Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 264: Gathering Strength

Sokovia, Hydra's secret castle, the huge Titan was carefully hoisted into the castle.

As a large organization with a long history, Hydra has particularly deep roots in Eastern Europe. This secret castle is the largest secret stronghold among them, and it is enough to bear the burden of Titan's subsequent processing and construction.

At SHIELD headquarters, Titan's main transformation has been largely completed. There is not much work that needs to be continued here. Although the construction period will be delayed due to project handover, it will only take more than ten days to be completely completed.

Hydra's unique technological reserves can even make Titans more powerful.

Loki occupied the best room in the entire castle, overlooking Hydra's skilled workers like worker ants climbing up and down the Titan's huge fuselage to carry out construction.

"Have those people become honest?"

he asked.

"After the master took control of Moze, the remaining people all obeyed."

Alexander Pierce said. Hydra is not monolithic, and has developed many different mountains over a long period of time.

Baron Moser, as a local vigilante, attempts to control Loki and seize the Titans. Unfortunately, his calculation was wrong, and before he could take action, Loki took control of his mind.

"Moze reported that they recently made an appointment to meet with a group of wandering magicians."

Loki suddenly became interested:

"Wandering Mage?"

"Yes, their leader is called Casillas. He seems to be a guy who is not easy to mess with."

Alexander Pierce had seen photos of those mages, and they all seemed to have excessively cultivated immortality, with severe dark circles under their eyes.

"Interesting, give me some time and let me see what extent these mortals' magic can reach."

Two days later, a group of weirdly dressed mages entered the castle.

Casillas looked a little solemn. They continued to fail in the struggle with the Supreme Mage Ancient One and suffered heavy losses.

Although they are followers of Dormammu, their use of dark magic is far inferior to that of the Ancient One.

After experiencing frequent defeats, he was finally ready to find a strong ally against the Ancient One. Although Hydra is very hidden, it cannot hide it from the mages who have mastered various dark magics.

They are preparing to join forces with Hydra to destroy the three temples.

"I thought it was someone, but it turned out to be a believer of Dormammu. Haha, they would never have imagined what would happen after letting Dormammu in."

Yuanzu Tianmo's distraction said with malice.

Dormammu was originally a powerful mage who accidentally discovered the dark dimension and became the master of the dimension. He drove the dark dimension to devour countless planets, and the power he controlled became more and more powerful, but his control over the entire dark dimension was very limited.

Not only is the Ancient One able to steal his power at will, other mages are also secretly using dark magic. And Dormammu was powerless to stop them.

"Dormammu's original will has long been eroded by the dark magic, leaving only the most primitive instincts. I even have some doubts about whether he controls the dark dimension, or the dark dimension controls him.

But with these stupid believers, our plan may go more smoothly! "

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. building, Tony Stark has recovered Friday, and even the repair work has been largely completed, leaving only a replacement for pseudo-Uru metal.

He and Stark Industries' laboratories have tried more than 10,000 kinds of materials, some of which have alloys with properties similar to Uru metal. Unfortunately, the conversion efficiency is too low, which will directly reduce Friday's strength.

"The 16,571st time, test material, No. 6 genetic enhancement material."

Tony Stark has strong expectations for this experiment.

The No. 6 genetic enhancement material was created using Sebastian Shaw's genes. Sebastian Shaw is a mutant who has lived for a long time and is able to absorb various forms of energy and transform them for his own use.

He was simply overjoyed when he got Sebastian Xiao's information. This superpower is simply a perfect substitute for Uru metal, and can even be used to strengthen and transform adaptive armor.

If SHIELD had not been forced into a desperate situation, Nick Fury would never have turned to the CIA to obtain this top-secret information.

Back then, Sebastian Shaw formed the Hellfire Club, recruited a group of mutants, and tried to let mutants rule the world. It was the CIA who organized a group of mutants to defeat them. When the Department of Defense opened its mutant database to Tony Stark, it excluded Sebastian Shaw's genes and did not open it to him.

It didn't take long for the test results to come out. The transformation efficiency of the new genetically enhanced material reached an astonishing 95%. This efficiency even exceeds that of pseudo-Uru metal and is second only to Uru metal.


He pumped his fist excitedly.

"Jarvis! Arrange small batch production of No. 6 genetic enhancement material immediately!"

With the new material, Friday can regain his strength and escape Loki's control.

"Stark, we found the Titan's whereabouts! Although that mysterious organization has hands and eyes, it is still impossible to hide such a behemoth like the Titan completely silently. The last time we captured traces of the Titan was It’s in the Baltic Sea near Germany. Rocky should have sent it to Eastern Europe!”

Jarvis connected to Nick Fury's signal.

"We are about to organize our forces and go to Eastern Europe to search. Can you complete Friday's repairs before we find Titan?"

Nick Fury asked.

"Of course, I only need two days, no, a day and a half, to get Friday back fighting and stronger."

Tony Stark said confidently that he couldn't wait to get revenge on Loki. Steve Rogers is now frozen in cold storage and needs Loki to turn him back into a normal human.

Nick Fury nodded with satisfaction and looked at Thor, who was sitting at the dining table and eating voraciously. He had seen the video of the battle between Thor and Friday and knew that this powerful man who claimed to be a god was inextricably linked to the Green Goblin.

But he has no choice. If he wants to defeat Loki and regain the Titans, he must use all available power.

"Let's head to Eastern Europe first, Mr. Thor."

"Of course, I can go at any time."

Thor said neatly. He was easily defeated in the battle with Kakarot, and was surprised to find that the gap between the two quickly widened. I can't wait to defeat Loki and return to Wakanda to continue training.

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