Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 64: Secret box

"He's Chu Jingtian?"

The man behind Mo Qing stunned his eyes, revealing a hint of hostility unconsciously.

"Hehe, a scumbag with no knowledge!" The other woman sneered.

"Don't underestimate him! This guy didn't know what method was used to jump into a second-order animal trainer, and solved the flying dragon that Ding Wenyuan and Cui Xingyi could not heal. His identity is far from that day. Waste can compare! "

"Now many forces have begun to show favor to the Beiliang King's Mansion because of him!"

The handsome man sneered.

He said, secretly glanced at Mo Moqing who was rushing away, and lowered his voice:

"In my opinion, Mo Moqing's heart has moved on him!"

"What then?" The woman covered her mouth and couldn't believe it.

"Let him lose face!"

A hint of irony appeared in the eyes of the handsome man.


"It's over, it's over, our conversation has been heard by her. If she and King Jinling file a lawsuit, I will go back without suffering from the flesh. Chu Jingtian, I'll get you something, and you will take care of her tonight. Rice cooked! "

Lu Jian couldn't help but rub the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Do you really want to do that?" Chu Jingtian laughed abruptly.

"What do you think? If you start late, you won't get your turn! Do you know who is the man and the woman behind Mo Moqing?" Lu Jianli whispered.

"who is it?"

"The man is called Sun Guangtao. In the early days of Qi, he was named the White Tiger Regiment Captain! The woman was called Sun Guangyun, and the master of Neijing was the captain of the Suzaku Regiment. Their father was Sun Xinghai, the master of the Black Rock City!

Lu Jianli exaggerated:

"The entire Dayan Dynasty did not know how many people wanted to pursue Mo Moqing, but he was the most competitive!"

"Maybe you still don't know. After you teased Mo Qing, King Jinling sent troops to surround Beiliang King's Mansion, and Sun Xinghai was behind the plan."

"so what?"

Chu Jingtian still has nothing to do with himself.

Lu Jianli was helpless, and sighed sighing:

"Well, maybe you have other ideas. Let's see if we can buy a valuable secret box and fill in the deficit of the treasury first!"

Chu Jingtian knows that the other party is also sincere to make suggestions for himself, and it is by no means unheard of.

With his current strength, he has disdain to use conspiracy and tricks to do things, and by his various methods of refining, controlling beasts, casters, and formation methods, it should be someone else to ask him.

But these were not enough time, he couldn't say clearly.

"Recently, there has been a large number of secret boxes from Wushi. I heard that these secret boxes were found from the grave of a third-tier animal trainer. To enter that grave, many people died!"

"I also heard that the animal master is still a master of the royal god!"

Lu Jianli regained his previous look of giggles, and introduced Chu Jingtian to the origin of these secret boxes.

Until then, Chu Jingtian raised some interest.

The imperial period is the third realm of practicing Fa-rectification, above the Tongxuan period. After reaching the imperial period, it is inherent: one thought is moving, one thought is ghost and **** is shocked. This shows the terribleness of the strong gods!

And this state, in the eyes of the mortal, is tantamount to the existence of a fairy level!

"It is both a third-order beastmaster and a master of the imperial period, maybe there will be dragon blood in these secret boxes!"

Chu Jingtian thought.

This is not his random speculation, but there is a reason.

Some beastmasters will collect the blood of some powerful monsters, and use these blood to enhance the monster's strength through some secret technique. The blood of true dragon blood is naturally the first choice.


Just then, a noise came.

"It's really a baby!"

"It's a magic weapon, so lucky?"

"This instrument is worth at least tens of thousands of purple gold, if it is certified, it may be even higher!"

Chu Jingtian quickly looked towards the sound source.

I saw a crowd of people standing in front of a stall, the most conspicuous was a monster beast with a height of more than one person. Although there was only a dry bone left, it was still possible to see how ridiculous it was!

The envious glances of everyone turned towards a handsome man. The man was holding a wooden secret box in one hand and a golden bell in one hand. There was a tide of spiritual power on the bell.

"It's this guy again!" Seeing the other side, Lu Jian raised his eyebrows, revealing a look of disgust.

It is Sun Guangtao who opened the secret box and got the instrument.

"How do you see that there will be treasure in this secret box?"

Aside Mo Qing was surprised.

Before she was led by the two to this booth, Sun Guangtao confidently selected a secret box and told her that 90% of the secret box would have a baby. She did n’t believe it, but she did n’t expect it to be really inside There is a magic weapon!

"My elder brother once learned some methods of detecting secret boxes in an ancient book, such a small thing will certainly not embarrass him!" Sun Guangyun was proud.

"Broken, broken, they got the limelight!"

Lu Jianli looked at Mo Moqing's look, and could not help but secretly anxious, he quickly pulled Chu Jingtian and crowded into the crowd. "Boss Chu, let's pick a few secret boxes and compare this guy!"

"Give me five secret boxes too!"

Lu Jianli grabbed a money bag and threw it to the stall owner, then looked at the secret boxes in front of him.

These secret boxes are long and vary in size. The secret box is sealed by a matrix method, and the general runes are faintly flying along the secret box, revealing mystery everywhere. I saw Lu Jianli grabbing a secret box and dropping a drop of blood in the magic circle, and the countless runes of culture disappeared in a flash.

Lu Jianli can't wait to open the secret box, but there is nothing in it.

"Well, empty!"

"How can it be so easy to find treasure every time?"

People around could not help but sigh when they saw the empty box inside.

"Huh, how easy is the secret box to gamble?"

When Sun Guangyun saw Lu Jianli with disappointment on his face, he couldn't help but whispered.

Although Sun Guangtao on the side didn't speak, it was difficult to hide his contempt.

Everyone around him nodded.

Because no one knows what the predecessor sealed in the secret box, everything is full of uncertainty. In addition, the secret box is expensive, and many people guess it, so the secret box is also called 'gambling secret'!

There are many examples of peerless treasures opened in secret boxes to let ordinary people step up to the sky. There are also some rich people who have lost their lives because of gambling secrets.

"Brother, you can choose four more secret boxes!"

The stall owner cheerfully counted Zijin and left Lu Jian: "Maybe you can open a good magic weapon next? Maybe cheats are also possible!"

Lu Jianli thought that he could open a baby and compare Sun Guangtao with a fierce one. Who knows that he was ridiculed by the other party. How could he swallow this breath and grabbed two secret boxes.

It turned out that it was still empty, and suddenly made him dumbfounded!

This secret box is one thousand purple gold, and his one month's Lulu has only five thousand purple gold. Nowadays, more than half of them are hit with water, which is very painful for him.

"I don't believe it, my dear!"

Lu Jianli scolded, preparing to re-election, but was stopped by Chu Jingtian. "Lu Fatty, wait, let me see!"

"You? Alright! I'm out of luck today, maybe you can drive out a treasure!" Lu Jian let go, and then he closed his hand.


Sun Guangyun yelled at Sun Guangtao in a low voice, and then the latter found that Mo Moqing was standing still, looking at Chu Jingtian with a complex face. He frowned and sneered:

"How easy is the gambling secret? Some people will only know that they regret it if they hit their heads and shed blood!"

"Ji Moqing, I'll pick another one for you!"

I saw Sun Guangtao come to the booth and took a secret box to look at it carefully. He picked up a secret box and offered a treasure:

"If you look at this secret box, it's a lot of wear, and it must be often used. Of course, this is just one of the methods of judgment. It is more based on the material and pattern of the secret box to analyze one by one."

"Just like this secret box, I have at least 70% certainty that I can determine that there is something inside!"

He took out a thousand purple gold and gave it to the stall owner, and Sun Guangtao untied the law with blood.

Everyone quickly rushed past, and saw that the secret box opened really had a sword, but the sword was not a weapon. But judging by the moire and gloss of the sword, it is obviously also a rare weapon, and it is worthless to say that it is worth thousands of gold.

Although not as valuable as everyone thought before, Sun Guangtao exposed such a hand ~ ~ still let people around can not help but give out a while of surprise.


"I didn't expect it was just an ordinary long sword!"

Sun Guangtao said with regret.

"It's already very good. My father bought a dozen secret boxes some time ago, but none of them were empty." Wu Moqing lamented sincerely.

She said, and glanced at Chu Jingtian again secretly, but the other side seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't care about the things at all. Could not help but secretly shook his head:

‘Sure enough, at best, he only has some ways of controlling the beast and the formation, and all the others know nothing. How could such a person be Mr. Chu? ’

俆 Mo Qing remembered the scene of the exchange meeting.

One night, she also went to an exchange meeting with Wu Xuan, and found that Mr. Chu was in the middle of the confession of countless strong stars holding the moon, and he could let an inspiring, or Tongxuan strong, open up in three words.

Talking about that kind of section and pointing to the state of mountains and rivers is not the existence that Chu Jingtian can match!

Sun Guangtao was praised by Yun Moqing, and he couldn't help but flutter. Sun Guangyun is also full of joy, which means that their efforts have finally worked.

Lu Jian was impatient for a while, and could not help but urge: "Boss Chu, have you chosen?"

The people around were not idiots, and they could see that the two sides seemed to have some contradictions. Chu Jingtian, on the other hand, wanted to find his way back on gambling secrets, but everyone was not optimistic about them.

If gambling is so easy, there will not be so many wealthy merchants who lose their homes because of gambling.

Just when everyone didn't believe it, just when brothers and sisters Sun Guangtao were proud, just when Lu Jianli was anxious, and when Mo Moqing was disappointed, Chu Jingtian raised his head and said:

"I've chosen!"

ps: Thanks for the reward!

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