Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 7: Wild sister ilia

Seeing the hotter and hotter "battlefield", Shirou gradually retreated to avoid being involved. In Fuyuki City, Shiro wandered aimlessly, looking at the city that he had seen for five years, and his heart was full of dismay. After all, after the war, Shiro will leave here and do not know when he will come back.

As he walked, Shirou came to a park nearby and looked at the two-handed bars beside the park, which reminded her of the scene when he saw Sakura and Shinji for the first time.

With a sound of "咻", a chain struck Shilang directly, and Shi Lang projected the crimson queen like a conditioned reflex, blocking the assault.

"Not bad, it can block my attack." Behind Shilang appeared a man with long green hair, or a woman? Shiro couldn't tell the difference.

"Servant? He attacked me suddenly. It seems that he is ready to go to war." Shi Lang looked at the servant who appeared, his expression did not fluctuate, he looked at this person as if he was looking at a dead thing.

"Yeah, that look is good, but I came to say hello today. Come out, my master." After the follower finished speaking, a petite figure appeared behind him (her).

"Meeting for the first time, big brother, I am Ilia." The silver-haired girl appeared in front of Shirou and introduced herself to Shirou.

"Then, why did you take the initiative to meet with me? What is your purpose?" Shilang looked at the unimpressed girl in front of him. Although she was cute and an enemy, she must first understand the situation.

"Illiya is Shirou's older sister, but I'm Keiji's daughter." Illiya explained.

"Daddy's daughter? Haven't heard of it." Shi Lang looked at the so-called "sister" in front of him and did not relax his vigilance.

"Illiya just came to see what the person my father chose was like. It seems that my father's point of view has not changed. He chose the same successor as him." Illiya looked at Shirou's expression and performance. Lai became more and more like that cold man back then, and couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Shi Lang looked at Ilia in front of him, silently, directly projecting Pandora, and said flatly.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of the old man."

Open Pandora's box and switch to cannon mode. Attacked directly at Yi Liya and them.

"Lancer, stop him." Illia signaled to her servant. I saw the green Lancer drew countless chains from his side to form a wall to block Pandora's attack.

"This weapon is magical." The green Lancer watched the iron chain actually suffer some damage, and became cautious.

Shiro watched Lancer easily block his offense, without eagerness, continued to turn Pandora's gear and slowly adjusted his form.

In the next second, Shiro switched to flywheel mode and directly controlled Pandora to attack the lancer.

"To reduce the confrontation with his weapon." Lancer looked at the flying flywheel and hung it under the flywheel with an iron chain, intending to stop the flywheel. Unexpectedly, the flywheel was not under his control and directly accelerated and rushed. The lancer directly resisted this time through the characteristic of being unable to be injured by contact with the ground.

"Immortality, the heroic spirit still uses the iron chain, this range can be reduced a lot, lancer." Shirou looked at the attack invalid, said flatly, and continued to turn the gears.

"Your weapon must be re-adjusted for every attack, I'm not wrong." Lancer looked at Shiro's attack pattern and guessed the drawbacks of Shiro's weapon.

"Then, the close attack is good." The lancer directly rushed to Shi Lang without giving him any time to adjust.

Seeing that the lancer came directly, Shi Lang had no choice but to use the Scarlet Queen to parry.

However, the lancer's attack was more violent and heavier than the last red a. Moreover, the bonus of immortality allowed Shirou to appreciate the advantages of the follower himself.

"That's not good, you have to keep your distance." With the help of the flames of the Scarlet Queen, Shi Lang fascinated the lancer for a while, opened the distance and started to control Pandora.

"Not bad, humans, don't even think about keeping the distance." After buffering the flames, the lancer speeded up towards Shirou.

"No, that's enough." Shi Lang opened Pandora, turned into a laser cannon mode, and fired directly at the lancer.

A beam of destruction hits the lancer directly. Upon seeing this, the lancer knew that if he had eaten the attack, it would take a long time to repair, and then there would be no way to protect the master.

"Command with Lingshu, lancer, come back here."

At the end of the beam, the lancer was not hit, and Illia used a magic spell to protect the lancer.

"Thank you, master, I'm sorry, the enemy is more powerful than imagined." Lancer said casually, not caring about the magic spell he had just used.

"It's okay, lancer, it's just a magic spell." Ilya didn't blame lancer. Looking at Shirou, I have to admit that Shirou is really good, and I can't imagine what Shirou has experienced.

"Then elder brother, see you next time, I will definitely defeat you next time." Illya finished speaking and left directly with the lancer.

Shi Lang did not hinder the two of them. After all, the sound of fighting just now should have attracted people. Must leave here.

"Illya." Shilang said the name from his mouth. Leave the scene quickly.

"How about, lancer, how is Shirou's level?"

"It's a good opponent. Seeing you next time will be a tough fight again." Lancer admitted that Shirou could indeed threaten her (her), as long as Shirou knew his weakness.

"But, lancer, as long as Shirou doesn't know your identity, our winning rate is still very high."

"Well, master."

After Shilang left the battlefield, he was not in a hurry to go back, but planned to go to Xia Liudong Temple first. She felt that when he went there, he could find a way to contact God.

Walking up the stairs and stepping into the door, now that everyone in Liudong Temple is gone, Shilang can feel a force pulling him.

Following this force, he came to a cave. Looking inside, I vaguely felt a huge magical power.

"Finally found here?" God's voice came from the building, disrupting Shirou's thinking.

"Hey, God, who am I going to save before I can complete my current mission." Shilang shouted into the cave what he is most concerned about. After all, this is related to whether he can continue to stay here.

Yes, after this period of time and five years of experience, Shirou began to feel that it would be nice to stay here, at least he has his home here. He is no longer alone.

"I know what you are thinking, but it's useless. When the time comes, you will still leave."

After saying this, the voice disappeared again without any response.

Shiro looked at the empty cave inside, thinking about the future, how God would force him to leave.

"Forget it, think about it later, let's finish Rin's wish first." Shi Lang did not waste time and walked back.

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