Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 90: Zhang Fanchen VS Chu Jingtian

"who is it?"

The horrifying people who were clamoring for fear and horror, looked violently towards the sound, and saw no one, old or young, approaching.

The old Daoxianxianfeng, Haoshou Baixu, extremely elegant, is like an old scholar. The young man is handsome, handsome, and difficult to hide. Wherever the two passed, the crowd unconsciously separated.

"These two are really enough, dare to make trouble in front of Master Chu!"

Yi Yifan hummed coldly.

After Chu Jingtian's identity was revealed, it can be said that the Beiliang Palace was more important than the royal family in the hearts of everyone. It ’s too late for ordinary people to seduce, so why would anyone dare to make trouble in person?

Wei Qingfeng looked at it with confusion, and suddenly it seemed like he was thinking of something, a shock flashed in his eyes, exclaimed:

"It's them……"

"Who are they?" Wu Yifan asked quickly.

Wei Qingfeng smiled bitterly and said, "The four princes of the Yunwu Dynasty, Zhang Ruochen! The Yunwu Dynasty was the national master, and Lei Yunfei!"

"It's them!" Wu Yifan fiercely turned pale, and "Pedal pedaling" took a few steps back.

The others were not much better, and the two walked slowly, like a rolling cloud, casting a shadow on everyone's hearts.

Those who are not good are not good.

"Bold, dare to presume in front of Master Chu!"

Wang Chong was angry.

In his mind, Chu Jingtian is an inviolable existence. Now he is overwhelmingly crowned by the nine princes, countless powers bowed their heads, and the two of them dared to provoke in person, which should be a piece of broken body.

With a rage, Wang Chong pulled his sword and stabbed.


A crisp sound of swords sounded, and Wang Chong burst into a huge and energetic atmosphere. When the terrible breath was scrolling, the surrounding airflow was actually swirling. The terrible wind even set off a few meters high. Dust.

In the fury of anger, Wang Chong was like a wave that was enough to destroy everything, pressing **** the two.

Feeling the sword, everyone was shocked with scalp. In particular, several other teachers of the Qinglong regiment were exclaimed. The strength of Wang Chong is just like every day, and progress is rapid!

If they are replaced, I am afraid that everyone will join forces, they may not be able to resist this sword.

"Bauble, embroidered pillows!"

However, Zhang Ruochen flicked with his right finger, and saw an extremely condensed finger flying away, and a bang of 'Dang' banged on the tip of Wang Chong's sword. Under the shocking eyes of everyone, the dust of several meters high burst suddenly.

The long sword in Wang Chong's hand was actually crushed directly by this record. Even more, referring to the huge impact of Mang, he directly knocked him a few meters away and sprayed a large mouthful of blood.

"Zhang Ruochen?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

Zhang Ruochen smiled and said:

"Chu Jingtian, I heard that you committed three things as far away as the Yunwu dynasty. First: You have corrupted the treasury, and now the Qin family has put out seven million purple gold, and you can easily fill the empty deficit! Second: you play Jinling Daughter Wang, now the other party is willing to give her daughter to you as a maid.

"Third: You lost in my hands and lost the face of the Dayan Dynasty."

"You said at the beginning that victory and defeat are commonplace, and you want to get back to me. Now I'm here ... I wonder if you have the courage to fight me?"

"Four princes!" Lei Yunfei said quickly.

Zhang Ruochen turned a deaf ear.

In theory, Lei Yunfei should take the shot. But Zhang Ruochen was young and vigorous. How could he tolerate Chu Jingtian, who had been trampled under him, now surpassing himself? Moreover, he also has Bloodwing Silver-eyed Monsters to help, confident that he will not lose to the other!

"Why not!"

When Lei Yunfei saw this, he didn't say much.

After all, this is a matter between juniors. If he, a teacher of one country, rashly shots, it may cause disputes between the two countries. Moreover, Chu Jingtian is now a genius of Dayan. If Zhang Ruochen can still step on his feet, it will be enough to suppress Dayan's morale.

Chu Jingtian glanced at Wang Chong, who got up from the ground with a wolf howling, and motioned for him to retreat. Then he looked at the other side and said:

"Zhang Ruochen, you are not my opponent, don't ask for yourself. Let the Thunder Cloud behind you fly!"

"is it?"

Zhang Ruochen sneered.

Seeing his fists stunned, his breath was directly revealed.

Feeling this breath, the crowds couldn't help but be stunned, which was clearly the realm of true masters.

"When did he reach Master Qi?"

Yang Mucheng was not surprised.

Immediately, a look of joy appeared on his face.

‘It ’s so amazing that I ca n’t suppress it. If this continues, I am afraid that no one in Dayan can subdue him. Zhang Ruochen and Lei Yun came just right. If they could use their hands to suppress Chu Jingtian, it would be better! ’

The other people's faces were also a little ugly, and they were worried for Chu.

"I fight you in the realm of true master, do not know if I have this qualification?" Zhang Ruochen sneered.

Master Qi?

There was a hint of surprise in Chu Jingtian's eyes.

He did not have much intersection with Zhang Ruochen in his previous life. He only knew that the opponent and even his mighty power had embezzled dozens of dynasties.

‘If so, it makes sense! He is so young to reach the real state of mind, and it is not uncommon to reach the mysterious state in the future. With that kind of repair as the commander and the army, who else can resist? ’

Zhang Ruochen looked at Chu Jingtian, who was silent, and raised his lips.

The others were also silent, not knowing what to say.

A glorious smile appeared on Yang Mucheng's face. Although he didn't step Chu Chutian under his own feet, he could see Chu Jingtian's embarrassment.

When everyone felt that Chu Jingtian was afraid to answer, they saw him slowly shake his head and said:

"Grand Master, you are still not qualified!"

"Chu Jingtian, you are too arrogant!"

Rao is a thundercloud flying deep in the city, and can't help getting angry at this moment.

The realm of true masters is known as the 'earth immortal' in the world. You can fly into the sky, call the wind and the rain, and walk down the mountains and rivers. Isn't this existence worthy of being called "fairy"?

"If I don't even deserve it, who is it?"

Zhang Ruochen was furious.

Zhenqi Realm is the second realm of refining gasification. After reaching this state, it is already able to communicate the heaven and earth reiki like a spiritual master, and under the operation of perennial qi all the time, it gives them a refining body. Physique.

He thinks he can handle everything except those old monsters that can't be hidden. But now he has been repeatedly looked down upon by Chu Jingtian three times, which makes him mad at his ignorance!

"Lei Yunfei behind you can barely do some tricks with me. You still let him come!" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Guo Shi has reached the imperial period, what qualifications do you have to do with him?" Zhang Ruochen almost burst out of such words.

The hearts of the people shivered, and awesome gazes flew towards Lei Yun.

The third-order Emperor Period Powerhouse!

This is simply the existence known as 'True Immortal'. Dixian and Zhenxian, although they differ by a word, are very different. Especially the strong in the imperial period, this already has one person to protect the strength of one country.

Everyone shook their heads in their eyes. Even if Chu Jingtian is a strong man of the double martial arts, he may be able to fight Zhang Ruochen, but he is definitely not Lei Yunfei's opponent!

Chu Jingtian sank for a moment, not knowing what he thought of, and suddenly raised his brow:

"Okay! I defeated you first, and so did Lei Yunfei."

"It's just wanton!"

Zhang Ruochen was furious, and the next moment he was already carrying a voluptuous spirit, rolling towards Chu Jingtian to kill. The surging spirit gathered around him, like a blue flame.

This immense vitality even formed a huge blue dragon with a length of tens of meters, hovering around Zhang Ruochen's body, and wrapped him in layers, enveloping him in the blue dragon.

The rushed Zhang Ruochen was like an ancient tyrannosaurus, and the ground was deeply scratched by him.


Without the evil snake suppressed by the demon king's fangs, the scales exploded, already rushing towards Zhang Ruochen.

Everyone saw this scene with a sigh of relief.

Although Zhang Ruochen reached the sage master, Chu Jingtian was a martial arts master, and this true sage snake helped him, not necessarily his opponent. But before everyone could completely relax their hearts, they saw Zhang Ruochen not even look at it, and swung it out with one palm!


At the same time, Zhang Ruochen's towering blue dragon virtual shadow is also following the claws. In the eyes of everyone, the almost invincible Yin snake was directly held down by the dragon's claw.

At this moment, huge power poured into the body of the Yin snake.

Under the shocking eyes of countless people, this 17-meter-long Yin snake was shot directly in the ground by Zhang Ruochen. Such a mighty power couldn't help everyone!


Cried Chu Ao.

The powerhouses were also terrified.

Is this Chu Yantian, who is so arrogant, dying?

There was a hint of pleasure in Yang Mucheng's eyes: Although I can't kill you, someone can kill you after all.

But Wang Chong, Lu Jianli, Luo Shengyu and others were disdainful. Looking at Zhang Ruochen was full of pity, as if looking at an unprecedented idiot.


Zhang Ruochen sneered coldly ~ ~ Right out again.


A gust of wind screamed, and the towering and terrifying blue dragon once again probed its claws. This claw came out of the sky, faster and stronger than the previous blow that crushed the snake.

‘Even if you ’re a martial arts expert, What if your name is Dayan? Even if you have countless wealthy support? You still have to die in my hands! ’

Lei Yunfei even had a smile on his face, his eyes full of disdain.

‘These arrogant boys dare to beat me? This lesson will make your life unforgettable! ’

However, as soon as he thought about it, he saw Chu Jingtian slowly raising his hand and grabbing forward. This grab seems extremely random, but in Zhang Ruochen's eyes, it seems like a dragon is going out to sea, fast and unavoidable!

PS: Thanks for the reward for not talking!

(End of this chapter)

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