Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 205 Cultivation

Cade Eagle is sulking. He searched for a long time but could not find the key to the workshop. During this period, he had many highly feasible ideas in his mind, but unfortunately he could not put them into practice. It was like itching on his back but he couldn't scratch it. It really made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He put his hands on his hips and watched Kakarot instruct Thor in his training, thinking about whether to ask Kakarot to remove the door to the workshop.

Since others were not prohibited from listening, a group of killers formed a large circle with Kakarot and Thor as the center. They all sat cross-legged with serious expressions, trying to sense the ethereal aura.

Thor finally regained his balance because he discovered that he was far from the worst. Nearly a week passed with no progress for the others. And he had already touched the edge of anger.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and an imperceptible arc of electricity lingered around him, and his whole body seemed to be pulled and suspended in mid-air.

"I succeeded! I succeeded!"

Thor was so happy that he accidentally failed to grasp the Qi he had just mastered and fell back to the ground. But this did not affect his mood at all. When he opened his hand, there were countless hair-thin lightning flashes on his palm.

"Qi is divine power, divine power is Qi!"

He suddenly realized that he had created lightning for the first time without Thor's hammer.

"Hey, stay quiet."

The killers on the side stared at him dissatisfied.

"sorry Sorry."

Thor sat down happily and continued to calm down, sensing his own irritable and restless divine power. This innate divine power will become stronger and stronger with age. Without the skills taught by Kakarot, he would have to fight continuously throughout his long life to master them.

But now, he has mastered a trace, which is like a fulcrum, helping him to master more divine power.

After working hard for so long, Thor would have had hemorrhoids if he hadn't been strong. Now that it finally paid off, he just wanted to look up to the sky and scream:

"Father! I did it!"

Kakarot also breathed a sigh of relief. Thor had never sensed Qi, and she was worried in her heart, fearing that Thor was not qualified and would not be able to sense her own Qi.

She held her cheeks that were still a little fat with her little hands, and began to wonder about what kind of weapons she wanted to have the Immortal Palace forge for her.

"Now that you have mastered the first step, the next training will be much easier."

Thor's divine power is already very strong, but he just doesn't know how to use it. Now that he can sense the divine power, his progress will be much faster than others.

"Is it?"

Thor looked surprised. He glanced at his hands and suddenly felt confident about the future. Maybe it won't be long before he can challenge Broly again.

"The next step is how to sense other people's qi."

Kakarot took Thor to distance himself from the gunman and came to the open space on the side. First, they are afraid of disturbing their meditation, and second, it is relatively difficult to sense other people's Qi in a crowd.

"As long as you learn to sense your own qi, it will be very simple to learn to sense other people's qi. Once you learn this trick, you won't be fooled by tricks such as afterimage fist, clone and invisibility techniques."

Kakarot said, teaching Thor the technique of sensing energy.

"Next I will explode my own energy, you should be able to sense it easily."

As she spoke, she squeezed her fleshy fists and began to increase her energy.

Under Broly's supervision and training, Kakarot's strength was no longer weak. After she increased her Qi unscrupulously, the grass on the ground was uprooted, and even the ground trembled slightly.

"I feel it!"

As expected, Thor didn't take much time to sense Kakarot's powerful energy, and her energy was actually a bit weaker than his own.

"So this is a world that uses energy sensing?"

Soon, he sensed the qi of the killers. Their qi was already very strong compared to ordinary people, but it was far inferior to Kakarot and himself. As for Cade, his energy is the weakest. Compared to others, he is like a little mouse.

"This energy should belong to this lizard. Is it so strong?"

Thor looked at Baya with some surprise. It was actually a lot stronger than the gunmen.

"Of course, Baya is the treasure that Broly brought back. The sensing range of qi is very far. I can sense qi covering half the area of ​​the United States, and Broly can even sense qi on other planets."

Kakarot put away the anger that had reached the limit.

Thor immediately couldn't wait to test his limits, and then he discovered Broly's energy in the distance. It was such a powerful energy, almost like a canopy covering the entire farm, giving people an unparalleled sense of despair.

"Are you scared?"

Kakarot looked at Thor with a smirk, she had already expected Thor's reaction.

Thor nodded stiffly.

"Broly is a Saiyan who is difficult to measure with common sense. The first time I learned to sense energy, I was shocked. But at that time, he was not so powerful. It was so desperate. For those who wanted to chase For those who go to him."

Kakarot's always smiling face showed a rare hint of worry. She was the one who had been chasing Broly from the beginning, but now, the gap between the two was getting wider and wider, to the point of despair.

"Let's work hard together! Sooner or later I will defeat him!"

Thor said with high spirits.

Kakarot glanced at him contemptuously.

"If you want to defeat Broly, you'd better defeat me first. You don't think you can tell the winner just by comparing the strength of your anger, do you?"

Thor was furious, but when facing Kakarot, he still felt a little weak. He has just started, and his combat effectiveness has not yet changed qualitatively.

"Sister Tessa is back!"

Kakarot suddenly jumped up excitedly, she sensed Tessa's energy. Tessa stayed in Austin during this time, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Tessa struggled to hold Kakarot in her arms. It took her more than a week to finally balance all factors and buy the farm's products at a good price.

"Kakarot, you're heavy again."

She carried Kakarot and walked up to Cade who didn't have a good face.


Cade wanted to be angry with his daughter, but after seeing Tessa, all his anger disappeared.

"I opened a design studio in Austin and hired engineers to design a powered exoskeleton. This is the sample they made. Dad, please give me some pointers."

Tessa said with a pleading look on her face.

"Well, in that case, I'd better take a look at it reluctantly for you."

Cade's expression suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny.

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