Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 56: It ’s a big disaster!


Silent as death.

Chen Beiwang, who was critically criticizing Chu Jingtian, quickly felt a shock, fear, and panic on his face when the cold voice sounded ...

"He is Mr. Chu? Mr. Chu, who pressed the venue last night and let countless strong men bow his head?"

Someone exclaimed.

Last night, there was a sudden appearance of Mr. Chu in the exchange meeting. The supreme power appeared, and everyone couldn't believe it. But now the other side appeared before him, and just a random stop, the oppressed crowds were out of breath.

"It's really so young?" Chu Bao was incredible.

The opponent is younger than himself, but the power is crushing anyone who is present. This is simply a monster!

There was awe in Chu Wushuang's eyes.

He was under the ring last night, and he knew the terribleness of the other party. Now at such a close distance, he just feels that the other party is an unshakable mountain.

"what happened?"

There was a riot all around, and Song Shuhang looked at Chu Jingtian with a little more fear.

"How do I feel that his strength has increased again in just one day?"

Song Shuhang looked around, he found that many people were equally shocked.

"Mr. Chu, you are finally here." Wang Chong glanced proudly at Chen Beiwang, no matter how arrogant this guy was, he didn't dare to say anything in the face of Chu Jingtian. "Let's get into the meeting!"

"No hurry, I need to resolve personal grievances outside the venue first!" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

The voice had just fallen, and there was a commotion all around.

Everyone smelled gunpowder in the air! Many people look at Chen Beiwang, all eyes are worried.

"I'm afraid I'm going to kill someone!" Someone said secretly.

"I don't think so. After all, Chen Beiwang is the head coach of the White Tigers. After all, Mr. Chu has to worry about the white tigers behind the other party!" Some people don't think so.

The crowd looked forward again.

I saw that under Chu Jingtian's eyes, not only Chen Beiwang, but even the people around him could not bear the momentum and fled. Suddenly, Chen Beiwang was left with only the White Tiger regiments who accompanied him.

Chu Bao had already slumped and trembled.

Chu Wushuang was also forced to bow his head when he was pressed. He just felt like he was being pressed on his body by a mountain, and the atmosphere couldn't breathe.

Chen Beiwang was also crushed by this momentum. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Chu, what do you want?"

Chu Jingtian looked at him lightly:

"No cat or dog can flaunt his power in front of me. If you humiliate me in public, I have nothing to kill you. If you self-defeate and repair, I can consider saving your life!"

As soon as Chu Jingtian said this, Chen Beiwang's face changed greatly.

Not only him, but also the head coaches of the White Tigers were surprised.

They thought that Chen Beiwang apologized at most, and they could expose it, but who knew that the other party would not give up, and Chen Beiwang would do nothing to repair it. Isn't this to endlessly?

"Chu surname, don't be too much. I just said a few words behind you, you actually want me to self-defeate, what do you think of yourself?" Chen Beiwang angered.

Chen Beiwang's response was also expected.

To their extent, cultivation is more important than life. It's harder for you to let the other person self-defeate than kill him.

"Mr. Chu, I am here to accompany you on behalf of Chen Beiwang. I also hope that you have a lot of adults, let Chen Beiwang pass this time." At this time, a senior teacher in the White Tiger Group stepped forward, facing Chu. Earthquake arched his hand.

"Our White Tigers will remember your kindness! Of course, if you continue to insist, our White Tigers are not bullies!"

Everyone heard the meaning of these words.

Facing Chu Jingtian, these great coaches had no way at all and directly moved the White Tiger Group. If you let Chen Beiwang pass, even if we are in the same position, we will write off the grudges. If you don't let go, our White Tigers will not be afraid of you!

One Chen Beiwang is not worth mentioning. There are many people here who can take over at any time. But if you add a white tiger group, then things are not so simple.

If you continue to pursue it, you will be the enemy of the White Tiger!

How many people can resist the revenge of the White Tigers?

"I guess Mr. Chu should stop this time!"

Many people said secretly.

"Mr. Chu ..."

Wang Chong also looked quite worried.

Chen Bei looked at the corner of Chu's eyes, and a sneer appeared on his face, secretly saying:

‘Even if you are so powerful, will you dare to fight against our White Tigers? ’

Several other teachers also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when everyone thought the matter would end, Chu Jingtian slowly looked up, and Sen Han's voice spread all around:

"What about the White Tigers?"

"Chen Beiwang, it's too late if you self-defeate!"

As soon as he said this, the scene was uproar.

Someone really doesn't even look at the White Tigers, but he wants to be the enemy of the White Tigers!

Chen Beiwang's face changed greatly.

He is also a magnificent teacher, and now it is not enough to apologize to others, and he is required to self-defeate. Anger has been accumulated for a long time, and now it erupts like a volcano.

"Chu surname, don't bully people too much. Don't think you beat me once, you can do whatever you want!"

Chen Beiwang stepped out and came to Chu Jingtian as if shrinking into an inch. He grabbed it with his right hand and put his five fingers into a hook, as if the iron nails brought a horrendous whistling and shattered the air.

This claw-like claw is even grabbed towards Chu Haitian's Qi Hai Palace.

Seeing Chen Beiwang picking up Chu Haitian ’s Qi Hai Palace, everyone around him couldn't help but exclaim. Once Qi Hai was caught and repaired, it was completely abandoned, which was even worse for the gas-refining martial artist than for his life!

"You're looking for death!"

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly and shook his hands and punched forward.

His fist seemed to be slow and fast, at first it was only slowly pushed, like a weak fist thrown by an old man with a wind candle. But when it reached the middle of the road, it had already caused a sharp wind howl, and the space seemed to be broken. In the late stage, it is like a dragon sailing out to sea!


The attack of the two slammed into each other. In the collision, a loud sound that sounded like a thunderstorm fell through.

When there was a real collision, a gust of wind was set off, backing up those coaches. Chu Wushuang and Chu Leopard were rushed out of the wind by seven or eight meters.


A bone fracture sounded, and then a figure flew out.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, and saw that the figure being bombed was Chen Beiwang. His right arm was fractured, and sensible bones came out of his arm. The huge pain of the broken arm made him pale and his features were distorted!

"With one punch, Chen Beiwang's arm was abolished! Is he really just Qi Cheng?"

Many warriors who have not yet seen Chu Jingtian's shot, seeing this scene is almost a moan from his throat.

"So daring!"

"Chu, you are too bullying!"

The head coaches of the White Tigers were furious when they saw Chen Beiwang's **** right arm.

Even if this injury is cured, the future strength will be much worse than before. How can they tolerate this? I don't know who screamed, and the seven or eight head coaches rushed out like tigers, leopards, and wolves!

"You guys of the White Tigers are too much!"

Wang Chongqi jumped.

Chen Beiwang's sneak attack came first, but Chu Jingtian just fought back. He is not as good as a man who was abolished an arm. These great coaches actually put the blame on Chu Jingtian. How much more shameless people can do it?

"It's a shame!"

A lot of really strong people shook their heads secretly.

Chen Beiwang's surprise attack has already made people shameless. Now that these big coaches of the White Tigers have to join forces to besiege?

However, Chu Jingtian didn't look at the others, his eyes stared at Chen Bei. I saw Chen Beiwang holding his right arm, sweating and blasting towards the rear, apparently preparing to escape the battlefield.

"Want to escape? Chen Beiwang, where did you go from now? See how I cut you!"

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly. He grabbed with his right hand, the mana swirl in the mud pill palace trembled, and quickly gathered into a condensed sword of the true law, and then slashed forward!


The icy sword man flew across the air, and few people could describe the sharp edge of this sword ~ ​​ ~ In the depths of countless people's eyes, the rapidly retreating Chen Beiwang split into two.

In the blood donation, Chen Beiwang, who was broken in two, crashed to the ground.

Chen Beiwang, the head coach of the White Tigers! He died in the hands of Chu Jingtian, and died under his sword!

This sword not only killed Chen Beiwang, but also completely smashed the pride in the hearts of the White Tiger regiments. The chief coaches who were still aggressively about to kill, were suddenly poured from head to toe by a bucket of ice water.

Thinking of Chu Jingtian's sword in my heart, I just felt that my feet took root, and it was no longer possible to move half a minute. They knew that if they took a step forward, they would be killed like Chen Beiwang on the spot!

"Is this his strength?"

Countless energetic stunners stared at Chen Beiwang, who was beheaded, and couldn't believe the sword marks that stretched out from under Chu Jingtian's feet, but felt the scalp tingling.

When they heard that a young strong man appeared in the venue, they were somewhat skeptical. How could such a young genius appear in the world? But at first sight, there was only awe.

"I gave you a chance. You don't cherish it!"

The sword of the true law scattered away, Chu Jingtian lost his hand.

He looked indifferent, as if he had not been worried about killing a chief teacher at all, like an understatement to pinch a bug.

He is the Supreme Sovereign of Daoxianzong, speaking according to law. Saying that you should abandon your cultivation, even the Emperor Laozi could not stop him. What's more, Chen Beiwang dared to take a shot, wouldn't this be death?

The people who awoke from shock, watching Chu Jingtian, couldn't help sighing. You killed the head coach of the White Tigers. How could the White Tigers easily give up?

Countless people can't help but have a thought:

"This is a great disaster!"

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