Jotunheim, the world where the Frost Giants live. As a race in the Nine Realms that is almost second only to the Asa Protoss in strength, the Frost Giants live in this vast ice field in the form of tribes. Although the co-leader Laufey is abroad, he can only gather all the Frost Giants when he goes out to invade or is invaded by enemies.

They have almost no natural enemies in Jotunheim. Except for the occasional frost giants that escape from the cracks in the glacier, the only thing that can limit the number of frost giants is Jotunheim's extremely harsh weather and scarce resources.

Today, Tiaz, a tribe that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, is in danger of extinction.

At this time, the frost giants in the tribe still knew nothing about their tragic fate in the future. The young people in the village have already set off to hunt on the ice fields, leaving behind only the elderly, women and children. They are handling game, repairing fences and feeding livestock.

But even these old, young, women and children still have enough power to protect themselves on the ice sheet.

A figure suddenly swept down from the sky and landed in the center of the tribe.

"Sure enough, you Frost Giants still live here."

Loki wore a suit of gold and green armor and a helmet with two abrupt long horns, making him look like a demon crawling out of hell.

"who are you!"

An old Frost Giant stood up and walked in front of Loki. Although his waist was a little stooped due to the passage of time, he was still half a body taller than Loki.

"I recognize your armor. Only Asgardians in the Nine Realms wear it like this."

The remaining elderly frost giants in the tribe gathered around, and the ice condensed into sharp ice blades on their palms. The Frost Giants and the Aesir Protoss have a sworn hatred. Although they have reached a truce with each other, they still hate each other extremely.

"I don't like people looking down on me."

Loki said with an evil smile. Dark, oil-like demonic energy suddenly surged out of his palms, turning his hands into two ferocious giant claws.

The temperature among the tribe dropped sharply, and even the frost giants, known for their cold resistance, were shivering from the cold.

"Who the hell are you!"

The frost giant had a look of horror on his face. As far as he knew, only the frost giants in the Nine Realms could create extreme cold so freely. But he would never wait for an answer.

Loki's claws grasped and twisted, tearing apart the extremely hard body of the Frost Giant. He then picked up the Demon Erosion Flesh and the Demon Erosion Sutra, absorbing all the essence of the Frost Giant into his body.

"As expected, only members of the same race are the best candidates to attract. Come and become my food."

He released the remains between his claws and looked at the remaining frost giants greedily.

Even the Frost Giants, a race that is extremely good at fighting and fearless of death, felt frightened after seeing Loki's terrifying methods. After being frightened, the ferocity engraved in their bones was inspired.

"Kill him! Only by killing him can we survive! Revenge for the elders!"

The frost giants waved their ice blades and attacked Loki.

Loki jumped up with a grin, crushing the ice blade formed by a Frost Giant with one claw, and grabbing the other hand directly into his chest to absorb the essence.

The depleted flesh and blood cracked like dead wood under the frost.

"Your resistance will only make my hunting more enjoyable."

Loki laughed wildly and used the tips of his claws to tear apart a female frost giant who was struggling to resist. In just a few breaths, these heroic frost giants were slaughtered.

"You are also a frost giant, why would you hurt your fellow humans!"

The last adult Frost Giant protected all the children in the tribe behind him. His old teeth had fallen out and he had almost no fighting power. He could only ask Loki angrily.

Stimulated by the cold blood of the Frost Giant, Loki's disguise magic failed, revealing his cold blue skin.

"I have never regarded inferior beings like you as my own race. Of course, you will only treat my small fellow racers as aliens and abandon them."

Due to lack of food, the frost giants would throw those babies who were not strong enough directly onto the ice fields to freeze to death. A dwarf among the Frost Giants like Loki would have been strangled to death immediately after birth if he had not been Laufey's son.

"There's new food coming."

Loki was a little surprised.

The aging Frost Giant was equally surprised.

"The tribe leader and young people are back, you are dead, freak!"

Loki just flicked his finger, and a burst of magic energy popped out, blowing the frost giant's head off.

The young people who went out to hunt finally came back. They were still carrying the prey they had hunted. They looked at the tribe with only a few children left, and their eyes were splitting.


The impatient Frost Giant directly opened his bow and shot an arrow from a distance. The sharp ice arrow burst out with a whistle and broke through the speed of sound, flying straight towards Loki.


The ice arrow, which was strong enough to penetrate gold and iron, immediately shattered into a ball of ice mist after hitting Loki.

Loki lowered his head and glanced at the white mark on his chest. As soon as he summoned his magic energy, he jumped up and almost instantly crossed a distance of several hundred meters and grabbed the archer's head.

"So weak, if I were you, I would just turn around and run away instead of rushing up to die like this."

Loki said and used his magic power to suck him into a mummy.


A very strong Frost Giant hit him on the head with a hammer. The cold iron mined from the depths of the ice field directly twisted and deformed, the entire hammer body was flattened, and the back shock directly shattered his hands.

"That's not how we fight."

Loki grabbed the giant hammer, swung it with his backhand, and smashed the frost giant into pieces.

"Too bad, I don't like hammers."

He said, not bothering to suck up the minced meat on the ground, and threw the hammer away to suck up the remaining Frost Giants.

Feeling his new self, Loki threw his head up to the sky and laughed ecstatically.

"Am I good enough now to kill the Green Goblin?"

He said to the distraction of the Yuanzu Demon in his body.

The Yuanzu Demon once fought Broly through the Star Tribulation and the Fire Cloud Evil God from a distance. He knew very well how amazing Broly's potential and strength were. The current Loki could not possibly be his opponent.

"If you want to die, I won't stop you. No matter how much you suck a soldier like this, you can't be his opponent. If you can't borrow my power through a magic weapon, then you If you bump into the Green Goblin, you will definitely die."

Loki immediately felt like he had been splashed with cold water, and the madness on his face gradually disappeared.

"Aren't you going to eat the remaining Frost Giants?"

The remaining children in the tribe looked at Loki in horror.

Loki lowered his eyes.

"Since it's useless no matter how much you eat, just leave these little cubs here."

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