Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 96: Hang him!

Late at night, the large account in the army was still brightly lit.

Shi Han and several thousand captains gathered together to talk about something. At this time, the pro-guards who settled Chu Chutian came in.

"Little Sun, how about that big commander?" Asked a captain.

"How can it look? It just looks like a young boy who has a bad smell. I don't know if it was a son of a family of noble kings and nobles who came to gild. I didn't dare to be angry when I mocked him like that."

The pro-guard, known as Xiao Sun, said something about the past.

"Hahaha, it seems that he also knows himself!" A cheeky man with a cheeky face laughed and shook his head. "I don't know what the royal family thinks, actually sent such a hairy kid."

"Maybe he will be the same as the nine princes, and will make us stand out?" Someone interjected.


Hearing this sentence, many people in the big account disdain to drink coldly, the color of ridicule is beyond words.

"How can this boy be compared with the nine princes? Although the nine princes are expensive, they can live and eat with us and fight together. We are respected by the White Tigers, but not a weak boy!"

The bearded centurion jumped first.

Everyone couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this. They thought about how they looked when they came to each other. They couldn't carry their hands and couldn't carry them. They looked like a laziness, not even an ordinary soldier.

"Little Sun, what do you want to say?"

Shi Han glanced at the lingering pro-guard, and said.

"He seems to be Chu Jingtian from Beiliang Palace!" Xiao Sun gritted his teeth and said it again. "I have seen him a few times before joining the White Tigers, and I will never admit it!"

As the words came out, the atmosphere inside the big account suddenly became strange.


Bearded patted the table and yelled:

"What do the people in the royal family think? Actually sending such a guy to be the chief commander, is it possible that all the capable people in the world have died? We people, we still have to listen to his command?

The other people's faces were not very good.

The key point is that Chu Chutian ’s ‘reputation’ is really too big. What is the qualification of an aristocratic noble child who is the most elite White Tiger regiment in the Dayan Dynasty?

"Captain, what do you think?"

Everyone looked towards Shi Han.

The other party was Captain Wan, who now has the highest status in the barracks. Even the nine emperor had to obey his orders. This winter the barbarians fought back many times, and he was led back by his troops.

"After all, he is the great commander recognized by the royal family. Whether we accept it or not, his identity and status are there." Shi Han Shen Ning slowly said.


Everyone was exclaimed, did they really want to listen to each other's orders?

When everyone was confused, just listening to Shi Han continued:

"However, even if he is a big commander? He has no patience and is just an empty shelf. Everything in the White Tigers will not be intervened by him."

"Good way!" The bearded captain laughed, clapping and laughing. "Whether it's training or marching, we won't bird him. Over time, he consciously might be unwilling to roll back obediently."

"I don't know how to do it. I want to be our big leader. Go home and drink milk!"

"Haha, this is a wonderful plan!"

The crowd nodded and nodded.


Overnight, all members of the barracks knew that the new leader of the White Tiger Regiment had arrived in West Xinjiang. However, the attitudes of the thousand captains and ten thousand captains seemed very indifferent, as if there was no such person at all. What should all people do or how to do.

"Boss Chu, I'm so mad!" Early in the morning, Lu Jian pushed open the door of the room. "We seem to be ignored!"

"what happened?"

Chu Jingtian capped the stone egg in his hand and asked casually.

Last night he tried various methods to prepare to hatch this stone egg, and accidentally found that the other party could actually absorb the true energy, mana, and blood, which made him excited and thought he had found a way.

However, this basin-sized stone egg actually looks like a bottomless pit. His triple master's state of cultivation is such that even a second-order big demon can't bear the explosion and died, but it still doesn't fill the small Appetite for something.

"You are busy working on this stone egg again, let's break it open, maybe we can get a pair of yellow eggs to eat!" Lu Jianli pursed his lips, and when he said of eating, he was furious again:

"I went to the Quartermaster Office early in the morning and asked why we didn't prepare our meal. You know what the other party said. He actually said that Shi Han had no arrangements. I went to Shi Han and others told me that he went out for inspection. You said Are we being ignored? "

"They are trying their best to drive us away! How can you do me this way? Take this bottle of elixir and eat one when you are hungry." Chu Jingtian took out a jade bottle from his arms. , And threw it to Lu Jianli.

The other party awakened the hegemon's body, and reached the level of the master, and his appetite and meals were much larger than that of ordinary martial artists.

This is because the way of cultivation is the way of consumption.

The faster you practice, the more you consume your body. This jade bottle contains Yangqi Dan, one that is enough to support Lu Jian for seven days without food or drink.

"It's not a thing for these guys to cool us here, so what should we do if we go to the cold water pool?"

Lu Jianli smiled and took the jade bottle, and he naturally knew that what Chu Jingtian gave himself was absolutely nothing, but when he heard the other party's words, he couldn't help showing some worry.

"I went to see!"

Chu Jingtian gathered up the stone eggs.

After a night of infuriating injection, he could feel the regular beating in the stone eggs becoming more and more powerful, but still had no sense to the outside world. Now that you have found a way, you don't have to worry about it anymore, you just need to infuse it daily.

The first priority is to go to the cold water pool first.

"Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!"

It didn't take long before they got out of the room, and the two heard a sound of neat drills. It was wrapped in silver and surrounded by a biting cold wind, but the soldiers of the White Tiger Regiment were thinly trained.

From a distance, everyone's head was blazing with heat, and the falling snowflakes were not melted by the heat wave.

In such a barracks, Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli, who were all wearing fur, were naturally noticeable. Almost as soon as it appeared, it caught the attention of the Guards soldiers who were training.

"Look, Grand Commander is out!"

"What big **** dominates, but just two fluffy boys with feather arrows."

"Hey, Master Wanfu has ordered, regardless of what these two people say, they will ignore it. I heard that a fat man went to the Quartermaster Department this morning to ask why he didn't have his breakfast, but it turned out to be running down Come back? "

"The winter in our western Xinjiang can be several times colder than the imperial city. Do n’t give them food or water, or they will have to cry and cry for three days."

"Shut up and practice well. Whoever says a few words will have no food today!"

The beard-headed captain, headed by a thousand-headed man, frowned and cried.

When everyone saw him angry, they shuddered and dared not speak again. In this extremely cold weather, if you do n’t have food, you will definitely die. This is true even for those inner warriors, let alone ordinary people?

Thinking of this, everyone was gloating over the two people who came slowly.

"Where did Shi Han go?"

When the two came to the team, Lu Jianli could not wait to ask.

"Get out!" Beard Beard said lightly.

"Where did you go?" Lu Jianli said again.

"Hey, I'm just a little captain. How dare you care about the captain? He wants to go out. Why would he tell us?" The other person looked at Chu with a smile.

"Grand Commander, the wind is too cold here, I advise you to go back to your house and avoid it."

Shelter from the wind?

Chu Jingtian looked indifferent.

As the Supreme Sovereign, he has never been to any kind of extreme environment, let alone the western Xinjiang, which is the extremely cold ice field known as the top ten fierce land.

With the triple master, he was not afraid of such severe cold.

"When will Shi Han come back, I will wait for him here." Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"That may be uncertain. Nowadays, the war in the wild and ancient forest is relatively tight. In order to guard against the barbarians' attack, the inspection by the governor is a top priority. It may be three or five days or half a month. Are you waiting here?

Bearded smiled.

Now the White Tigers' strategy against Chu Jingtian is very simple, just ignore you and let you dry here. If you are interested, get out early. Without fun, there are more ways to deal with you in the barracks.

"How about you?"

Chu Jingtian looked at each other. "I just need someone who is familiar with the wild and ancient forests to lead the way, and can lead us to avoid those barbarians. I'm going to a cold water pond."

This time it was his turn to be surprised.

Last night, Xiao Sun mentioned that Chu Jingtian asked about Hanshuitan, but everyone didn't care, but Chu Jingtian didn't expect to go to Hanshuitan. For a moment, he could not help but raise a hint of doubt.

But this does not mean that he can relax and put away his expression, he continued:

"Lord, I'm afraid that's not okay. The barren ancient forests have now become a battlefield. Those barbarians have survived in the ancient forests since childhood. They are all in the sky and underground. Even if it is a thousand-man army, they can survive by less than 50%. . "

"You want to go in ~ ~ At least we have to wait until our White Tigers fight back the barbarians!"

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

The cold water pond is in the depths of the ancient forest. Although he can directly kill with a snake, if someone leads the way, he can save a lot of time and energy.

"When can I fight back the barbarians?"

Lu Jianli knew Chu Jingtian's eagerness and couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Haha, this is even longer, at least four or five months, at most three or two years. Shouldn't you wait here for so long?" The bearded beard laughed.

The soldiers who were training in the army also laughed when they heard the words, and now they were even more disdainful of them.

PS: There is one more at 10pm!

(End of this chapter)

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