Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 208 Fragments

Ivan Vanke looked at the metal box on the cart and looked at Tessa in front of him with some confusion. He didn't know why Tessa had brought this beautifully crafted box here.

Tessa took out a beautiful metal remote control from her pocket and pressed one of the buttons. The entire metal box suddenly bloomed like a flower, and the complex parts were constantly assembled and spliced.

A few seconds later, a cool and highly designed powered exoskeleton stood on the cart.

All the engineers sighed as they looked at this sci-fi scene.

Ivan Vanke looked at this strange powered exoskeleton in disbelief. Such craftsmanship could hardly be imagined to be Earth's technology.

He carefully observed the powered exoskeleton until he found an inscription on a certain part and determined that this powered exoskeleton was modified from the one he assembled.


He was a little speechless, as if he had lost the ability to speak for a moment and didn't know how to express his feelings.

Tessa pressed another button on the remote control, and the powered exoskeleton immediately began to transform. After a dizzying process of assembling parts, the powered exoskeleton turned into an electric motorcycle.

The next moment, the electric motorcycle transformed into a powered flying wing.

After showing the four forms of the powered exoskeleton, Ivan Vanke's mouth was opened wide enough to fit into his fist.

"How could this not be nanomachines, not liquid metal, just ordinary hardened aluminum alloy? This is completely impossible."

The powered exoskeleton in front of him was beyond his understanding. Its design might be theoretically feasible, but shooting it was beyond the capabilities of the human brain. He believes that even Tony Stark does.

Even if we rely on supercomputers to supplement the design, it will not be so perfect and harmonious.

"I said that this powered exoskeleton was designed by the same designer as the iron cage treadmill. Do you think there is even the slightest possibility?"

Tessa said expressionlessly.

"No way, absolutely impossible. That cage treadmill is an insult to this perfect work of art."

Ivan Vanko said in an almost chanting tone. He treats this powered exoskeleton as a work of art. Although it can be produced with the current level of machining, the yield rate will definitely be frighteningly low, and assembly has extremely high requirements on craftsmanship.

This powered exoskeleton cannot be mass-produced and can only be sold as a luxury product.

"I knew it."

Tessa murmured that no one understands Cade better than her. This is definitely not at his level. Maybe Broly used alien technology to create it.

Broly's spaceship is also hidden in the extremely hidden warehouse underneath the farm.

"If I were to control the machine tool, it would take more than three months to manufacture such a powered exoskeleton." Ivan Vanke roughly estimated: "I really don't know how the designer managed it in such a short time. Modify him."

"Can I meet the designer himself?"

He looked at Tessa with longing eyes.

"Of course. I'm here this time because I hope you can communicate with each other. After a while, the designer will come to the studio to guide the work. If you don't understand anything, just ask questions directly."

Tessa said she was looking forward to that day.

At SHIELD headquarters, Alexander Pierce sat in the seat that originally belonged to Nick Fury. I looked at the unfamiliar office with some emotion.

The last time he served as Director of SHIELD was years ago. After Nick Fury resigned, the Security Council could not find a suitable candidate for a while, so he took over the position of director of SHIELD again.

The current SHIELD can be said to be suffering from internal and external troubles, but he quickly regained control of the situation by relying on the rapid response special forces of his confidants and the Hydra members within SHIELD.

In fact, he prefers to remotely control S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA on the Security Council. The position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is too conspicuous, and countless people will focus on him, but there is not much room for manipulation and mediation.


There was a sound of knocking on the glass, and Tony Stark wearing MK2 appeared outside the window.

Alexander Pierce smacked his lips, pressed the button on the table, and opened the glass window.

A strong wind blew into the office from high altitude, and Tony Stark flew into the office. Even though Nick Fury has retired, he still maintains a very close relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"What happened this time? Do those MK2s need maintenance?"

Tony Stark poured himself a glass of whiskey very casually, added two ice cubes and put it in the glass. Pierce kept asking him to upgrade those MK2s, but Tony Stark always ignored him.

In his opinion, enhancing the combat effectiveness of these miscellaneous soldiers will not be of much use in dealing with real crises. On the contrary, it makes it easier for SHIELD to fight for power and use it in struggles with other departments and other countries.

He trusted Nick Fury, not SHIELD as a department.

"Funds for the maintenance of Titan have been allocated. I hope that we can proceed as soon as possible so that Titan can regain its combat effectiveness."

Tony Stark slammed the wine glass in his hand on the table with excitement on his face.

"Have the funds for Titan finally arrived?"

He would visit the wreckage of Titan almost every day and then return to his home thousands of miles away to perfect the new renovation plan. Even when he treated his former lovers, he was not so attentive.

Titan has become a symbol of humanity's resistance to the world.

"Yes, but this is inevitable and not important. I want to take you to see a mysterious item collected by SHIELD. Nick Fury thinks it is too dangerous, but I think it can be used to repair and restore Titan. The modifications helped tremendously.”

Alexander Pierce said very confidently.

He said, taking Tony Stark through the elevator to the depths of the underground.

Arrive at the 27th underground floor, which can only be reached by the elevator in the director's office. Alexander Pierce first verified his irises, fingerprints and X-rays before entering the secret vault isolated by layers of lead sheets.

"This fragment was discovered by agents on a battlefield. The battle was very fierce. The two sides of the battle were a mysterious alien civilization. Several large mobile armor remains were left on the battlefield, and they were also sealed in On this level, I can take you to see it later."

Alexander Pierce said, opening the lead door that was more than half a meter thick.

"But what is more precious is this fragment. It has very mysterious abilities. Believe me, you will be surprised."

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