Moon stars are rare. Although there are crowds in the exchange venue, at the moment it seems extremely depressed.

Yan Hezhi on the ring with his hands on his back was just a casual stop, but it felt like a mountain pressing on the hearts of everyone, making everyone feel out of breath.

Many warriors who have just stepped into the qi period just feel cold sweat. They are because of Mr. Chu's name, Qian Liyu came to the imperial city and wanted to see its true features. But who would have thought that he had run into such a thing.

The martial art world of the Dayan Dynasty is afraid to change the sky!

"It seems that Mr. Chu dare not appear!"

For a long time, a warrior slowly shook his head and closed his expectation. "I have to say that Mr. Chu is indeed a young genius. He became famous overnight at the exchange meeting, and at the same time, he was convincing everyone. But this time his opponent is Yan Hezhi, the general of the White Tiger Teacher! Great difference in strength! "

Many admirers of Chu Jingtian around, although unwilling to admit it, the other party's absence for a long time also shaken their hearts.

"Although Mr. Chu became famous when he was young, how could he not be timid when facing such strong players as Yan Hezhi? Maybe someone would have informed him secretly and let him hide. If he did not show up today, , Will inevitably be reduced to the laughingstock of the martial arts of the Dayan Dynasty! "

Why not?

A warrior has admiration if he has the blood of a warrior. Now his named disciples have been wounded in public, and their breath can die at any time. But he is still doing a shrinking turtle and dare not run up, how can it not make people laugh!

"It seems he dare not come!"

The White Tigers were also talking.

"How does he dare to come?" A great coach had arms in his arms, his face proud. "Xiu Wei has a huge difference, and the strength is simply a world of difference. The commander ’s commander saw the power of the mountain, I have seen it with my own eyes. The power of that sword, even if seven or eight of Mr. Chu were present, he would also Beheaded in public! "

"Hey, what kind of hero I am? It turned out to be just a tortoise! ​​He became famous at the exchange venue, and today he let him end here!" Said a millionaire proudly.

‘This is the power of the strong, is the power of the power? ’

‘I ’ve seen it said in ancient books: One battle for three thousand miles, one sword was once a million division! The chief coach must be this kind of existence. Mr. Chu and him are very far away. This battle will certainly enhance my prestige! ’

Chu Wushuang looked at Yan Hezhi, and his heart was longing for it.

He can't wait to be transformed into that being, to be proud of the heroes!

"Will Mr. Chu come?"

The Qinglong regiment also went from expectation to disappointment.

After Wang Chong was wounded, all the people who were charming and stubborn were evacuated as if they were avoiding the plague. After all, Yan Hezhi came to Mr. Chu, and even his named disciples could not escape it. If they were close to each other again, it would be equivalent to yelling at Yan Hezhi.

Who can be the opponent of this invigorating powerhouse?

Not to mention, there is a white tiger group behind the opponent. If it is remembered by the other party, I am afraid that there will be no place in the Imperial City! Everyone is afraid to avoid it. Where can they dare to set it closer?

"I'm afraid it won't come!"

Looking at the gate where no one had entered for a long time, everyone in the Qinglong regiment was disheartened.


"It looks like he won't come!"

a long time.

Yan Hezhi on the ring opened his eyes and said slowly.

"I originally wanted to teach this magical and martial arts bizarre wizard, but I didn't expect it to be just a tortoise."

In the past, Mr. Chu appeared on time every evening in the exchange venue. But now it's almost midnight, and the next day will soon be exhausted.

No one thinks he will show up.

"It's a pity, I'm sorry! Before I came to the exchange meeting, I heard that other people regard this Mr. Chu as a celestial man, with infinite desire in his heart, and wanted to see it. But he never thought that he was just a turtle with a shrinking head. I wait for disappointment! "

A martial artist sighed.

They seemed to have a treasure chest in their hands. Everyone thought that the treasure chest contained the treasure of the world. But when they opened it with hope, they found nothing in the box. This huge gap made them feel disappointed. Extreme.

"Well, what genius do I see in Shuang Xiu and Wu Shou Xiu, but it's just a clown clown! Otherwise, why wouldn't he even show his name to a disciple when he was injured?"

There are also some warriors who did not believe that there would be such a genius as Chu Jingtian, and even vented on the spot.

Listening to the taunts, scolds, contempt, and disdain all around.

The blue dragon group could not wait to pierce their heads into the ground like an ostrich. Although they didn't hesitate, they did not have the courage to refute!

Many people shouted in their hearts:

‘Mr. Chu, are you really going to shrink your turtle? ’

‘Your named disciple was brutally wounded in the conference hall. It ’s unknown whether you will show up? Are you willing to be a laughingstock yourself, to be talked about by others after dinner? ’

"Master Fang, do you think Mr. Chu will come?"

At this moment a young practitioner asked with confusion.

Fang Chengjing was holding a fan of fire clouds, and a few blue clouds were embroidered on his cyan robe. Since the last time he was instructed by Chu Jingtian, if he stepped into the door of a new world, Xiuwei directly reached the peak of Tongxuan. A surgical method is no longer restricted to ordinary people, but it is a bit more misty, and now it has become a leading figure in the field of cultivation.

He came to the meeting today, and once again wanted to ask Chu Jingtian for advice. This time, he was confident that he would not fall behind in the battle.

Many cultivators also want to see the genius praised by Fang Chengjing, but who knows today, but has witnessed such an awkward scene. Many people can still bear with patience, but some young practitioners are not sufficiently determined and are beginning to doubt.

"I do not know either!"

Fang Chengjing looked stiff, but sighed secretly.

Once upon a time, Fang Chengjing once believed that this born Mr. Chu could repair the decline of the real world, and then carried forward the technique together. But now his thoughts are quietly changing.

"It still seems that my expectations for him are too high, he is too young to know how to converge! Mu Xiuqilin, the wind will destroy it, and now Yan Hezhi is invited by the White Tigers to come out to deal with him, I am afraid that the Imperial City will not have him anymore. place."

"It seems that the realm of cultivation has to let us old guys support it!"

Just when everyone thought that tonight, an inconspicuous figure slowly stepped into the exchange venue.

Several martial arts soldiers near the entrance of the venue felt something involuntarily. They shivered almost at the same time and swallowed.

"So terrible, isn't it ..."

The moonlight was falling like silver.

But in the eyes of everyone, the moonlight seemed to be distorted at this moment, shining on the figure together, forming a huge shadow. Every time this figure went forward, in the eyes of everyone, a large thundercloud was slowly spreading, making people shudder.

"Yes, it is Mr. Chu!"

Someone exclaimed subconsciously.


In an instant, the eyes of nearly a thousand people all gathered here.

I saw a teenager wearing a mask, carrying his hands on his back, walking slowly. He was so imposing that everyone felt that he had been pushed away by a pair of invisible hands.

"Where is Wang Chong?"

Chu Jingtian asked.

"Mr. Chu, Wang Chong is here." Fang Chengjing staggered the crowd and came to the front of Chu Jingtian. He picked up the Huoyun folding fan and made a slap: "He was broken, broken seven ribs, and vigorously penetrated the internal organs. Although I protected his veins with the "Yan Shen Dan", I could only maintain it for three days! "

"Mr. Chu, are you finally here? Your named disciple has some skill and was hurt by my strength, but I can still survive with a sigh of relief."

Yan Hezhi, who was about to leave on the ring platform, suddenly burst into a thunderous laughter in that aging body, forcing the people around him to tremble with their eardrums trembling and blood tossing.

"But I hurt him and only used one success force. I don't know how much you can catch me. Is it 50% or 70%?"

Chu Jingtian gave him a faint glance ~ ~ and nodded to Fang Chengjing, saying:

"Take me to see Wang Chong!"

Fang Chengjing sighed, still walking towards the rear with Chu Jingtian.

Everyone was faint, and your enemies were in front of them, and they were so ridiculous, shouldn't you rush to the platform and fight with each other for your life?

"That kid ignored you!"

Someone called the White Tiger.

Yan Hezhi smiled coldly:

"Since he dares to come, I won't let him leave alive! Wang Chong will not live long, and I will surely send him both his master and apprentice to meet on Huangquan Road!"

He looked at Chu Jingtian's back, but a little doubt appeared in his heart.

With his experience and eyesight, he couldn't see through the boy. But this is nothing. He came out of the mountain to regain his reputation for the White Tigers. Even if the other person is just an ordinary person, he will not leave anything at all!

"I'm late!"

Chu Jingtian came to Wang Chong.

At this moment, Wang Chong seemed to be a few decades old, his heart was broken, and his blood was gone in a short time. It is possible to live to this day, thanks to decades of cultivation and recuperation.

However, anyone with a good eye can see that Wang Chong has stepped into the gate of the ghost gate, and it is impossible for the gods to save at this moment!

"Master Chu ..." Wang Chong's muddy eyes suddenly flashed a faint light, and he shouted as hard as he could: "Hurry up! Yan Hezhi is too strong! Don't avenge me!"

Seeing this, everyone around them regretted it.

This drink of Wang Chong is exhausting his last strength. But before he died, he was thinking for Chu, which was unexpected.

"With me, you will not die! Take this elixir and see how I kill Yan Hezhi to take revenge on you!"

Chu Jingtian took out a Hualongdan and delivered it to Wang Chong.

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