Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 61: One night, one night!

Ye Zhichen is dead!

In this battle, he didn't even touch Chu Jingtian's clothes, and was beheaded. If it weren't for your own eyes, no one would believe that a master qi refining master who would really die would have died in the hands of a young man with only Tong Xuan Xiaocheng.

This boy is still a martial arts and martial arts. His martial arts strength is only stronger than the skill!

"I am afraid that the cultivation practices of the Dayan Dynasty will change because of him!"

The thoughts of countless people couldn't help coming up.

When this boy came to the conference for the first time, everyone only thought he was the junior with Wang Chong, and even thought that he was not even qualified to enter the ring. But now, he is showing extraordinary ability of martial arts and martial arts.

Countless heroes bowed with their own power.

"Mr. Chu, you killed our two head coaches of the White Tiger Regiment. Do you want to leave like this?" Just then, a cold voice came from the ring.

I saw a gigantic coach glaring at Chu.

His name is Dong Chengwei!

The top ten coaches are second only to Ye Zhichen. Now that Ye Zhichen dies, everyone in the White Tigers is naturally headed by him.


Chu Jingtian, who was about to leave, stopped, and looked at it with a smile.

"Can't you still want to stop me? Since I dare to kill Chen Beiwang and Ye Zhichen, I haven't put your white tiger group in your eyes. Rather, let's come together with the eight remaining coaches!"

This is to kill it!

If the ten chief coaches of the White Tigers were all killed here, I'm afraid that the dynasty would shake and provoke the royal family!

If no one else had the courage to do so at all, but this born Mr. Chu slashed the two head coaches overnight, decisively and decisively not remembering the consequences. If these great coaches annoy him, he might really kill them all!

Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!

The great teacher named Dong Chengwei changed his face and took a few steps. He did move to kill Chu Jingtian at all costs, but the other's indifferent eyes made him fall into the abyss!

He had a feeling that even if the eight remaining coaches of their White Tigers all shot together, they might not be able to hold back each other. Whether it is his shocking sword that killed Chen Beiwang, or the monstrous thunder that killed Ye Zhichen, neither of them can resist.

"Good domineering Mr. Chu!"

Looking at Chu Jingtian's faint words and disdainful expression, everyone in the venue couldn't help but feel a stun in their hearts. They have no doubt that if the White Tigers wanted to force a shot, I am afraid that this Mr. Chu would really kill them all!

It is this feeling that has made the eight head coaches of the White Tigers all look drastically changed, and they dare not to think again.

"People of the White Tigers, you are too much, right? When Ye Zhichen came to the stage, he said it clearly. His battle with Mr. Chu is a personal grudge. Then, do you dare to take revenge for him? "

At this moment, the crowd was out of the channel.

"Yes! This is a life-and-death battle. Can you white tigers want to bully others?"

Many practitioners are filled with indignation.

In the Dayan dynasty, their practitioners have been suppressed by martial arts. Seeing that this Mr. Chu can revamp Falun Gong's decadence and decline, how can he watch the White Tiger Group annihilate their hopes?

"Don't think that the Guards are only your White Tigers, and our Qinglong regiments are not vegetarian!" Song Shuhang crowded the crowd and stood behind Chu Jingtian and shouted, "If anyone dares to move Mr. Chu, he will be our enemy. . "

As soon as the words fell, the head coaches of the Qinglong regiment including Song Shuhang and Wang Chong also stood behind Chu Jingtian.

"Listen to the people of the White Tiger Group. Chen Beiwang is proactively provoking Mr. Chu. He is completely dead! Ye Zhichen sets a life and death battle, regardless of the affairs of others! If your White Tiger group wants to be an enemy of Mr. Chu, we will not agree ! "

There were also some unskilled martial arts fighters at the conference who also supported in succession.

The warriors of the White Tigers have always been high-spirited and look down on their casual repairs. Now some people have a bad breath for them. They are too late to thank them. How can they stand idly by?

The whole field was almost one-sided.

Suddenly, the White Tigers became the target of criticism!

"let's go!"

Dong Chengwei's complexion changed from blue to white, and he stared at him with a shocking glance.

Several people knew that the situation had gone and were afraid to speak.

This is true even for several head coaches, not to mention Chu Wushuang and Chu Leopard. The two of them were scared to say anything, and their bodies were shaking.

"Want to leave?"

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly, glanced at the other side scornfully, and said lightly: "Your white tiger team has provoked me three or four times, even after I and Ye Zhichen had a fight! I want this now! Are you gone? "

"What do you want to do?" The other side was startled.


He had just spoken, and only heard the sound of the crisp and clear sound of the sword, followed by a screaming Jianmang, which could hardly be described by words. Dong Chengwei saw only one sharp sparkle in his pupils.


A big head soared high, and Dong Chengwei's eyes widened, it was incredible. As if he couldn't believe it until he died, Chu Jingtian dared to kill him!

With the splashing blood, the corpse fell to the ground like a stake.

"You offended me, I naturally want to kill you, otherwise what else?" Chu Jingtian dispersed to Jian Mang, kicked the other person's head with one foot, and looked at his face like a blank paper, like a few white tiger group chiefs said:

"Take him with his body!"

"If you white tigers don't agree, just come! I will kill you until you are convinced!"


The crowd present could not help but take a breath. Everyone was stunned by Chu Jingtian's decisive decisive wrist. Who could think that he did not agree and killed Dong Chengwei who wanted to keep him?

This time the White Tigers no longer dared to speak out, just like a bereavement dog running away.

If it was said that there was a battle at the venue last night, many people still feel that this boy is arrogant. But tonight he beheaded three people, and no one dared to have such a thought. They only think that Chu Jingtian dares not to put the White Tiger in his eyes, which is a matter of course.

"This boy is afraid of being shocked!"

Looking at the young man in the field, countless thoughts arose in the minds of countless people.


One night, one night!

At the exchange meeting, the three great coaches of Chu Hutian cut the White Tigers and spread them all over the Imperial City. If everyone had thought of it as a joke the night before, they would never laugh again tonight.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes in the venue witnessed the young man stabbing Ye Zhichen by means of shuangxiu and martial arts. The opponent did not get closer to him until he died!

"Shuang Xiu Martial Arts, could it be him?"

In Emperor's Mansion, the appearance of Xuan Xuan changed.

"Uncle, who are you talking about?" Wu Moqing asked. "Is that the notorious Mr. Chu?"

"you know too?"

Xuan Xuan looked strangely.

俆 Mo Qing nodded his head and worshiped with all eyes:

"The entire imperial city has been spread. Who knows who doesn't know? Mr. Chu, as a young man, showed the means of shuangxiu and martial arts, and even slashed the three head coaches of the White Tiger Group!"

"Uncle, do you know the identity of this Mr. Chu?" Wu Moqing couldn't help asking.

"I have 70% inference, he is likely to be Chu Jingtian!" Wu Xuan Shen said.

"Impossible!" Wu Moqing screamed first.

"How is it impossible? He is a second-order animal trainer, and his formation is above me. He understands the ancient dragon language, and can order the beasts by practicing the practice of cultivation! If someone tells me that he is also a true I will not be surprised if you are strong! "

After speaking, Xu Xuan fell into Shen Ning and kept mumbling to himself. It seemed to be talking to Mo Moqing, and it seemed to convince himself. She Moqing quickly turned her ears to hear, and then she heard that Xu Xuan kept saying:

"Impossible! Absolutely not Chu Chutian! If it were him, it would be terrible!"

Although Mo Moqing was not a warrior or a true practitioner, she understood the reason for the shock of Wu Xuan.

Practicing Falun Dafa, refining gasification, controlling beasts, formations ...

Each one is extremely difficult, and it can take decades or even a lifetime to study it. Some people cannot reach the threshold after exhausting their lives ~ ~ If Chu Jingtian is the true identity of Mr. Chu, it is enough to upset everyone's imagination!

Of course, besides them, there are more people who are guessing Mr. Chu's identity. However, no matter how he explored, this Mr. Chu seemed to be born suddenly and suddenly jumped out.

"Why didn't Master Qianfu come today?"

In the barracks, the recruits of the White Tiger Regiment lined up early and waited for Chu Wushuang. But until three shots in the sun, Chu Wushuang did not appear, which can not help but let out a burst of doubt in the team.

"Yeah! Not only did the Master Captain not come, I also saw several Master Captains seem to be alarmed, what is going on?" Someone asked.

"You guys don't know? Something will happen in our martial arts exchange!"

"What's the big deal? Wouldn't you say that Mr. Chu again? How could it be, how could there be such a young and powerful man?" Many people laughed, and everyone just thought the rumor was too exaggerated.

"This is true! Our white tiger group was killed by three great coaches last night, Chen Beiwang, Ye Zhichen, and Dong Chengwei! The one who shot was Mr. Chu. Now this thing has spread throughout the Imperial City!"

"The remaining coaches of our White Tigers are discussing who to invite to kill Mr. Chu!"


Suddenly there was a sound of exhaustion in the team, and many people felt that their scalp was cold.

When this Mr. Chu was born, everyone thought it was a rumor spreading by concubine. But who thought that the other party really existed and killed the three great coaches of the White Tigers?

"This Mr. Chu is a strong man of double martial arts! His refining and gasification environment has reached Zhenqi Xiaocheng, and his practice has reached Tongxuan Xiaocheng! Ye Zhichen's head was killed by a mad thunder, and he died to death. Did not touch Mr. Chu's clothes! "

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