Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 48: Ground Dragon

As soon as Ding Wenyuan spoke, outside the barracks that was originally silent, even at this time, the sound of breathing seemed to disappear.

"You call me?"

Chu Jingtian raised a brow, and looked at Ding Wenyuan with a smile.

"In addition to you being called Master Chu, is there anyone else?" Ding Wenyuan didn't look at Chen Beiwang and Chu Jingtian. "The guild headquarters has officially recognized your identity as a second-tier animal trainer, but the second-tier badge production process is complicated and it will take some time to be delivered."

Every time Ding Wenyuan said something, an exclamation sounded around him. Especially when it comes to the second-order animal master, Chu Jingtian's features are almost distorted!

He had previously mocked Chu Wushuang as useless waste. This scene is like humiliating in public.

Chen Beiwang almost didn't bite his teeth.

He used to rely on his own identity to suppress Chu Jingtian, but in a blink of an eye, the status of the other person has already surpassed himself.

"He is actually a second-order animal trainer?" Chu Yao covered his mouth, his face incredible.

In the palace, Chu Jingtian did mention this to her, but she only thought that Chu Jingtian was bragging. Looking at the entire Great Yan Dynasty, even the longest princess with the best talents in animal control could not reach the second-order animal master. How could Chu Jingtian be?

But now Ding Wenyuan admits herself, this is what she has to believe.

"Are you looking for me?"

Chu Jingtian glanced at Ding Wenyuan, who was restless, and asked casually.

Ding Wenyuan was relieved, as if the drowning man caught a life-saving straw and quickly said, "Master Chu, the big demon in the barracks didn't know how, suddenly he went crazy recently!"

"You also see that the high-ranking guilds of us have come and gone several times, and even the royal beastmaster has been called in, and there is no way to appease it."

"I wonder if you ..."


Chu Jingtian frowned.

He also heard about the big demon raised in the barracks. This big demon is the young commander of the last generation of the Green Dragon Regiment, brought back from the mountain of beasts.

Since being raised by humans from an early age, there is no ferocious nature of those monsters in Wanshoushan, so this has remained in the barracks.

"You take me to see!" Anyway, it's still a while before the night, so why not go and see what happened to that big demon, Chu Jingtian nodded.

"You please!"

Ding Wenyuan was overjoyed and quickly led the way.

As for the other senior members of the Guild of Guilds, they could only follow carefully behind them. It wasn't until Chu Jingtian and others entered the barracks completely that all the people present returned to God.

Suddenly, everyone exploded.

"Oh my God, have you heard? He is actually a second-order animal trainer!"

"A second-order animal trainer under the age of 16, even Chairman Ding must be careful and respectful of the existence!"

"You have already become a second-order animal trainer at such a young age, wouldn't you be able to be promoted to a third-order before the age of thirty? The gap is too great!"

The recruits of the White Tigers were shocked. Prior to this, Chu Wushuang was the myth in their hearts. The sixteen-year-old Neijing Grandmaster mastered the sword and became a thousand captain.

Other than the royal family, no one can be better than Chu Wushuang. But now Chu Jingtian is born, a second-order animal trainer under the age of 16 has directly transformed Chu Wushuang into a supporting green leaf!

"No wonder he dares to set a life-and-death battle with the eldest captain!"

"Is the identity of the second-order animal trainer his hole card?"

"The end of this life-and-death battle has become a mess again ..."

Originally, everyone thought that the life and death battle between these two people was almost no suspense. However, the identity of Chu Jingtian's beastmaster is now exposed, which has added a huge suspense to this battle.

Listening to the humming discussion around everyone, Chu Wushuang's distorted face became more and more frowned.

‘Is the second-order beastmaster? This is your hole card! No wonder you dare to challenge me, no wonder you don't take me seriously! ’Chu Wushuang almost did not bite his teeth.

"It seems that we all despise this shocking sky!" Chen Beiwang sighed.

"Big teacher?" Chu Wushuang was startled, wasn't even Chen Beiwang able to curb Chu's shock? Did Chen Beiwang also lose?

Seeming to be worried about Chu Wushuang, Chen Beiwang smiled lightly:

"Chu Wushuang, don't be arrogant. Although the status of the second-order animal master is dignified, you are not without the possibility of winning!"

"Don't you always want to go to the 'Budo Exchange Meeting'? I'll take you in tonight!"

Chu Wushuang was shocked first, and then immediately returned to God and called out, "Thank you, Teacher!"

He had long heard about the existence of the martial arts exchange meeting, but unfortunately his strength was too low to qualify. If you can enter the martial arts exchange meeting, seeing the means of the true Qiqi strong, it will help him to break through the neck!

Even if the qi period is reached in advance, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, Chu Wushuang's heart burned a flame again. He stared at the direction where Chu Jingtian left, sneerly:

‘Chu Jingtian, I will make you regret it at the annual meeting! ’



Before stepping into the depths of the barracks, there was a shout of anger.

The howling swept through the hurricane, and flying sand and rocks. Let a group of people wait for the eardrum to tremble, qi and blood turbulence.

"Is this a flying lizard, isn't it? It's already full of vigor, right?" Chu Jingtian asked casually.

"You're right!" Seeing Chu Jingtian just hearing the roar of the other party, he had already guessed the identity of the demon. Ding Wenyuan's hope was even more:

"This dragon has been bred for more than 80 years, and now it has reached adulthood, and its strength has reached its peak. When I went crazy a few days ago, I broke a few ribs of a strong and full-hearted man."

"We have gone through all the records of the Dragon Beast Guild, and we haven't found the cause of its madness. If not even you, we have to ask the headquarters for help!"

Not long after, everyone had arrived at the position of the flying dragon.

I saw a monster with a length of seven or eight meters and a lizard-like monster tied to the ground by hundreds of chains. Although two huge wings were also penetrated by the chains, they were still struggling.

There are many people dressed as animal trainers around, and they are pointing at this flying dragon. Chu Jingtian found that the long princess was listed.

"Well, Chairman Ding, didn't you go back to the guild to find information about flying dragons? Why are you back again?"

Such a large group of people went and returned, when even attracted everyone's attention.

One of the old men with white beards looked surprised.

"He is the royal master of animal control, Cui Xingyi, and a second-order animal control master!" Ding Wenyuan quickly introduced Chu Jingtian to each other, and then he arched out: "Master Cui, I intend to return to the guild, I never wanted to meet Chu Jingtian. Bring him to take a look, maybe he has a solution! "

Seeking help from the guild headquarters is certainly a plan, but it is too time consuming.

However, the madness of the flying lizard dragon is against time, and once it is out of control, it will lead to a catastrophe. Such a great demon who has achieved true strength and completeness requires at least five or six, and even a larger number of fighters and cultivators of the same order to suppress it!


Cui Xing glanced at Chu Jingtian in surprise, he found the other party at that time, but Chu Jingtian was too young, so he didn't take it seriously, only treating the other party as Ding Wenyuan's junior.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jingtian was actually a rescuer invited by Ding Wenyuan!

"Is Chu Jingtian? I've heard his name. It was him who drank the flame lion tamed by Zhou Zhilong at that time. It is rare for him to be able to do this at this age. "

Cui Xing glanced at Chu Jingtian and nodded in appreciation. But immediately, his voice turned:

"President Ding, I don't think you should be clear about the importance of this flying lizard and dragon? We have so many second-order animal masters, there is no way to take it. How capable is such a hairy boy?"

As soon as his voice fell, a middle-aged man stood up in the crowd, and his words were not polite:

"I'm afraid the kid didn't even grow his hair. If he said he could cure the dragon, I would be the first to believe it."

This middle-aged man is also dressed as a beastmaster, wearing a second-tier badge on his chest, and now he is looking hostile at Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian looked at each other in surprise, and he didn't intersect with him. Why did he target himself so much? ~ until Ding Wenyuan told him in a low voice that he was Zhou Zhilong.

"If it wasn't for President Ding's face, I wouldn't come over! Since I don't believe it, then forget it!"

These jumping beam clowns don't deserve to make him angry.

Having said that, he turned and left.

If time is enough, he also plans to wait to go to the medicine store to finish the Xuan Yincao, and by the way refining Tongxuandan, and by the way to the martial arts exchange meeting in the evening to sharpen some solid repair.

"Master Chu ..."

Seeing Chu Jingtian turning and leaving, Ding Wenyuan panicked.

You know, although Chu Jingtian did not get the badge of the second-order animal master, he was better than them in terms of animal control.

"Let's go with him! Our seniors, criticizing him, couldn't accept it with an open mind, and dare to play with temper here."

Cui Xing hummed.

These people have a high status, and what kind of genius has never been seen, like this kind of genius and proud thing, they do not like them.

"Hum, a hairy boy, what qualifications do you have to call yourself Master Chu? Maybe he has no patience at all and just escapes!" Zhou Zhilong looked disdainful.

Everyone nodded in approval.

A hairy boy, even if there is any means on the way to control the beast, can it be compared with their old predecessors?

If you leave, you will leave, and it will save you from getting in the way.

As soon as Cui Xing didn't go to see him, everyone also converged, preparing to re-examine the flying dragon.

Just then, a light voice suddenly came from behind everyone:

"Master Chu, stay here!"

ps: Thanks for the reward! Although the book is currently two updates, the weight is relatively sufficient, equivalent to three others, four more. After the new book period has passed, I will definitely update madly ...

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