Although Chu Jingtian defeated Chu Bao before, many people still think he is too arrogant. After all, Chu Hu is a genius in Wangfu, except Chu Wushuang.

Chu Chubao looked at Chu Jingtian with a vicious face.

"It's no wonder that Chu is so arrogant. You didn't expect that you have the inner strength and the strength is not bad."

"How could I fail in your hands if I didn't care?"

"But don't think that you can be indifferent in this regard, Chu Hu is not that you can underestimate the existence!"

The tribe present knows the terribleness of Chu Hu.

In addition, Chu Jingtian has always been too wasteful. How can everyone accept this waste, which has been ridiculed by himself, suddenly turned over?

Coupled with Chu Jingtian ’s consistent performance, almost everyone is on the side of Chu Hu.

"I'll see what confidence you have!"

When Chu Chuhu came to the field, the momentum sank for a moment, and the whole person was as daunting as the tiger.

In contrast, Chu Jingtian's momentum disappeared here and there, and he could barely perceive it, even as the candlelight would go out at any time.

外 Be quiet outside the field, everyone's eyes fell on the two.

"So talented!"

Wu Chu shocked him and gave him a critical comment.

"Hum, dare to pretend?" Chu Hu's eyes flashed angrily.

I saw him take a deep breath and drank suddenly.


With a sigh of relief, like a blast of thunder in the flat ground, the people around me were trembling with blood and the eardrums were aching.

A strong wind pressure, centered on Chu Hu's body, spread rapidly, showing a turbulent air wave. Just this one, I do n’t know how much better than the previous Chu Bao.

Then, he stepped forward and came to Chu Jingtian as if shrinking into an inch, his right fist burst out.

This fist brought a monstrous wind, even if it is far away, all the people around can feel the fright of this fist!

"Although you are born with divine power, your strength is a little stronger than the warriors in the same realm, but unfortunately you are too confident in your strength!"

In the face of Chu Hu's full blow, Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head and commented casually.

At the same time, he also worked hard, raised his fist and hit forward!


"This is simply stupid ..."

"Not to mention that Chu Hu is born with divine power, it is his internal strength that is close to the peak of cultivation, which is enough to crush Chu Jingtian!"

I saw this scene, everyone was exclaimed.

Wu Chuhu raised his mouth in disdain.


The two fists were severely bombarded together under the attention of everyone, and then the hidden power broke out in an instant.


Lu Chuhu's complexion changed dramatically. He could clearly feel that the power burst in the opponent's fist was obviously stronger than himself.

"How could it be so strong?"

Roaring in his heart, Chu Hu shivered.

Immediately, in an incredible look, he actually shot out with a wolf howling, and withdrew ten steps in a row, and it was worthy to stop.

Shocking and astounding, but it was not a step!

Surrounding the audience, stunned.

Wu Chu shocked the sky with a random punch and retreated Chu Hu, and looking at his stance, obviously not doing his best!

"Come again!"

Chu Chu, who was repelled by Chu Jingtian, flashed a madness in his eyes. He snorted, and rushed towards Chu Jingtian again. At the same time, the whole body of his body burst out suddenly, and a tiger howling rang out in the sky.

A burst of horrific momentum far surpassed before. In the shocking eyes of countless people, he seemed to be transformed into a real tiger, a majestic mountain and forest, only I have respect!

"It's first-order martial arts! Tigers and mountains break!"

"This is just a family contest. How did Chu Hu use this trick?"

I felt the shock of Chu Hu's outburst. Martial arts is a means to cooperate with the inner strength. Although it costs a lot, its power will skyrocket several times.

With this punch, I'm afraid Chu Jingtian will be killed on the spot!

"Teacher Zhang, save people!"

Lu Chuyao came back to her, shouting loudly.

There was a horror in Zhang Jiaotou's eyes, but it was too late to take the shot at this moment, he could only watch Chu Hu rush to Chu Jingtian's body.

一些 Some of the timid people in the surrounding area are afraid to look at it anymore. Even if Chu Jingtian has amazing means, he can't beat Chuhu's full blow.

There is a glimmer of pride in Lu Chubao's eyes, and you have no one in your eyes before. This is when you pay the price. Without strength, you will never have arrogant capital!

However, in the eyes of the people around him, worried, desperate, happy, or regretful, Chu Jingtian smiled lightly, shaking hands and punching forward.

His fist seemed ordinary, as if powerless. But the momentum of the whole person is soaring, as if a giant who can't be offended and has the power to crush everything.

Then in the shocking eyes of countless people, the two fists collided again!


Wu Chuhu's majestic mountains and forests, with my solemn momentum, directly under Chu Jingtian's fist, bursting withered.

Then, he only felt an incomparable force sweeping like a turbulent tide, sinking fiercely into his limbs, causing the bones all over his body to tremble at this moment.


In the incredible eyes of everyone, Chu Hu spewed a mist of blood, and the whole person shot seven or eight feet away, flew out of the crowd, and fell out of the martial arts field!

The scene is dead!

Everyone was stunned watching Chu Hu being blasted out, and watching Xu Jing pull back his right hand as if to drive away a frightening Chu Jingtian, and couldn't believe his eyes.

If Chu Bao was defeated before, and it is still accepted by everyone, now Chu Hu is defeated is beyond everyone's imagination!

Zhang Zhang taught his head to almost bit his tongue. Chu Yao's face was still full of shock, as if he couldn't believe what happened. Chu Bao was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall out, and he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

"Who else wants to practice with me again?"

Chu Chu was shocked and stood up, asking slightly.

His eyes glanced at Chu Leopard, who looked like a frightened bird, trembling his head, and did not dare to say a word. Others met Chu Jingtian's gaze, and they all lowered their heads, afraid to look at them.

Chu Chu's shocking fist completely knocked out his impression in the hearts of everyone. Let them know that he is no longer the old decadent firewood.

"Can I stop preaching in the future?"

Xu Chu thought for a while and looked at Zhang Jiaotou.

He will be busy with cultivation next time. This kind of martial arts experience won't even bother to listen to Xianzong's miscellaneous service. He just wastes his time.

"Chu Shao, your strength has surpassed me, naturally you can stop listening to my preaching and teaching!"

Zhang Zhangjiao responded with a bitter smile.

Before he saw Chu Jingtian disdain himself for giving a lecture, there was still a bit of shame and anger in his heart, but the opponent's last punch completely eliminated his dissatisfaction in his heart. Even he couldn't catch Chu Jingtian's punch.

He is not even as good as his students. How does this teach him?

"Xiaotian, when did you have the inner strength? You even concealed my cousin!"

Lu Chuyao almost jumped up and called out in a reprimand.

At the same time, she also looked at Chu Jingtian, she really did not expect that the other party did not sing.

"No wonder he dared to say that in the Chamber at the beginning! Even the second-generation master of the young man in the palace, he can defeat him, I am afraid he will chase Chu Wushuang in the future!"

I was so shocked to others that Chu was able to pose as a supreme sovereign, but not to Chu Yao.

He shook his head, posing like a surrender:

"I only have the inner strength these days, no one has the time to tell."

I heard that Chu Jingtian himself admitted that some of the people who had expected it had bowed their heads completely. They had a premonition. From today on, Chu Jingtian is Qian Qian out of the abyss, and no one can trap him!

"What will happen in the future, you must tell me first!" Chu Yao nodded with satisfaction, "In the future, you practice well in the clan, and strive to become someone like Chu Wushuang!"

"Chu Wushuang? Hehe! He's not worth it!"

Chu Chu shocked and shook her head.

Everyone couldn't help getting angry when they saw him. You Chu Jingtian even got rid of the name of waste ~ ~ But Chu Wushuang is the first master of Wangfu's younger generation, and is the idol of all of them.

How dare you look down on him?

"You look down on even Brother Chu Shuangshuang, I don't know what kind of talents in this big yan dynasty are for you to follow? Study?" Chu Bao sneered.

"No one in the Dayan Dynasty got into my eyes!" Chu Jingtian shook his head.

"Chu Jingtian, you are too crazy!"

Everyone shouted in the market, and Chu Bao taunted:

"You just defeated me and Chu Hu, not only did you not put Chu Wushuang's brother in your eyes, not even the dynasty masters. Do you know what you are talking about?"

Chu Chu glanced at him quietly, a hint of taunt flashed in his eyes.

He is not only the entire dynasty, but also this Kunlun realm. In his eyes, it is just a projectile. And in his previous life, he was the Supreme Sovereign of the Avenue Sect, how can these frogs at the bottom of the well be compared with it!

Of course, Chu Jingtian didn't explain anything, but walked toward the outside of the palace with both hands on his back. The spirit grass he got from Yaowang Pavilion last time is almost exhausted. If he wants to improve, he can only go to Yaowang Pavilion again.

The others looked at Chu Jingtian, their eyes were shocked and angry.

To my surprise, this waste, which has always been despised by people, didn't sing.

What makes him angry is that he doesn't even take Chu Wushuang in his eyes, it is not arrogant!

"You don't even look at Brother Chu Wushuang! I want to see, what is your ability!"

Chu Chubao clenched her fists, her eyes full of unwillingness.

"There are three more months for the annual family meeting. So many eyes are staring at you. I see how you will explain those three things!"

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