Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 223 Main Mission Four

Eclipse and his party were escorted by the female Royal Guards and marched towards Wakanda. They were riding in a floating craft similar to a landing craft with an anti-gravity device installed inside, floating above the ground at extremely high speeds.

The powerful Sun Eclipse was closely guarded, not only wearing shackles made of vibranium, but also being held up with spears by three female royal guards. It was difficult to even move her neck.

"Don't hurt my people, otherwise the Lord will make you repent in the flames of destruction."

He thrust the spear into his neck and yelled at T'Challa.

T'Challa's expression was a little gloomy. He had not yet gotten over the despicable way his father had interrupted his challenge.

"I guarantee in the name of the prince of Wakanda that your lives will not be threatened in any way. And I will fight you fair and square again!"

Eclipse shook his head slightly, T'Challa was still too naive. And after Broly received the news, he was sure that the countdown to Wakanda's existence could begin.

T'Chaka was not as naive as his son. He had always been worried about the escaped killer and sent most of Wakanda's air force to hunt him down.

But Wakanda is not as powerful as its people think. They have a lot of aircraft, but not enough pilots.

A considerable number of subjects are stuck in their ways, stubbornly pursuing tradition and refusing to accept new knowledge. They insisted on using cold weapons and lived a life of slash-and-burn farming that was almost the same as their ancestors.

Some tribes even insisted on showing off their wealth by hanging huge vibranium disks from their mouths, and even harmed themselves for this purpose. The Black Panthers of previous generations even encouraged other tribes to maintain this ignorant and barbaric tradition so that they could not threaten the Black Panther's rule. Even as the king, T'Chaka failed to change this bad habit, and almost started a rebellion because of it.

This is a very deformed country. Those in the upper class live life in the twenty-second century, and those in the lower class live life in the eighteenth century. It's as if God randomly kneaded a group of unrelated people into a country.

Under such national conditions, even if the royal family develops advanced aircraft, only a few Wakandans are willing to learn how to fly them.

T'Chaka spent more than twenty years weakening the armed forces of these tribes through marriage alliances and provoking conflicts. But he failed to change the people's living habits and thinking. He could only leave this task to his son T'Challa to complete.

This disastrous defeat almost demoralized him, and he had already begun to prepare for a famous abdication to his son T'Challa.

Riding a suspended boat across mountains and river valleys, the group arrived at the border of Wakanda not long after. A stretch of mountains lies ahead. The hovercraft crashed directly into the mountains and passed through the large illusion above the border.

A skyscraper appears on the skyline, surrounded by greenery and surrounded by rivers.

"It's impossible to imagine how Africa could build such advanced cities."

Matt looked at the scene in front of him in shock. This city would only appear in science fiction movies.

"You colonists are always so arrogant, but you don't know that you are the real backward party."

Okoye said mockingly.

"Technology cannot develop without communication. I don't believe Wakanda has not learned from the outside world. At least in the 16th and 17th centuries, you should still be in a very backward era, otherwise you would not let us colonists Capturing black slaves in Africa.”

Matt mocked unconvincedly.

Wakanda's technology has indeed only developed in the last thirty years under T'Chaka's rule. By using unlimited amounts of vibranium to overtake in corners, they developed a vibranium civilization that was completely different from Earth's technology. A hundred years ago, they were no qualitatively different from other countries in Africa. They were also afraid of the colonists' guns and cannons, and a large number of Wakandans were captured and became slaves.

It's just that the Black Panthers of the past generations have guarded the secret of vibranium very tightly, and it has not been discovered by the white people who came to Africa, so it has continued until modern times.

The current abnormal situation in Wakanda is also due to the sudden development of science and technology, and the quality of the people cannot keep up.

Okoye was one of the few Wakandans who knew something about this period of history. She was a little annoyed and slapped Matt on the head with the spear.

Broly sits cross-legged and circulates his energy. Without a gravity chamber, the benefits of sharpening his physical body are already very low. He can only rely on his own strong physique to accumulate energy and the natural growth of the legendary Super Saiyan. to increase strength.

Although the growth rate of strength is still extremely fast, it is still not comparable to the previous rapid progress.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the main mission three and establishing a kingdom belonging to the Saiyans on the earth. Your land is distributed with North America and Africa. Although the population is sparse, Cybertronians, half-orcs and a few talented humans are all Willing to obey your leadership. Your country has established formal diplomatic relations with most countries on this planet and quite a few countries are afraid of your power. Gain 180 revival points and obtain the unfinished body of Android No. 18. 】

[Main Mission 4: Aggression is the instinct of Saiyans, please destroy and occupy a country and enslave their people! 】

Broly was stunned for a moment when he heard the sudden voice in his mind. Because his strength had improved so quickly, he hadn't paid attention to this system with limited capabilities for a long time.

Just as the voice in his mind faded away, a body suddenly appeared in front of him and fell to the ground with a thud.

No. 18 painfully rubbed her sore head. She was a little confused. She was supposed to be lying on the experimental bed waiting for Dr. Gro's surgery, but she suddenly appeared in this completely unfamiliar area.

She and her twin brother were kidnapped by the Red Ribbon Legion. After their original memories were completely wiped away, they were brutally transformed into androids.

These modifications are very complicated, mainly to adapt to the eternal energy furnace invented by Dr. Gro. The surgery she will undergo later is to implant the eternal energy furnace into her body.

"Who are you, where is this place, and where is my brother?"

She covered her body and looked at Broly warily.

Broly scratched his head with a headache, took off his shirt, and threw it to No. 18. The artificial man cannot sense Qi, and he is still unable to determine how far No. 18's transformation has progressed. If he is close to the perfect body, he really can't suppress this powerful woman now.

This pussy rubbing system really caused him a lot of trouble.

"I'm Broly."

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