Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 82: Who else?


Lu Jianli enjoyed the awe-inspiring gaze of everyone, and came to Chu Jingtian with soaring expressions.

At this moment he just felt exasperated!

In the past, in front of these people, any one of them can stand up in front of him? Which one has a good word for him? Which one deserves him?

But now, he can easily kill the Xuan Dingfeng strong, which makes him overwhelming!

"Good job!"

Chu Jingtian nodded.

The so-called martial arts warrior, the body is the most powerful weapon, one punch and one foot can have great power. There is no fear of magic and authenticity, and the hegemonic body is far from being comparable to ordinary refining martial arts. Naturally, the crowd can't hold up their heads.

"It looks like you are going to look at Lu Jianli!"

Dewey secretly said.

The twists and turns of this good show are beyond his cognition. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that Lu Jianli was so powerful. Of course, an ordinary sister-in-law doesn't need to care. If it is a great master, the Dayan Dynasty must pay attention to it.

At this time everyone returned from shock.

Ren Yun couldn't sit still.

"Chu Jingtian, the game was over just now, is it time for you?"

"Sister Ren, don't say it!" Qi Moqing pulled Ren Yun to death, Lu Jianli was so powerful, Chu Jingtian must be more terrible. He is Mr. Chu who is a big name. If you force him to take a shot, everyone here may not be able to beat him.

"I'm out of breath for you. After the Dengtu prodigal teased you, he didn't get any punishment. He dared to live a leisurely life. I can't take this breath!" Ren Yun cried.

What about swallowing?

What if I can't swallow?

俆 Mo Qing's face was bitter. This matter, even her father, King Jinling, and even her uncle Emperor Shi Xuan recognized it, and was ready to give her to the other side as a maid. Now waiting for the Wangfu annual meeting, Chu Jingtian's identity was revealed on that day!

As Ren Yun said, everyone's eyes turned to Chu Jingtian again.

Many little sisters in her circle also shouted:

"Chu Jingtian, it's your turn. You don't have to shrink your turtle!"

"Yeah, aren't you a second-order beastmaster? Don't you want to prove that you are an orthodox heir of the Northern Liang King?"

Chu Jingtian was drinking tea as if everything had nothing to do with him.

This scene is even more dismissive in the eyes of everyone.

When everyone thought that Chu Jingtian would always choose to be silent, he suddenly smiled and said, "Want to let me do it?"

"OK! Who will fight me?"

Chu Jingtian slowly stood up.

"Chu Jingtian, I'm also a second-order animal trainer, I'm here to fight you!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Mucheng stepped out of a gray robe man. His face was somber and cold, like a ghost. Before he stood in the corner, everyone didn't find him, but now the other person came out, everyone just realized that there is still such a person.

I saw him take out the animal beast badge, waved his hand gently, a deep purple light flashed, a seventeen-eight-foot-long Yin snake appeared at the banquet. Seeing this big demon with a thicker body than the bucket, many people retreated in shock.

"Take out your beast!"

Man in gray robe.

"I haven't subdued any monsters!" Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

"How do you fight me without the beast?" The man in the gray robe couldn't help laughing.

The biggest card of the beastmaster is the beastmaster. The stronger the monster he controls, the more awesome he will be.

If the Beastmaster had no Beastmaster, it would be the same as a tiger that had been pulled out of the tooth, and a viper without a tooth, but only a paper tiger.

"He didn't even get the badge of the Second-Order Beastmaster!"

Ren Yun shouted in the crowd.

Hearing this, Yang Mucheng raised his eyebrows and shrugged his head. The followers behind him were also commotion, whispering something. The gray robe man shook his head again and again.

You know, the badge of the animal master is not only a ming, but also a magic weapon, which has a space dedicated to storing the animal master. After all, some monsters are huge, and many places can't come and go at will, so the badge of the beastmaster plays a good role.

"You have no badge, and you have no animal control. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

The gray robe man looked at Chu Jingtian with a sneer, as if looking at a fool looking for death.

"Crap nonsense, come on!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

There was a hint of anger in the eyes of the man in the gray robe. He had never seen such a wild animal master. He did not dare to challenge himself without the animal master!

"Come on!" He growled.

The voice didn't fall, the huge snake's huge body shot like an arrow off the string, and the crowd saw only a black mang flashing. The 17-meter-eight demon was already in front of Chu Jingtian.

Wherever he went, the tables, chairs, and benches were crushed on the spot, and the slate under his feet was crushed by the terrible weight of the snake.

"Oh my god!"

Everyone exclaimed.

This Yin snake has at least a true and successful cultivation behavior, but I am afraid that it is stronger than the previous Zhao Feng. The momentum of this charge is like a mountain peak, which is unstoppable.

‘Even if it ’s Lu Jianli, who is the master of Heng Lian, I ’m afraid we have to stay away from the edge? ’

Everyone thought secretly.

The man in the gray robe showed his pride. This ghost snake was conquered by him in the cold water pool of the wild and ancient forest. In order to make it surrender, many people have died. Now this ghost snake is the first shot!

Yang Mucheng's face was dull, Chu Jingtian died sooner, and Chu Wushuang was the heir of the Beiliang King's Mansion.

"This **** reptile, Boss Chu can step on him with one foot!"

Lu Jian sneered.

In the shock of the crowd, the Yin Snake had rushed to Chu Jingtian, but Chu Jingtian stood there indifferently, as if the whole person was frightened.

What happened next, however, shocked everyone.

The flying snake didn't swallow Chu Jingtian like everyone imagined, but it suddenly stopped, wrapped around him, and even lowered his head like a cat for food.

"How is that possible? Give him to me!"

The smile on the man's face stopped abruptly, and he could not help but exclaim with wide eyes. But the Yin snake ignored it, and instead held Chu's throbbing calf constantly.

"He actually took away the other animal's dominator? What did he just do?"

Yang Mucheng's eyes closed, his face was incredible.

The same is true of others.

After the beast is generally selected as the master, most of them will swear to follow and will not change the master, and will not listen to people's orders. Now Chu Jingtian calmly seized the opponent's beast, and even the master's orders were not heard! ?

Only Mo Moqing shook his head secretly:

"If other people are on, there may still be resistance, but fighting against the same beastmaster and him is tantamount to death!"

At first Chu Chutian drank at will, making the beasts subjugated in the Beast Guild, and more than a dozen second-order beast-masters could only watch their own beasts out of control.

You want to deal with him by controlling the beast, you just hit the egg against the stone!

"Chu Jingtian, let go of my beast!"

Cried the man in a gray robe.

"Let it go? Don't regret it!"

Chu Jingtian slowly raised his head, grinned, and patted the snake's head gently. "Let's go back!"

Suddenly, the clever snake that was just like a cat at that moment suddenly turned around and hit the man in a gray robe at a speed more terrifying than when he came.

The man in the gray robe was still surprised that the shocking snake would let go of the snake so easily, and it hadn't responded yet. The snake had hit like a hill.


The man in the gray robe flew out and planted heavily on the ground, everyone quickly looked. I saw the other person's chest had been completely sunken, already dead and could not die.

"Do you want to compete with me in this way? Are there any animal masters dare to get on? Others?"

Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers and wrote lightly.

After hearing what he said, the scared bodies of several beastmasters in the field trembled, and they stepped back and took a few steps to hide their badges on the chest. It's just a joke, a means of seizing people and beasts. They haven't figured it out yet, aren't they going to death now?

"What about without a beast? What about without a badge?"

Chu Jingtian dismissed.

From the perspective of His Majesty the Immortal Sovereign of the Avenue, the ordinary monsters could not reach his eyes, at least it had to be above the fifth or sixth level before he could barely consider it.

He doesn't care if there is the acknowledgement of the Beast Guild!

"He is strong again!"

俆 Mo Qing smiled secretly ~ ~ On the day of the Guild of Beasts, Chu Jingtian or more of the ancient dragon language can make the beasts surrender, but now he didn't move, he seized others and killed the other party. This approach is already very imaginable.

Dewey was almost shocked.

Except for him, all the aristocrats present were the same. Everyone thinks that Chu Jingtian, who does n’t have a beast, or even a badge, ca n’t compete with the other party, but in a blink of an eye, there is an unexpected end to everyone.

Yang Mucheng's face was also extremely ugly, even enough to drip water. But he suddenly smiled again:

"Good means, really good means, let me wait for admiration. Brother Chu really is like his name, if he doesn't sing, it's a shock! Sit down, please sit down!"

It is worthy of being the nine prince, changing his face faster than turning the book.

Chu Jingtian and Lu Jian slayed two of his powerful men and broke Liu Tianyi's legs. If they were nearby, he would have been furious, but he could still laugh.

If you don't know it, you might think that these people have nothing to do with him.

"Boss Chu?"

Lu Jianli was taken aback by the other's ability to change his face, and could not help looking at Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian smiled. He came here today to avenge Lu Fat, and second to disrupt the situation. Now that both goals have been achieved, what is he still doing here?

No reason, he turned and left.

Seeing Chu Jingtian leaving, how could Lu Jianli stay and chase after him quickly, disappearing in front of the crowd after a while, leaving a mess.

The crowd was horrified. They did not expect that Chu Jingtian would not even give the Nine Prince's face.

Only Mo Moqing sighed secretly:

"He is now Mr. Chu, who is famous for his big name. Where is the position of your ninth prince in your eyes?"

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