Saving Uchiha starts by flipping the table

Chapter 112 The clan meeting begins, and the hard-liners are frightened when they see Yan

My daughter doesn't even dare to express her feelings. How can she compete with Master Tsunade's disciples?

It seems a bit hanging.

Forget it, let the children handle their own affairs.

Shaking her head, Hazuki decided not to care about it.

This time she was indeed a little too enthusiastic. In addition to caring about Yan, she also wanted to wake up her daughter Kazuhiko.

As a result, the daughter was so stupid that she could only smile, which actually scared Yan away.

The atmosphere of the village began to change visibly. In addition to the increase in ANBU manpower, many ninja teams also returned to the village and joined the patrol and guard teams.

News about Mudun and human experiments gradually spread along Daming Mansion.

When the news reached Konoha, the Third Hokage did not send anyone to intercept it. He had already prepared for the worst.

Yan sat quietly in the police department, eating melon, watching the show, and watching the situation develop in an intense direction.

Also be prepared to attend clan meetings and entertain Danzo.

Danzo has been sent to prison and received special treatment with high salary.

As long as the ANBU and the ninjas on duty in the prison arrange everything, the Uchiha people can enter the prison and personally guard Danzo.

In order to put enough pressure on Konoha, the daimyo even sent a delegation of envoys to Konoha to inquire about this matter.

More and more people began to discuss this matter in the village.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the events to ferment as time goes by.

After get off work, he went home to wash up and put on clean clothes. Yan took Quan with him to attend the clan meeting.

This was Quan's first time attending a family gathering. The little girl was very nervous and followed Yan cautiously.

When I met people going to the family ancestral hall on the road, I stopped immediately to say hello.

In order to build momentum, all the chuunin of the Fugaku franchise family participated in this month's clan meeting.

Fugaku knew very well that almost all the younger generation of ninjas in the family regarded Yan as their idol and admired him very much. With the participation of these family juniors and Yan's leadership, they could definitely force the hardliners to bow their heads.

Don't underestimate these younger generation of ninjas.

If these young ninjas don't support you, or even think that you are unwilling to sacrifice for the family, only rely on your old age and cling to the power in your hands, then your reputation within the family will definitely plummet.

It was Quan's first time attending a clan meeting. In order to prevent the girl from making a joke or being scolded due to her nervousness, Yan had no choice but to take her with him along the way.

"Don't be nervous and behave naturally. Although it is your first time to participate in the clan meeting, and you and Aunt Yeyue are outsiders, as long as you don't make mistakes, no one will take the initiative to trouble you."

On the way, Yan comforted the nervous Quan.

"Besides, even if you make a mistake, what can you do? Don't forget, you are mine now. Anyone who dares to cause trouble for you is just trying to get in trouble with me, Uchihahiko. Even the family elders have to weigh it."

"Is the captain so powerful?"

After Yan's comfort, Quan slowly relaxed and followed Yan with an adoring look on his face.

It's just because her body hasn't grown yet and she can't keep up with Yan when she walks. As a result, she walks a little slower than normal and runs faster. She can only take one step at a time and then jump a little to follow Yan.

It looks like a little rabbit, jumping up and down.

"Nonsense, otherwise you think that if you say hello to people along the way, they will respond enthusiastically to you?"

Because he was a newcomer or a junior, Quan saluted and said hello to the seniors heading to the ancestral hall along the way. Without exception, everyone responded to Quan with a smile.

Some even stopped and chatted.

It gave Quan the illusion that the senior members of the family seemed to be getting along quite well.'s so easy to get along with!

Even within the family, the strength is not strong enough and there is not enough deterrence. Do you want to be recognized and respected by everyone?


Fortunately for ordinary people, the stronger the Uchiha ninjas are, the more they like to have a cold face.

"I thought everyone got along better."

Quan smiled sheepishly and followed Yan closely, fearing that Yan would leave her behind and leave.

Fugaku hasn't arrived at the family ancestral hall yet, but the guards from the patriarch's courtyard are already guarding the place.

Seeing Yan coming, several guards bowed their heads slightly to say hello. Yan nodded in response and led Quan into the ancestral hall.

Because there are many people attending the clan meeting, and the clan meeting will not discuss anything about the village, the confidentiality does not need to be too strict.

The location of the clan meeting was also moved from the secret room to the main hall of the ancestral hall.


"Yan, you're here."

Upon Yan's arrival, many clan members stood up to say hello. Yan responded with a smile, not forgetting to introduce the little girl behind him.

"This is Izumi Uchiha, my work secretary. This is my first time attending a clan meeting, so I'm a little nervous. Everyone, please relax and don't scare the children."


As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Quan was so embarrassed that he clenched his fists, blushed, and lowered his head like an ostrich.

The clan leader and some of the older clan jounin also joked:

"It's not good to be shy. Since you are the person next to Yan, you have to learn from him. I think when Yan first attended the clan meeting, he completely ignored us old men!!"

Enough is enough for you too.

I can bring out my own dark history.

Yan smiled silently and walked to the front seat to sit down. Zhi Yan winked and pushed the people around him away to make way for Quan.

Izumi became the only clan member with a chuunin status, but sat among a group of jounin and special jounin.

This made the family chunin sitting in the back very jealous.

It's a pity that Izumi Yuhiko can sit directly in front because of his support, but they can't.

Even the elders of the family would not let them come to the front. As for was just to save face.

Quan obediently hid behind Yan, not even daring to stick his head out.

As time goes by, more and more tribesmen arrive.

The family elders also arrived, but several elders from the elder faction had already realized that Fugaku would cause trouble at the clan meeting, so they looked worried.

Especially when they sat down and saw Yan Hou not far away, their hearts skipped a beat.

It's okay that Fugaku took action, but what they were most afraid of was that Yan would cause trouble.

Yan is in a hurry and doesn't care about your family's rules. In addition, there were rumors in the family that Yan's blood stain disease is getting worse.

The elders were afraid that Yan would become more unscrupulous because of his blood stain disease.

I'm so damn sick, why do I care about your family's rules?

I'm going to do things that I don't like, and I'm going to do things to people that I don't like. Anyway, I don't live long.

Shortly after the elders arrived, Fugaku also came with Itachi who was able to participate in the clan meeting.

However, Itachi did not sit in the front, but sat obediently in the back with the chunin of the family.

Sitting in the position of the clan leader, Fugaku glanced at Izumi who was obediently hiding behind Yan. Fugaku didn't say anything and said calmly:

"Then the monthly clan meeting will begin."

As Fugaku opens his mouth, it means that if the family has any important matters, they can bring them up and everyone can talk and negotiate slowly.

"Clan leader."

Yan was the first to raise his hand and stood up.

It would be better if this kid doesn't do anything stupid.

Seeing Yan standing up, the hard-line elders' eyelids twitched, and the tribesmen also looked at him in surprise and said to themselves:

Are you so positive? This is just the beginning.

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