Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 169: Honshinji visitor

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine

Early the next morning, Jiangma Fraser took his entourage to say goodbye to Li Xiao.

Li Xiao didn't hold back this time, but personally sent Jiangma Fraser out of Shengang City.

When the two were parting, they said some polite remarks and made superficial efforts, all for others to see, but in fact they had to make those actions and perform those actions after the separation. Last night, everything was done. It was agreed.

After sending away Jiangma Fraser, Li Xiao saw that Ji had been sold, which obviously allowed him to take another step forward in the operation of Feida Country.

If the mutiny is successful, the day when Jiang Ma's family falls into Li Xiao's grasp will not be far away.

It is true that compared with Yuezhong, the land of Hida country is barren and the people are poor, but no matter how small the mosquito u is, it is not u. Li Xiao had no reason to vomit when he got his hands.

Li Xiaoda has a kind of Yuezhong I want, but Hida can't let it go either.

Moreover, Hida's geographical position is extremely important to the Takeda family. It can connect Mino, Etchu, and Shinano, and is surrounded by mountains as a barrier, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If Li Xiao develops to Yuezhong, then Hida country is the only channel connecting his home and Yuezhong. It is absolutely necessary for Li Xiao to ensure the safety of his back road and smooth communication with his home, otherwise his own Yuezhong territory will be as if there is no root. The land, for the Takeda family, is just an enclave, and it will be lost sooner or later.

Back in the city, Li Xiao was tired all night, and just wanted to rest. Riding on the warm winter sun, Li Xiao was ready to sleep warmly.

At this time, the samurai under the castle reported to Li Xiao that someone was visiting Shoren Temple in Shirakawa Township.

When he heard that someone was visiting from Zhaolian Temple, Li Xiao almost jumped up, and said in surprise on the spot: "Yixiangzong Hongan Temple, why are you here to come to me?"

Li Xiao sat cross-legged on the warm bed, recalling a series of glorious deeds of this sect.

Even though he has always been as confident as Li Xiao, at this moment, he finally couldn't help but sighed: "The ones that should come will always be faced."

Yixiangzong, whose real name is Pure Land Zhenzong.

During the Edo period, the Tokugawa shogunate changed its name to Ichijozong for the purpose of tabooing the venerable. The reason was that Tokugawa Ieyasu, who believed in the Jodo Shinshu at the time, later suppressed the local Ichikuji, so the shogunate forcibly changed the name of the Jodo Shinshu to Ijosong.

The name of Yixiangzong comes from the eminent monk Yixiang Junsheng of the Pure Land Zhenzong.

At that time, Hongan Temple established four strongholds in Kita 6, Settsu, Mikawa, and Ise Nagashima. It was extremely powerful and had numerous followers.

If these forces are integrated together, it would have integrated any of the great names of the Warring States Period, Takeda Shingen, and Uesugi Kenshin to bow to the wind.

And Teren-ji Temple is also the gate of Hongan-ji Temple in Shirakawa-go, Hida Country, but Teren-ji’s power in Hida Country is still small, but the inner island family returned to Yuncheng and Teren-ji are in alliance.

Just think of the example of Kaga country guarding the famous Toyama family, and Li Xiao knows that this group of monks who do not eat fast and chant the sutras will only kill people and set fire to them.

Li Xiao met with the envoy of Renzhao Temple at the Honmaru Castle.

The other party was a 30-year-old monk wearing a black monk robe. When he saw Li Xiao, he put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, the poor monk Mingzhen, is the junior of the abbot of Zhaolian Temple, Mingxin. The Takeda family built a new city in my Hida country, so I came to congratulate me with special name."

Li Xiao nodded and said: "It's a great honor, Master, please come in and discuss it in detail."

"Thanks a lot."

In the assessment room, Li Xiao and the Master Mingzhen sat down separately.

Li Xiao leaned against a table-like rib with his right hand leaning on the pillow, trying to figure out the other party's intentions in the bottom of his heart.

As the saying goes, there is nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall. The Hongan Temple monk has nothing to do with Li Xiaoben, so there will definitely be no good things.

The two parties first conducted some nonsense. As an omnipotent traveler, Li Xiao also had a little research on Buddhism, so he first discussed Buddhism with the Master Ming Zhen.

However, there is a clear gap between the Buddhist philosophy of this later generation and the Buddhist philosophy of Master Ming Zhen.

This Master Ming Zhen originally persuaded Li Xiao from the perspective of a group of Buddhist experts, but Li Xiao often raised some weird Buddhist questions about Zen, and he was confused.

For example, what is meant by the finger of the moon, using the metaphor of taxiing or hitting the bull, is to say meditation in meditation.

This Master Mingzhen was asked three questions by Li Xiao.

The actual Pure Land Zhen sect is not the same as Rinzai sect, which pays attention to instant enlightenment all day long, and does not pay attention to the practice of meditation.

The monks in Hongan Temple only need to recite Nanwu Amitabha all day long, so the monk officials in the temple are not very exquisite about Buddhist principles. Usually, it is a bit difficult to fool Li Xiao.

However, because of the simplicity of this doctrine, the acceptance threshold of Xiangzong has a wide audience, allowing ordinary Japanese people who did not know how to write at that time to join it, so it has a broad mass base.

This point is higher than that, the Tiantai Sect, Linji Sect, and Dharma Xiangzong who pay attention to the profound and mysterious Buddhism. What they talk to you all day long, the various aspects, the wonderful mind, and the three thousand thoughts, the smallpox is very small, and the ground is full of golden lotus. It is useless if you do not understand.

It was only the samurai ministers at that time could afford it.

But Yixiangzong is different. As long as you know the six words Nanwu Amitabha Buddha, ok, you have met the conditions of Yixiangzong believers, and the Western Pure Land of Bliss after death will be predestined with you.

In fact, the success of any successful religion stems from the comfort of dissatisfaction with the present society. As long as there is a way to practice, then after death, they can rise into a beautiful world to enjoy, so that people can accumulate blessings in this life and enjoy bliss in the next life.

Since Yingrenzhi 1uan, fighting 1uan has been rampant, providing countless people who are dissatisfied with the world. The simple practice method of Hongan Temple, plus there is no need to observe the precepts of marriage, murder, drinking and eating meat while being a monk. I want to know that it is the life of Dohapi.

Therefore, Yi Xiangzong only gained so many followers among the lower class.

So this is what Li Xiao fears about Honganji. For example, Oda Nobunaga, who will be mad in the future, can be said to have caused him the biggest trouble in his life, not Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, nor Tori family, Asai family, Asakura family, Miyoshi family, Hexagon family.

And it is precisely these monks from Hongan Temple.

This master Ming Zhen of Hongan Temple is very interested in what Li Xiao calls the Zen principles of the Middle Earth.

But seeing Li Xiaodong talk about it for a long time, Master Ming Zhen has also lost his patience. If this situation continues, Li Xiao can take another two hours.

So Master Ming Zhen decided to get straight to the point, pull back to the topic, and take the initiative on his side.

"Master City Lord, the poor monk deeply admires the understanding of Buddhism, but I don't know Master City Lord, what do you think of my Pure Land Real Buddhism?"

Li Xiao sneered secretly, thinking that the fox's tail was finally revealed, so he shook his head to his face, and said directly: "I'm sorry, I don't know much yet."

Mingzhen smiled slightly, and then asked directly: "I'm sorry, but I forgot that Li Xiao is from Ming country, so please let the poor monk explain it to you."

So Ming Zhen talked about the origin of Hongan Temple from the beginning.

Honganji Temple was born out of Enryaku-ji Temple in the southern capital of the northern capital of Japan’s Buddhism sacred Hirayama Hiei, which was later set on fire by Oda Nobunaga. Enryaku-ji Temple is the Tendai sect.

A monk Faran originally from Enryaku Temple in Hieiyama founded the Pure Land Buddhism based on the doctrine of "Teaching in the Tiantai, Going to the Pure Land".

The name of the Hongwan Temple comes from the meaning of the eighteenth wish in the forty-eight wishes of the Grand Amitabha Sutra, the wish for rebirth, the choice of the original wish, the wish of the three hearts of the original wish, the wish of the most faithful and happy wish, and the wish of believing in the heart.

Renru, the eighth-generation master of Shinshu of Gojojo, fled to Mount Echizen Yoshizaki in order to avoid being chased by Enryaku-ji Temple of Mount Hiei.

When believers heard it, they gathered from all quarters and stationed in Mount Yoshizaki, which became the base camp of the 6th Hongenji Temple, Yoshizaki Gobo.

Later, the influence of North 6 Hongan Temple gradually expanded, and in the Kaga country near Echizen, a horrible peasant uprising was set off.

Countless people who were temporarily armed, the mountain whistling tsunami, and the resounding Buddha title of "Nanwu Amitabha", directly attacked the residence of the guardian daimyo, the rich and strong political relatives, and forced the shogunate to appoint a country to protect the rich and strong political relatives to commit suicide.

Since then, the monks who have always been religious have created a precedent in Japanese history. They have completely pushed the Kaga country into a land of anarchy, realizing the blissful pure land of the people turning themselves into the masters of their homes, and the people’s autonomy.

Speaking of this, Mingzhen couldn't help expressing a hint of pride, and at the same time she gave Li Xiao a meaningful look.

Naturally, Li Xiao knows this well. He is the guardian of the country and his dignified name was overthrown by the master of the Hongan Temple and the peasant riots. Now, if you want to throw yourself into the arms of my Hongan Temple, you can figure it out by yourself.

After that, Kaga Kingdom was already the base camp of Hongan Temple in North 6, and the power of Hongan Temple was still expanding in all directions. Their main goal, which is also very funny, was Shangluo.

Well, that's right, Shangluo opened and built the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, before driving above the shogunate, spreading the Pure Land of Bliss in the four seas, the generals, the leaders, and the daimyo, everything is floating in the eyes of the Lord of Hongwan Temple.

In the name of the religious war, the believers of Kaga Hongan Temple took up their own kitchen knives and wooden planks just as if they were beaten with blood.

There is only one goal, Kyoto! Kyoto!

In the end, Kaga Hongan Temple organized an army of 300,000 (the number is too exaggerated) to go to Luo.

It is a pity that Hongan Temple’s grand feat was broken and settled in the battle of Nine-headed Dragon River. Asakura Zongdi, the famous general of the Asakura family, defeated the Shangluo army in a battle, and the 300,000 army collapsed in all directions.

The great cause of Shangluo was shattered.

After that, Kaga Honganji had been struggling with Asakura's family in this direction, but there was no progress. Honganji's offensive towards Echizen was frustrated, so it had to change to Noto, Echichu, and Hida to infiltrate the three countries.

Now Li Xiao is one of the targets of Honganji's infiltration of Hida.

Today, Ming Zhen from Lianzhao Temple said he was here to visit Li Xiao, but in fact he was trying to test his attitude towards Hongan Temple. If Li Xiao harbors malice towards Hongan Temple, it is a pity that Li Xiao will soon We will be plunged into the vast ocean of People's War.

The meaning of Mingzhen's next words is a little bit of meaning that those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. He wants to let Li Xiao express his opinion about whether or not to follow my Hongan Temple.

"So Lord City Lord, as long as we believe in my Pure Land Zhenshu, we are a family, so your Excellency can get a lot of support and help."

Li Xiao sneered secretly. Of course, he would not join the Pure Land Real School. Buddhism is not a world-renowned school. These monks have obviously deviated from the original doctrine and used the ignorant people of the lower classes to sacrifice and bleed. , To achieve their own interests and ambitions.

And Li Xiao also needs to consider Takeda Shingen's attitude.

Shingen Takeda believed in the Tiantai Sect and was honored as a prestigious monk official, the great monk of the Tiantai Sect. If Li Xiao reveals that he wants to believe in the Pure Land Shinshu, it will obviously cause Takeda Shingen to be unhappy.

At the time, the Takeda clan warlord Hara Huyin was discovered by Takeda Shingen because he believed in the Nichiren sect.

As a result, Hara Huyin was expelled from the retainer regiment by Shingen Takeda and moved to Hojo's house for 1 ang. He was recalled only three years later.

Therefore, for the sake of the future in Takeda's family, Li Xiao could not believe in the Pure Land Shin Buddhism anyway.

However, Li Xiao couldn't refuse it face to face, let alone erect a major enemy like Hongan Temple. In the future, if he gains a foothold in Yuezhong, he must face Echigo Gosugi Kenshin directly.

At that time, Ranwen Novel Network Hongan Temple will be his support, so the Hongan Temple group of monks, Li Xiao can't offend him anyway.

Li Xiao smiled slightly, and said: "I admire and appreciate Guizong's purpose and Buddhist principles, as well as the Lord's ambition to purify all living beings."

Mingzhen was overjoyed and said, "My Lord, do you really think so?"

"It's true," Li Xiao nodded and said, "It's just a pity that I had already believed in other sects at Ranwen during the Ming Dynasty, so I am very sorry for Guizong's invitation."

"That's it." Mingzhen nodded. Since Li Xiao has already believed in other sects, he can't force it, but since he has gained Li Xiao's kindness towards Yixiangzong, it is not a waste of time for him to come here.

So Ming Zhen got up to say goodbye, and when Li Xiao saw the trouble away, Panasonic also let out a sigh.

When Li Xiao sent Mingzhen out, Li Xiao suddenly said: "I heard that the city lord of Guiyuncheng Inner Island is very close to your temple. I don't know when Ranwen Can I get to know it?"

"Oh?" Ming Zhen said in surprise, "Why do you want to know the city lord of the inner island?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Master Mingzhen, in fact, I am not an outsider in the Takeda family and Honganji. My Takeda family sent troops to Yuezhong and completed the side attack on Echigo. In many places, I have to ask your temple for support. We must know that Echigo Kametsugi Teru is the common enemy of both the Takeda family and Honganji."

Li Xiao said that the Takeda family and Honganji were not because Takeda Shingen and Honganji’s current priests are like masters, and both of them are women from the Sanjo family. Brother-in-law relationship.

And Shingen Takeda took advantage of this relationship to ask the Honganji forces in Kaga Etsuchu to join forces in the fourth Kawa Nakajima battle. In the first few months, Ranwen In the past few months, they attacked Uesugi Kenshin’s Echigo. The purpose of containment.

Kenshin Uesugi himself believes in Shingon Buddhism, and the relationship with Honganji Temple, needless to say, his grandfather was killed in battle, so the two families can be said to be incompatible.

When Ming Zhen heard Li Xiao's question about the Nei Dao family, she immediately smiled and said, "Sir, may it be that you are about to start with Sister Xiaolu's family. If Nei Dao's family can be neutral, then Sister Xiaolu Lianglai will undoubtedly cut off her arm."

Seeing Mingzhen inferring this way, Li Xiao laughed, not admitting or denying.

Mingzhen replied: "My lord, this is related to the grand strategy of the temple and the Takeda family. Such a matter cannot be determined by the poor monk. However, you can tell your opinion to the host and let him reply, I don’t know. how?"

Li Xiao nodded and said: "That's right, then I look forward to your good news."

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