Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 202 Thor’s Training

Thor huddled in the corner, alone and autistic. Even now, he still can't accept that the Green Goblin has become his master.

It's not like he didn't try to escape. The vitality of the Asa protoss allows him to even survive directly in the universe. But every time he ran away, Broly would catch up instantly, and after being caught, he would be beaten up.


Suddenly a childish voice came from behind. Thor turned his head and saw that it was a girl who only reached her waist. She held a pet that looked like a large lizard in her arms, followed behind her was a sturdy jaguar, and a humanoid monster that was completely black and seemed to be made of rubber.

Even with Thor's knowledge, he was a little confused after seeing this strange combination.

"My name is Kakarot, are you Broly's new disciple?"

Kakarot tilted his head and looked at Thor.

Thor's face was stiff, and he nodded with his neck stiffened. Although he didn't want to admit it, Broly's iron fist was not a vegetarian.

"Broly is only thirteen years old, I didn't expect to have a disciple as old as you." Kakarot said, raising Baya in his arms: "Baaya, can you be my disciple? .”

Bayarden shook his head wildly, slapped Kakarot in the face with his tail, broke away from her hands, and ran away after landing.

It doesn't want to be Kakarot's disciple.

"It doesn't hurt!"

Kakarot covered his face with a red mark, jumped on Gulu's back, and ran away after Baya. Only Thor was left petrified.

"You're only thirteen years old Thor, and you can't even beat a child."

He looked at his hands with some dejection, grabbed his messy hair, and continued to fall into autistic state.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl who had just run away ran back again, holding the dirty Baya in her arms. It was obvious that they had gone through a good fight.

"Broly asked me to teach you how to fight. Stand up quickly and let me see what your current level is."

Kakarot said, patting Thor's head.

Even though he was as autistic as Thor, he couldn't help it when he heard that Broly asked such a young girl to teach him how to fight. Although he couldn't beat Broly, he couldn't beat the young girl in front of him.

"Very good, very energetic!"

Kakarot nodded with satisfaction, put Baya in his arms on Gulu's back, and struck a posture.

"Where's Broly!"

Thor did not use Mjolnir. In his opinion, having to use Mjolnir to fight a girl was simply a shame for the Asa clan.

"If you defeat me, you can meet Broly. Apart from Broly, I haven't competed with anyone else for a long time."

Kakarot said excitedly. After experiencing the battle with the lizard man, she never fought against anyone again. Broly is so powerful that even if he suppresses his energy, she is far from a match.

"Is it that simple?"

Thor smiled confidently, shook one foot on the ground, and flew towards Kakarot, striking directly with his fist. Before his smile completely disappeared, Kakarot punched him in the waist.

With Kakarot's current height, if he didn't jump up, he would have no choice but to hit him here.

Thor's whole body was thrown away by this punch, and he rolled around on the ground several times before standing up from the ground in a somewhat embarrassed state.

"I hit you."

Kakarot clenched his fists and said proudly.

Thor covered his waist and eyes, feeling a sharp pain in his heart.

"It's just good luck. If you do it again, if you do it again, I can punch you into submission!"

He swung his fist straight up, but only hit the afterimage.


Thor was suddenly startled and hurriedly retreated, but before he could react, he was punched in the back and fell to the ground.

"It's really useless. You are no longer powerful at all. Are you really a god?"

Kakarot tilted his head and looked at Thor.


Thor got up from the ground. He had never experienced such a disastrous defeat on the same day. The pride of the past was shattered like glass on the ground.

He put aside the contempt in his heart and showed the caution when facing Broly.

"How could it be possible to fail like this? I will never admit defeat!"

Thor took advantage of his height to deliver a shower of fast punches. Each punch was so powerful that the air exploded repeatedly.

Kakarot nimbly dodged between his fists, waving his hands away from time to time.

"It's useless to fight again. Although your power is amazing, you don't know how to use it. If you are like this, there is no need for Broly to teach you. I can teach you too!"

She said, dodged a punch and then kicked Thor hard in the chest, kicking him away.

Thor stood up from the ground with some difficulty.

"Your martial arts can only fully display your power, but it will no longer be effective when facing an opponent who is stronger than you or has more advanced martial arts skills."

Kakarot said.

"The heart should be as calm as the sky, and its movements should be faster than lightning."

Thor recited these two sentences silently in his heart, but was a little confused. This was completely different from the education he received in Asgard.

"Haha, it's very difficult to do this at the beginning. Let me teach you how to feel the changes in Qi first."

Kakarot rubbed her head and said that she was very positive because Broly said that when Asgard forged weapons, he would also forge one for her.

"Feeling angry, am I angry too?"

Thor glanced at himself.

"Of course, everything in the world has Qi, but your Qi is a little different. It's as violent as thunder. It's not easy to control it well."

Even after thousands of years, Thor still failed to control his own divine power well.

Kakarot said, and asked Thor to sit cross-legged on the ground and collect his mind, without thinking, to sense his own divine power.

But Thor sat cross-legged for more than an hour, his buttocks hurt from sitting, and he did not enter the state of mindlessness that Kakarot said. With a move of his hand, Thor's hammer, which had fallen on the ground, flew into his hand.

"What about adding this?"

Dazzling bolts of lightning shot out from the hammer, and with the help of Thor's hammer, Thor calmed down his own power.

This hammer was forged from Uru metal. This strange metal can hold magic and chi. The more powerful the user, the more powerful the weapon made from Uru metal. Weapons made of Uru metal are virtually unbreakable as long as the enemy's energy does not far exceed the weapon's owner.

"Hmm." Kakarot put his chin on his hand and thought for a while: "Initially you can borrow the power of this hammer, but then you have to leave the hammer to calm down your own energy."

"After all, you are the God of Thunder, not the God of Hammers."

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