Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 692 What the hell?


Chu Jingtian took the Yantian Stone with a smile.

This stone, which is only the size of a fist, contains a very strong earth element power and is very heavy. He almost didn't catch it before and almost dropped it.

Although this stone is only such a small piece, the earth element contained in it may even exceed the sum of a mountain range!

As for Huang Shenglong's reluctance to admit defeat, he didn't take it seriously at all.

In his opinion, this Awakening Apocalypse Pill is not only useless, but even the pharmacological combination in it has big problems. It's just that he is too lazy to say it!

"Hmph, don't think that just because Hall Master Huang admits defeat, you will win. A wise man will always make mistakes. Hall Master Huang only loses on this point!"

An old man stood up slowly.

The thoughts of everyone present were almost the same as those of Huang Shenglong.

They didn't think that Chu Jingtian's alchemy level was really higher than theirs, just because Chu Jingtian saw a certain point in it.

When Chu Jingtian heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

It is enough to see the biggest shortcoming of your elixir at a glance. This is the real review. Even if what you say is extravagant, taking this elixir will actually cause damage to people. What is the use of this elixir?

"It's Hall Master Ouyang!"

"Yes, Deputy Hall Master Ouyang Cheng is a very calm person in the Pill Hall."

"If he comes to challenge Chu Jingtian, the situation like Hall Master Huang's previous situation will never happen!"

When everyone saw the old man standing up this time, they couldn't help but whisper.

Ouyang Cheng is the oldest person in the elixir hall, and naturally the most calm one. There will definitely be no problem for him to take action this time.

Many people quickly looked at Ouyang Cheng, wanting to know what method he used to challenge Chu Jingtian.

Ouyang Cheng took out an elixir from his arms, looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile and said, "Like Hall Master Huang, I hope you will comment on the elixir I refined! If you can tell me about this elixir, If you convince me of the shortcomings of the medicine, I will admit defeat!”

Everyone hurry up and take a look.

I saw that the elixir in Ouyang Cheng's hand was emitting a rich golden light, and looming lines were constantly floating on the surface of the elixir, as if it were alive.


"If you have refined the elixir pattern, it means that the elixir is almost perfect!"

"This is a cruel move. Such a pill has no shortcomings at all. How can I comment on it?"

"Let's see what he does!"

If Huang Shenglong was defeated before, he underestimated the enemy.

So now Ouyang Cheng has learned his lesson and does not give Chu Jingtian any room to turn around.

Although it seems that it is for you to comment, but no matter what, this elixir has been refined into elixir patterns, which is perfect. A perfect elixir, would there be any shortcomings?

"Sure enough, ginger is still spicy when old!"

"I can't see any shortcomings in this 'Heavenly Holy Pill'!"

"Yes, Hall Master Ouyang is the old man of the elixir hall. All the elixirs refined by him have very stable medicinal properties and almost no defects!"

Seeing Ouyang Cheng take out a Heavenly Holy Pill, everyone couldn't help but admire it.

However, Chu Jingtian just glanced at it lightly, then looked at Ouyang Chengdao: "Do you really want me to comment? Can you just point out the shortcomings?"


Ouyang Cheng nodded, looking confident.

He knows better than anyone what level he is at refining elixirs, especially this kind of heavenly holy elixir. He doesn't know how to refine it in tens of thousands of furnaces, and he can even refine the best elixir with elixir patterns with his eyes closed!

Even if there were shortcomings, they would have been corrected long ago.

"If that's the case, then I really said it!" Chu Jingtian looked at Ouyang Cheng and said with a half-smile, "In my opinion, what is this Heavenly Holy Pill?"

Ouyang Chengzheng's ears were perked up, and he was ready to listen to what Chu Jingtian had to say with a smile on his face.

As soon as these words came out, his face suddenly filled with coldness.

Regardless of him, everyone else's eyes widened.

Ouyang Chengde was highly respected and the oldest person in the elixir hall. Everyone praised the elixirs he refined. Now that this kid calls him something, it’s simply too abominable!

"I have been the deputy master of the elixir hall for so many years. Although I have not taken a step forward, I am still working hard and studying. I don't know how many kinds of elixirs I have refined. What qualifications do you have to evaluate my elixirs like this? "

Even though Ouyang Chengcheng was very rich, he couldn't help but get angry when he heard these words.

This evaluation is simply worse than the previous evaluation of Huang Shenglong.

"Yes, you actually openly humiliated an alchemist like this. If you don't give a reasonable explanation, we won't let you go!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I want to hear what kind of flowers you can tell me?"

Everyone who came back to their senses immediately started yelling.

An almost perfect elixir that was refined with elixir patterns was called something by Chu Jingtian. This is simply too much!

Who can tolerate this situation?

Chu Jingtian didn't pay attention to everyone's scolding, and smiled softly: "Please ask Hall Master Ouyang to explain to me the function of Tiansheng Dan!"

"Hmph, the Heavenly Saint Pill is for Qi-refining warriors who are masters of the Fourth Realm. After taking it, it can increase the chance of entering the Fifth Realm." Ouyang Cheng said coldly. "Don't change the subject. What are the shortcomings of my pill?"

Following his words, everyone focused their attention on Chu Jingtian again.

"The biggest function of the Heavenly Saint Pill is to allow people to break through the cultivation level. Generally, the Heavenly Saint Pill refined by alchemists has great side effects. If the cultivation level cannot be broken through, the huge medicinal power will be accumulated in the body, causing harm to the body. harm."

Chu Jingtian smiled: "As for the Heavenly Saint Pill you refined, after taking it, even if it fails, it will not cause any harm to the warrior."

Ouyang Cheng snorted coldly.

He is a peaceful person, and the same goes for alchemy.

Therefore, he weakened the medicinal properties of Tiansheng Dan by three points, so that even if the breakthrough failed, the body would not be injured. No one criticized the warriors who took the Heavenly Saint Pill he refined.

"Master Ouyang has a kind heart!"


"Didn't I ask you to talk about the shortcomings? These are obviously the advantages!"

"He definitely couldn't say it, so he started to change his praise now, but unfortunately it's too late!"

When everyone around heard this, they praised him one after another.

Listening to the compliments from all around, a hint of ridicule appeared in Chu Jingtian's eyes: "A warrior's practice is to go against the will of the heavens, and the journey is mighty, with strong winds and flying clouds!"

"But the Heavenly Saint Pill you refined makes people lose their fighting spirit and their belief in breakthrough."

"Hall Master Ouyang, it is for this reason that I asked you what the Holy Pill you refined is?"

( = )

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