Natasha carried T'Challa and swam vigilantly in the river, avoiding the quick-reaction special forces who were searching for her. After choking on water, T'Challa woke up from his coma. He struggled violently.

"Let me go back. My relatives and people are being massacred. I can't escape alone!"

T'Challa was emotional and burst into tears.

"Calm down! Do you really want to die that much? All of them are dead. You can only avenge them by living!"

Natasha pushed T'Challa into the water, bringing him back to his senses.

"There is something very wrong with SHIELD now. Although Brock Rumlow will use some extreme methods when performing tasks, he will never dare to carry out massacres on such a large scale."

She lowered T'Challa from her shoulders. She had felt that the atmosphere in SHIELD was a bit strange earlier, but she did not expect that the rapid response special forces would do things so outrageously. There must be some big shot behind them.

“The expectation isn’t going to be Alexander Pierce.”

Natasha sat among the dense emergent plants on the river beach. After escaping from the battlefield, she carried T'Challa for about ten kilometers non-stop. Now she was exhausted.

Now she doesn't dare to trust anyone easily, even Steve Rogers. What's more, Steve and Tony Stark must be under close surveillance now.

"Maybe we can go find the Green Goblin. His subordinate Optimus Prime is a decent man and should be able to help."

"No, absolutely not. The Green Goblin is definitely not as simple as you think!"

Natasha directly rejected T'Challa's suggestion. She wanted to find Barton, her companion who had been through life and death together.

T'Challa hesitated for a while and chose to follow Natasha's suggestion. Now he has become a loner and has no idea where to go.

In the original Wakanda settlement, rapid response special forces are searching for vibranium on the corpses of Wakandans.

Brock Rumlow tore off a piece of cloak from a corpse, rolled it into a roll regardless of the large blood stains on it.

"Don't let go of anything that may contain vibranium. You know, even a piece of vibranium the size of your little finger is enough to pay for your lifetime salary and pension."

In order to remove the ring, which was probably made of vibranium, they cut off the entire finger and put it in a bag. The corpses that had been looted were piled into a pile and burned.

The air was filled with the stench of burning grease.

Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire as dense as popping beans, and groups of prisoners with their hands raised were swept to the ground.

"Haha, these fools thought we were here to save them."

A special forces soldier blew out his gun, which was still smoking.

They killed all the captured Ugandan soldiers.

"Check if there are any survivors and make sure to deal with it. I don't want to see an accident like Natasha's."

Brock Rumlow was a little anxious. He sent three soldiers to search for Natasha and T'Challa who had escaped, but found nothing. They seemed to disappear into the air.

In order to avoid arousing the suspicion of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, they cannot directly issue a wanted notice.

Soon, all the vibranium was collected. Brock Rumlow looked at the vibranium that almost filled the Quinjet cabin and sighed.

"Fuck, these Wakandans are really rich, but it's a pity that their land has been occupied by the Green Goblin, otherwise they would really want to rush in and grab a vote."

Although the vibranium of the royal family and tribal leaders was confiscated, the amount of vibranium brought out by these ordinary Wakandans was still an astonishing amount.

"Let's go."

The rapid reaction special forces deployed a large number of bombs on the battlefield, destroying traces of the battle, and escorted the Quinjet fighters filled with vibranium away.

The CT scanner scanned Steve Rogers' body completely.

"This is simply amazing. CT shows that Steve's body has not changed at all compared to before he practiced Tianwai Xiaoyao Chapter, except that his tissues and organs have become more active. But the optical radiation energy analyzer I designed , but the meridian system in his body can be photographed very clearly."

Tony Stark designed an energy analyzer based on the optical measurement sensor previously installed on MK2. It can analyze the energy intensity of the target object by measuring light radiation. Because of its high accuracy, it can even draw high-resolution images. Image.

Steve's inner energy can even be clearly seen running through the meridians on the energy analyzer.

"In what form do his meridians exist?"

"Even if you dissect him, you won't be able to find the meridians. The meridians of the human body are actually reflections of the soul. They only exist after looking at this meridian map."

Loki relayed the explanation of the Yuanzu Demon.

"I obviously looked at the meridian diagram, but why are there no meridians?"

Tony Stark was a little unconvinced. The value he measured on the energy analyzer was much lower than Steve's, and the so-called meridians could not be seen at all.

"You actually already have meridians, but your qualifications are too poor to sense the inner breath. Without the flow of inner breath, the meridians will naturally disappear."

Loki said.

In fact, as long as you look at this meridian diagram, you will unconsciously generate the demon's meridian system. However, it does not circulate the inner energy, and its impact on the human body is very subtle.

Someone like Steve Rogers, whose cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, is already slowly moving towards the demons.

Tony Stark was very unwilling, but he couldn't feel the so-called internal fetal movement anyway.

"Since meridians are between existence and non-existence, how can we make Titan grow meridians? Can artificial intelligence be effective after reading this meridian map?"

"Meridians do not always exist in an imaginary state. After you reach a certain level of cultivation, you can use fake cultivation to turn it into a real divine vein. According to the classics collected by my family, I know that there is a magic weapon from China that can Let the soldier master have divine veins, even if it is a machine doll without independent consciousness."

Loki said.

He was referring to the Demon Commander among the Nine Demon Soldiers, which was a magic bead that could grow into a towering magic plant. If it is implanted into Titan, the magic beads can convert the energy of the Ark's reaction ring into energy, and the vines spreading all over the body from the magic beads can replace the meridians and divine veins to circulate the magic energy.

More importantly, the magic beads have the ability to charm and can easily disguise themselves as ordinary magic weapons and deceive everyone's eyes. When the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon comes, he can directly put his will into the magic bead.

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