Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 58: Double Martial Arts

It was an old man in a gray robe.

His hair was white, and a robe was clean and tidy. He was a bit less sharp than the warrior, but a little bit more bone-like. It can be seen that he was still hesitant when questioning.

"Master Fang, Mr. Chu is a warrior in the state of refining gas, how could he be a practitioner of cultivating the truth?" Song Shuhang laughed.

Wang Chong hurriedly introduced it aside, this master Fang Chengjing was a real practitioner in the early days of Tongxuan. This exchange meeting was originally organized for the selection of powerful practitioners and warriors, but it is only because the warriors are strong that this has led to the scarcity of practitioners in the entire exchange meeting.

"Yes, Master Fang, don't you see that Mr. Chu is teaching us the sword potential? How many practitioners can control the sword potential?" Someone cried.

Many people burst into a low laugh.

It should be noted that Xiuzhen and Wudao were originally two forces going hand in hand in the Dayan Dynasty. However, due to the tedious and tedious process of releasing the magician ’s spells, some powerful spells also require long seals and spells.

Faced with the same level of martial arts warrior, I was afraid the neck would be broken by the opponent just before the surgery was released. Over time, there will be fewer and fewer practitioners and more gas refiners!

And Chu Jingtian appeared as a true qi and strong person, and in a state of unity and power in the exchange meeting to beat the heroes, this is a well-known thing, how can he be a true person?

"Mr. Chu, it's me Meng Lang."

Fang Chengjing glanced fiercely at the young man beside him, which explained:

"My disciples previously sensed that there was a slight fluctuation in your mana while you were fighting. That ’s why I asked about it. Please also excuse Mr. Chu!"

Fang Chengjing was the oldest person in the exchange meeting, but he was still respectful when facing Chu Jingtian. This is naturally the strength that Chu Jingtian has shown and has won everyone's approval.

The young man who was stared at by Fang Chengjing narrowed his neck and said unwillingly:

"But I did feel a wave of mana before!"

Fang Chengjing sighed and shook his head slowly.

Everyone also said earlier that Chu Jingtian is a strong man who is really angry, and his sword potential has reached a state of unity. Such existence is rare in the Dayan Dynasty. Wouldn't it be too scary if the other party is still a practitioner?

Thinking of this, he taught his disciple, "You feel wrong!"

"No, he didn't feel wrong. I am indeed a practitioner of Falun Dafa!" Chu Jingtian, who had not spoken at this time, suddenly said.

He didn't do much, and the air around him suddenly cracked. An invisible wave spread out around his body as the center. The black-and-white eye pupils burst into a ray of light, which is a spectacle of condensed spirit!

People around were caught off guard and were pushed back by this volatility. The young man behind Fang Chengjing was almost taken off, or Fang Chengjing pulled him to stand.

Suddenly, the venue quieted down. Whether it was a warrior or a cultivator, they were as if they were petrified on the spot.

A really angry warrior is not terrible!

A Tongxuan Xiaocheng practitioner is not terrible!

But it is frightening that a teenager less than 16 years old has reached both Xiaoqi Cheng and Tongxuan Xiaocheng. Even his realm of practicing meditation is even higher than the realm of refining gasification!

Even children who have just practiced know the principle of 'both but not refined' and 'chewing more than chewing'. Learning a lot of things does not mean that they will be powerful. Because no matter what cultivation, you must invest a lot of time and experience. If you have to avoid both ends, maybe nothing will happen.

The Dayan Dynasty did not know how many ambitious geniuses, but wanted to become a mediocre in the end. For most people, the double martial arts of law and martial arts is impossible to achieve!

But just today, everyone saw the existence of a double martial arts law. And the other party is a teenager under the age of 16!

"Sinister! Sinister ..." Song Shuhang slammed his three steps and slumped, unbelievable.

His words represent the voice of almost everyone, except for the word evil, they can never think of other people to describe each other.

"Master Fang, do you have anything to do with me?" Chu Jingtian smiled and looked over.

"Mr. Chu deserves to be a young genius, and my husband respects him very much. I also have some questions about cultivation. I wonder if I can ask you for advice?" Fang Chengjing said quickly.

He glanced at the ring, wondering: "I don't know if I can go to the ring?"

"Good!" Chu Jingtian nodded his head.

He only reached Tongxuan Xiaocheng. Except for the use of mana when beheading Chen Beiwang, he has not used the methods of a practitioner. He originally planned to wait until the end of tonight to find a Tongxuan strong to try it out. However, he didn't expect to be brought to the door.

When they saw the two walk on the ring, everyone was curious.

If it wasn't for Chu Jingtian's deliberately revealing the cultivation of Tongxuan Period, I am afraid that no one knows that he is still a true practitioner. I just don't know if his cultivation during this period is just as powerful as martial arts, it's just a flower shelf.


Fang Chengjing worshiped respectfully. He picked up the seal with his right hand and listened only to the sound of the dragon howling. Numerous flames gathered and formed a fire dragon beside him.

The billowing heat wave emanated from the fire dragon's body, shocking everyone in the audience.

Chu Jingtian popped a wind blade in his right hand. When the fire dragon was about to be cut into two, Haha laughed:

"Master Fang, you are a strong and powerful fire dragon. Although it is fast but not powerful enough, it is difficult to hurt people!"

Experts know if there is a shot!

Fang Chengjing's eyes flashed a shock, Chu Jingtian's wind blade popped out, one unprinted and two unspelled, but his power was stronger than his fire dragon technique.

"This guy is really a double martial artist!"

The leaders of the White Tiger Group glanced at each other, and for a time only felt a sense of despair.

At this time, an old man came to the venue.

This old man is about the same age as Fang Chengjing. Although he looks like 70 or 80 years old, he doesn't have the state of death of the old man's candlestick, but it gives a strong sense of coercion. Wherever he went, the crowd shunted as if staggered by an invisible pair of hands.

He went straight to the position of the White Tigers and others, saying:

"I'm here! What about Mr. Chu?"

"Master Ye, he's on the ring!" Said a great teacher.

The old man nodded and looked towards the ring.

I saw that Chu Jingtian was standing still with Fang Chengjing and constantly engaged in warfare. The two had contacts and exchanges, and they were very happy.

"Isn't Mr. Chu an infamous warrior? How did he become a comprehensionist in Tongxuan Xiaocheng?"

The old man frowned.

He heard that Chen Beiwang and Hong Man were defeated at the venue, and that the shooter was a teenager less than sixteen years old. The sword force that combined human power overwhelmed the audience, causing countless strong men to bend back.

But today comes, but who thinks that the other party is a cultivator!

"He is Ye Zhichen?" Chu Bao was shocked.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that the shabby old man in front of him was actually the head of the top ten coaches of the White Tigers, second only to the existence of the chief coach.

I saw Ye Zhichen's eyes sweeping across the crowd, and could not help but frown:

"Where is Chen Beiwang? He asked me to support him, but did he escape?"

The words had just fallen and Chu Wushuang slumped to his knees and shouted in front of Ye Zhichen:

"Teacher Chen was killed by that kid!"

"What happened? What happened?"

Ye Zhichen's eyes were full of doubts.

At this time, the head coach sighed and told the original story. When he said that Chen Beiwang was beheaded and killed by the opponent, even Ye Zhichen couldn't help but exclaim.

When it comes to Chu Jingtian being a martial arts master, Ye Zhichen's eyes are full of shock.

"When did my Dayan dynasty appear such demon evils such as Shuang Xi and Wu Shuang Xiu?" Ye Zhichen didn't dare to believe.

"If it wasn't for him to show the cultivation of Tongxuan Period, I'm afraid I wouldn't know it!" A great teacher shook his head again and sighed, "Master Ye, let's go back! This boy is too strong, he has a sword We were all present when beheading Chen Beiwang. If he wants to kill us ~ ~ we are afraid that there is no room to fight back! "

Several other teachers also nodded again and again.

At first, everyone had the idea of ​​revenge, but after learning that the other party was Shuang Xiu and Fa Wu, they completely dispelled their thoughts.

"Huh! Since you have served as the head coach, you have begun to practise and deprive yourself of cultivation. What about him, even if he is a martial arts master? No one has ever been able to bully our white tiger group and be at ease!"

Ye Zhichen snorted coldly.

He glanced at Chu Jingtian, who fought with Fang Chengjing, and his strength was at best comparable to that of Chen Beiwang. If it is not careless, it will never be defeated in the hands of the other party.

As for the other great coaches, they must have been frightened by Chu Jingtian's sword!

"You are optimistic here, see how I can get this kid's head!"

Ye Zhichen drank in a cold voice, tiptoeed, and shot at the ring like a sharp arrow.

"Master Ye ..."

Seeing Ye Zhichen so reckless, they did not listen to the advice, and everyone cried.


The voice didn't fall, only a loud sound was heard, Ye Zhichen fell like a meteorite on the ring. At this moment, it seemed like a careful earthquake had erupted, and the whole venue couldn't help shaking.

Everyone looked horrified at the man who came down like a demon.

The dust disappeared, and the figures in the field gradually became clear. When everyone saw the faces of the visitors, everyone burst into exclaim:

"Ye Zhichen!"

The old man with a thin body and withered wood was at this moment magnificent, as if the gods were irresistible. He slowly raised his head, his silver hair danced with no wind, his eyes stared at Chu in shock:

"Mr. Chu, you killed me as the head coach of the White Tiger Regiment, and today I have made a break with Ye Zhichen!"

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