
Chu Jingtian's faint words fell suddenly on the field like a thunder.

"Fighting! He really has the courage to fight!"

"Why didn't he dare, he was a second-order animal trainer!"

"What about the second-order animal trainer? His hole card is exposed too early, and Chu Wushuang has nine princes supporting him. Does he have no means to deal with the second-order animal trainer?"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian was actually fighting, the powerful people around him couldn't help it, and an unimaginable cry broke out immediately.

In their view.

Whether it is Chu Wushuang supported by Yang Mucheng, or Chu Jingtian supported by the Long Princess, the King of Western Xinjiang, the King of Jinling, and the Qin family, it is just a game between the forces behind it.

But what really can speak is strength! This is a world that respects the strong!

"Hahaha ..."

Crazy laughter echoed over the palace of Beiliang.

Chu Wu's eyes were proud, as if the dragon looked down at the ants:

"I said that you and I are not at all a level, not a person of the world. Today I will prove it to you! Why do you have nothing to do, you can have the right to inherit the Beiliang King's Mansion, and how hard I try Can't catch up with you? Chu Jingtian, today I want to replace you! "

"On you?"

Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers and slowly shook his head.

Chu Wushuang's unwillingness, Chu's shocking randomness, but the atmosphere of the entire Beiliang King's Mansion reached its peak in an instant.

no way! This battle is really much anticipated!

Everyone originally thought that Chu Wushuang would take away the right to inherit Beiliang Wangfu without suspense. But who thought that Chu Jingtian, who was not optimistic about everyone, was a shocking reversal, and even surpassed the other.

This battle stipulates who will be the orthodox heir to the King of the Liangliang in the future!

"Sister Huang, you said earlier that I had done things badly, and soon I could prove that my choice was not wrong at all!" Yang Mucheng clenched his fists in both hands, his face full of satisfaction.

"Oh!" Yang Yuxuan looked at Yang Mucheng with confidence and shook his head.

‘If Chu Jingtian ’s hole card is just a second-order beastmaster, then he will certainly lose today. But unfortunately, his hole cards were not me, not the king of Xijiang, not the king of Jinling, not the emperor, not even the Qin family, Luo Shengyu, Ding Wenyuan, but himself! ’

‘The identity and strength of Mr. Chu is the biggest hole card. Where do I need others? ’

At the time of everyone's thoughts, Chu Wushuang had already shot without hesitation.

His fists stunned, and the surging vitality erupted like a flood. This huge vitality instantly set off a billowing wind and lifted all the powerful people around. At the same time, a gigantic Zhangtian big hand was formed on the spot and shot directly towards Chu Jingtian!

"Is this to kill Chu Jingtian directly?"

The dignitaries around looked at the wildly falling giant palms, all looking startled.


Almost at the same time as Chu Wushuang's shot, the Yin snake also issued a terrifying growl. In the roar, its seventeen-eight-meter-long body was a fierce burst, which was as terrifying as the Canglong went out to sea.

At the same time he rushed out, the giant tail mixed with billowing spirits swept directly to the big hand of Optimus.


There was a violent collision, and immediately there was a blast of rock breaking.

In the collision of Qi and Qi, a terrible wave of Qi was set off, which directly lifted the people around, and tore the surrounding earth into a crack several meters deep.

In defending, the Yin Snake stayed in place, the tail of the snake coiled, and the snake's head stood tall.

However, Chu Wushuang trembled, taking a few steps backwards. Obviously, he has only achieved the Qi Qi Xiaocheng's cultivation behavior, and he is still unable to resist the Yin Snake who has entered the Qi Qi's perfection.

"You can't even beat a big demon I'm conquering. What qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

Chu Jingtian stood there, didn't move from beginning to end, just watching quietly.

Hissing ~

The Yin Snake heard more and was more proud.

The whole body was full of demons, and the wind was about to set off.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, more and more horrified.

"Before being conquered by Chu Jingtian, this Yin snake had only the strength of Zhenqi's peak, and now it has achieved its complete success. With its presence, Chu Jingtian can win without hands!"

俆 Yi Fan clapped and shouted.

"How can it be so easy?" Wei Qingfeng shook his head slowly, and he glanced at Yi Yifan with a puzzled look. Then he said: "Look at the Emperor Jiu, then look at the elder ..."

Ji Yifan hurriedly looked at the two, although they were quite surprised after the Yin snake showed its strength, but they soon returned to their previous appearance. There is no such thing as helplessness, but a gesture of disapproval on the face!

Only listening to Wei Qingfeng continued:

"Chu Wushuang dare to challenge the other party when he knows that he is a second-order animal trainer. Don't you think the other party has no means to subdue the Yin snake?"

"Hahaha, Chu Jingtian, is this your dependence? If you don't have this black snake, you are nothing!"

Chu Wushuang was stepped back by the Yin Snake, and his face was full of expressions, but then he laughed wildly. "Look how I suppress your ghost snake!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw he took out a yellowed bone and filled his fangs amulet with madness. Just listening to the sound of "Om", the bones with half of the cavities turned out to be a masterpiece of light. Numerous incomprehensible characters and patterns fluttered up and turned slowly.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, these golden patterns actually condensed into a single-headed unicorn in the void, with a body size of more than thirty meters.


At the same time as the formation of the demon king, a surging anger came from the void.

"Hisse ~"

Feeling this demon, the Yin Snake is like a cat with its tail stomped on it, and its scales are erected, but it quickly shrinks into a ball. Everyone looked at it, the ghost snake was trembling with fear.

"Oh? The fangs of the third-order demon king?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

"I didn't expect you to have some eyesight, but you could recognize it." Chu Wushuang held his fangs and glanced at the trembling Yin snake eyebrows. "This Yin snake is your support, and now without it, I see what else you have ability!"

"Chu Jingtian, everything is over!"


As soon as the words fell, Chu Wushuang pulled out his sword. An icy sword-mang was already tumbling up, like a lightning in the night, breaking through the void, pointing directly at Chu Jingtian!

"If you see it, the sword goes down, and the Dayan Dynasty will never have the character Chu Jingtian!"

Yang Mucheng held his arms in his arms and smiled lightly.

"is it?"

Yang Yuxuan raised a brow, and said nothing.

The elder elder's face even showed a touch of smile, as if Chu Jingtian had been killed, their father and son replaced Chu Ao!

The wealthy people who support Chu Wushuang in the surrounding area are screaming at this moment.

When Chu Jingtian's ghost snake appeared, they were almost desperate. But who thought, Chu Wushuang actually suppressed this Yin snake with a magic weapon. A beastmaster without a beast is equivalent to a tiger being pulled out of teeth!

‘It ’s a pity that without the support of Emperor Nine, I am afraid Chu Jingtian will win today. So many forces add up that no one can handle it. Unfortunately, this world respects martial arts, and no one will sympathize with the weak! ’

Some people looked at this scene and shook their heads secretly as if they had seen the ending.

"Be careful!"

Chu Yao in the crowd couldn't help shouting.


However, in the eyes of countless people regret, regret, gloat, Chu Jingtian sneered. "You're wrong. This year will just start for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Chu Jingtian slowly raising his palm and gently waving.

He waved like a mosquito repellent, fluttering and weak. But in the eyes of everyone, it caused a burst of exclaiming. I saw that he waved casually, and it was actually a gathering of great anger, and a gust of wind like ghost waves was set off in an instant.


The wind was screaming, and in the shocking eyes of countless people, a white air wave was brought up, like a crazy dragon bursting out of the water, and went directly towards Chu Wushuang with an unparalleled attitude.


As soon as Chu Wushuang's pupils closed, the smile on his face completely turned into terror. He had an intuition that if he was devoured by this wave of air, he would be dead forever!

In this moment of life and death, Chu Wushuang mobilized all his qi, and twisted his body in a circle.


The raging waves continued to scream, and a 20-meter-high bluestone in the Wangfuyuan was directly smashed into powder. ~ Even the Royal Mansion Chamber was bombed.

Everyone was stunned watching this scene. The entire Beiliang Palace was actually waved by Chu Jingtian, and a trace of half a foot wide and 100 meters long was crushed like a dragon!

The whole Beiliang palace was dead.

"This this……"

Yang Mucheng's face was shocked everywhere.

"That's why I said, you're in a bad job!"

Yang Yuxuan sighed heavily.

"National Division!"

Zhang Ruochen's eyes were about to bulge.

Lei Yunfei's eyes were horrified, staring at Chu's shocking eyes like the enemy!

"How is this going……"

Qi Yifan couldn't even close his mouth.

Wei Qingfeng looked at Chu Jingtian, and then looked at the explosive power he exploded, struggling to wake up from shock. He shook his head again and again, saying unbelievably:

"Wrong, we are all very wrong! Where does Chu Jingtian need to use the princess, the king of Xijiang, the king of Jinling ... to crush Chu Wushuang as the identity of those people! To crush the nine princes! It can be done easily! "

"how is this possible?"

Chu Wushuang was shocked. He looked at the chaotic Beiliang Palace, but at this moment only felt a chill in his heart. This terrifying strength, he has only seen in one person, and that is Mr. Chu!

Slowly withdraw his right hand, Chu Jingtian's voice seems to be uploaded from the ethereal nine days:

"Now you understand the gap between us? You and I are not at all in the world! I can kill you by turning my hands. The reason why I wait till now is to let you know what despair is. ! "

At this moment, Chu Wushuang's heart fell like an abyss!

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