the battlefield cannot be placed on one's own territory.

Otherwise, after a big war, the entire Fire Country will become a mess. The Rain Country is the most suitable place.


The Third Hokage stood up and objected seriously:

"The Sixth Generation, the vanguard army will still be led by me personally and rush to the front line. The village still needs you to be in charge. We need to prevent sudden attacks from the enemy. Naruto's safety can only be guaranteed if he is by your side."

"Although I am old, my strength has not declined too much."

"Yan, the old man is right. When the war breaks out, the village still needs you. The old man is strong enough to sit on the front line and resist the enemy."

Tsunade also joined in the persuasion: "Wait until reinforcements from other villages arrive. Then it won't be too late for you to go to the front line."

"What the Sandaime and the Fifth Daime said makes sense. The village still needs the Hokage to be in charge. It is not appropriate for the Hokage to go directly to the border."

With the Third Hokage and Tsunade taking the lead, others agreed.

Although the possibility of the tragedy in Suna Ninja Village happening to Konoha is extremely small, who can guarantee that such a thing will not happen?

The village's protective shield may not be able to stop the opponent.

In addition, in the early stages of the war, there were too many people and materials that needed to be mobilized. These all needed to be handled by Hiko, the Hokage himself, so it was most reasonable for Hiko to stay in the village first.

When reinforcements from other villages arrive, it will not be too late to rush to the front line.

A war cannot end in a few days.

"Then the vanguard army will be led by the Sandaime himself. I will send Jiraiya and Orochimaru to go with you."

No matter what grudges he had in the past, Yan would choose to believe in the Third Hokage at this time.

It would also be a good choice to let him continue to shine.

"I will not betray the trust of the village and the Sixth Generation."

The Third Hokage is confident that he will drive the enemy out of the Land of Fire and place the battlefield in the Land of Rain, even though he is older and his strength has declined a lot.

"Ning Zuo, I need you to follow me to the battlefield to guard against a surprise attack by members of the Akatsuki organization."


Uchiha Nazuo had no objection and nodded in agreement.

It just so happened that he also wanted to do some activities, and the people from the Akatsuki organization were the best candidates.

In the world he was in, he had not experienced a war with the Bai Jue army, but he could make up for it now.

"Elder Mito Kadeni cooperates with the Third Generation and gives priority to meeting all the needs of the vanguard army."

"Shikaku, I need you to take the lead and organize the ninjas from each family. These people need to rush to the front line for support at any time."

"The logistics department and the medical department must be prepared. People in the medical department cannot be left alone, otherwise they will become targets of Bai Zetsu's attacks. Everyone travels in at least three people, and the protection of medical ninjas also needs to be improved."

In the original work, the White Jue army tormented the coalition ninjas a lot, causing the coalition ninjas to panic. They felt that everyone was an enemy and no one could be trusted.

But that happened some time after the war broke out.

It was quiet for a while at first.

The vanguard didn't need to hold out for long before he could rush to the front line, and then Naruto would follow.

Yan also wanted Naruto to go with him, but he didn't put forward this suggestion because it would be opposed by everyone.

Everyone believed that Naruto would only be safe if he followed him.

Orders were sent out from the Hokage's office building one after another, and the entire Konoha entered a state of war mobilization.

It was not only Konoha that entered a state of war together. Suna Ninja Village, Iwa Ninja Village, and Mist Ninja Village also started to move when they received the letter asking for help.

Several villages will form a group of support troops in the shortest possible time and rush to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Onoki, Rasa, and Terumi Mei, who had already been mentally prepared, rushed to the Land of Fire with the first batch of reinforcements.

Konoha also sent news from the Cloud Ninja Village.

Ai slapped the table hard: "Damn it!!"

When the White Zetsu army organized by Akatsuki attacks the Country of Fire, other villages among the five major ninja villages will take action to support Konoha. Only the Kumo Ninja Village cannot move unless Kirabi is also brought to the Country of Fire.

Ai didn't want to just sit in the village stupidly.

Just thinking that he might be attacked on the way out of the village with Kirabi, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Rather than running around, it would be safest for Kirabi to stay in the Cloud Ninja Village.

Unless they can fly to Konoha.

Flying there... It's not impossible, just find Onoki. The problem is, they can fly, and so can the Akatsuki organization.

Don't bump into Six Paths Payne on the way, the result will be...

Ai couldn't help but shook his head. He was confident in his own strength, but he would not foolishly think that he, Onoki and Kirabi could stop Nagato.

"Pass on my order, the village will immediately enter a state of war. Everyone is mobilized. The Akatsuki organization has declared war head-on."

In the original work, Obito also gave the five major ninja villages and the ninja world some preparation time, but that was given by Obito.

Nagato won't do this kind of thing. If you want to fight, just fight. Give you time to prepare?


Therefore, it is impossible for the Five Shadows to get together and start the Five Shadows Talks, and they can only passively accept the war.

Kirabi couldn't move around casually, and Ai could only wait patiently in Yun Ninja Village for the latest news.

At the border of the Land of Fire, the members of the Akatsuki organization were sitting together. Everyone's eyes were on Obito. They felt that Obito was mentally ill.

What the hell, you led everyone and the White Zetsu army into the Land of Fire, but the ninjas who ran into Konoha retreated, fighting and retreating all the way, and they all retreated to the Land of Rain.

What is this scenario?

They just retreated, but they still held us down and wouldn't let us move out.

To buy time for Konoha?

Which side are you, Obito Uchiha?

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"Obito, we have retreated to the Kingdom of Rain. Konoha's ninjas are still chasing us. The longer the delay, the more prepared the enemy will be. This..."

"The White Zetsu army will only obey my orders. If you have any objections, you can attack Konoha yourself."

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