Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 44: Achieve Divine Power

At the moment, the killing valley is silent, and everyone is stunned watching Chu Jingtian slowly walking towards the valley.

"What's that kid doing?"

Either the Guards or the Black Dragons were holding back at this moment.

The beast tide is too fierce. No matter who breaks into the mountain stream, the monster will be desperate to fight. Even the strongest might not be able to live!

"Dare you dare to come up?"

Seeing someone stepping out of the camp, Zhang Xuan's eyes on the back of the tiger's beautiful eyes flashed coldly. He took a deep breath, raised his chest and abdomen, and then blew his horn suddenly.

The next flock of birds that were like dark clouds was already overwhelmingly facing Chu Jingtian.

"Master Chu!"

Hong Mingguang cried out.

Although he had seen Chu's horrific methods, at this moment he was worried about the endless birds that could almost be killed.

"Insufficient power and intrigue!" Bai Xun drank in anger.

Zhang Xuan, surrounded by the Guards and the Black Dragon Army, has become a trapped beast. Isn't that tantamount to pouring oil on the fire and letting Zhang Xuan kill you?


A sharp scream came from the air, and the voice shook.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was shocked.

Eyes were cast, and they were cast in midair. I saw a big golden bird flying fast, like a touch of golden light, and flew over the mountain stream in an instant. The billowing demon spirit is stronger than that blond golden tiger!

The sharp cries of the eagle trembled the eardrums of the trembling crowd, and their blood twitched.

"Golden-winged monster Peng! Second-order monster!"

"Why did Zhang Xuan summon this monster?"

"It is the most powerful flying monster in Wanjushan, known as Sky Overlord!"

Many of the Guards and the Black Dragon Army recognized the origin of the monster and shouted in silence.

Golden-winged monster Peng, a second-order monster, the strength is equivalent to the Qi-refining warrior!

But coupled with its powerful physical body and terrible speed, its strength is far more than several times stronger than the introductory warrior!


The golden-winged demon pendant slid down from the sky like lightning.

Suddenly, a black dragon centurion was scratched on the spot.

"finally come!"

Looking at the golden-winged demon Peng with great power, Zhang Xuan held a beast horn and smiled coldly.


He won't! The beast horn can only play its biggest role in the beast mountain with many monsters. He wants to use this beast horn to kill all the Guards and the Black Dragon!

"Just start with you!"

Zhang Xuan's eyes were cold and fell on Chu Jingtian's body.


The Golden-winged Demon Peng issued a burst of hawks, which fell like a lightning, pointing directly at Chu Jingtian.

In addition, being dragged by the golden-winged demon pendant, the flock of birds in the mountain stream followed this second-order big demon and rushed to Chu Jingtian. The dense and overwhelming flock of birds, large and small, apart from all the monsters, the rest are the most ferocious carnivorous birds in the mountains!

Seeing such a posture, even Bai Xun couldn't help scalp. If he is in this position, I'm afraid he will be more aggressive.

"Bearing the beast horns and occupying the beastly terrain of Wanshoushan. The Black Dragon Army and the Guards will not succeed in catching you! But unfortunately, you met me!

In the face of the golden-winged demon pendant and the tide of monsters and beasts that came to the face, Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

He gazed at his nose and nose, and sipped it sharply.


Tonghua lotus, thunderous!

Suddenly, an inexplicable coercion swept in all directions like a tide, and the fierce tide of beasts hit the invisible shield and suddenly stopped.

Even after an instant hover, like a bird frightened, he fled out in all directions, as if encountering a terrible existence.

"How is it possible!" Zhang Xuan was dumbfounded and almost did not stare.

Since he got the beast horn of command, he has never missed when controlling the beast. The golden-winged demon pendant that he has tried his best to control was even drunk by the other party?

"Is this kid a master of the beast?"

Zhang Xuan's heart sank.

He naturally knew that some masters of beast-mastering were proficient in the method of beast-controlling, and even without using a device, it was enough to control the herd as the arm instructed. But how could those masters of beast-controlling beasts who are both Haoshou and Baixu be so young?

"Regardless of whether you are the master of the beast, kill you before you say it!"

In the eyes, Han Mang was in full swing, and Zhang Xuan hit the golden tiger with a pat. The blond-eyed tiger made a roar, and it was like a tiger coming down the mountain!

The speed and power of the beautiful-eyed tiger is faster than the previous Golden-winged Demon Peng, and it is even more amazing!

"Stop drinking the beast wave? It's impossible!"

Bai Xun shouted, watching the scattered herd of beasts, and the golden-winged demon penguin who was fleeing faster than when he arrived.

Not only him, but the tens of millions of people present did not expect it. Everyone thought that he would be torn directly by the herd in the next moment, but never expected that this would happen!

But at the next moment, Zhang Xuan and the beautiful golden tiger struck again, letting Bai Xun, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, raised his heart to his throat again!

"These eagles and beasts were summoned by Zhang Xuan, so he was able to say nothing. But the golden tiger who followed Zhang Xuan for many days, has long been surrendered to the control of the beast horn. How can this resist ...

In the Guards, a beastmaster said with horror.

"Zhang Xuan rushed with the beautiful-eyed tiger, for fear that he could not resist even with all-around means!"

Everyone thought in their hearts, their eyes were full of fear. To deal with such Zhang Xuan, the number of the Guards must at least double!

But the next moment everyone's horror was replaced by the incredible.

I saw Chu Jingtian step forward, but he didn't take any action, but a terrible coercion emanated from his body, and a terrifying dragon howl sounded from the void at the same time.


Long Ming shouted and rang through Jiuxiao. Just like the Tianhuang Tianlong, suppress nine places for ten days!

With this dragon power rising to the extreme, Chu Jingtian's right fist stunned. At this moment, the power was like a torrent of floods that had been stored for three days and three nights, and the whistling gushed out instantly!

"Ignorant child, I dare to contend with my golden golden tiger, I see how you die!"

The claws collided, and a loud sound of stone-breaking shock suddenly started.

The terrible impact blasted the surrounding air into the violent bombardment. The terrible force swept across all directions, tearing the earth into huge cracks.

Feeling the blast that erupted during the bombardment, the crowd around them changed suddenly. However, what happened on the field made everyone cry out loud:


The incomprehensible tiger with brilliant eyes, directly under Chu Jingtian's fist, was blown out by the bombardment and hit the ground severely. Its body even smashed the ground out of a terrible collapse of several square feet!

On the other hand, Chu Jingtian, but just slightly flickered in the collision, stabilized his figure.

"He actually banged the blond-eyed tiger with one punch? This boy's physical body is more terrible than the monster!"

"Is this how he dare to come forward to deal with Zhang Xuan? His power is so powerful that even the second-order monster can't help him!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Bai Xun was stunned. He looked at the blond-eyed tiger lying in the big pit, who had lost his ability to move, and couldn't help jumping.

Is this really Chu Jingtian he knows?

Is this the waste of everyone in the palace?

"Blonde golden tiger!"

Looking at the pit that had smashed the ground, it was already a dying beast, Zhang Xun's face was unbelievable.

However, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, not to mention your opponent is still shocking?

With such a slight loss of his mind, Chu Jingtian had already stepped out, as if he had stepped forward in front of him, his right hand was turned up, and it was already an overwhelming cleavage.

"not good!"

Zhang Xuan lost all his color, his body flickered, and he hurriedly shot backwards and retreated.

But he is fast, Chu Jingtian is faster!


Zhang Xuan only felt that at this moment, an incomparable force suddenly poured onto his body, and the bones of his whole body were crackled and crackled at this moment.

This power is so huge that under the shocking eyes of countless people ~ ~ Zhang Xuan has not even had the screams come out before he has been bombarded.

Even until his half body was bombarded in the ground, did he stop the amazing power of this palm!

Chu Jingtian stretched out his hand, and the beast horn hanging on Zhang Xuan's body had already fallen into his hands.


Ten thousand people gathered inside and outside the mountain stream, but at this moment it was silent and the needles were audible.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, almost no one can believe that someone can easily retreat from the Golden Winged Demon Peng, kill the eye-catching tiger with one punch, and kill the powerful one with one hand!

But now that's happening, and it's still a teenager under sixteen who does all this!


Bai Xun was stunned, and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground without knowing it. In his eyes, a young master who would drag himself down and need his own soldiers to protect him, actually killed the wanted man in the Xiqi dynasty in the army? And he also stole the treasure he stole!

"how can that be?"

Bai Xun smiled bitterly.

"How is it impossible? Master Chu is a man of heaven. Didn't you let me introduce the predecessor who killed Zhou Hailong? Master Chu was the one who shot!" Wang Chong said coldly.

"Is this true?" Bai Xun trembled and quickly looked at Hong Mingguang.

I saw Hong Mingguang nodded wryly and said:

"It is Master Chu!"

"I saw him slaying Zhou Hailong with my own eyes. He even burned more than a hundred black dragon troops into coke with a spell of heaven. Therefore, I asked Master Chu to help us capture Zhang Xuan and fight against the black dragon army!"

"Oh my god!"

Bai Xun almost spurted blood. He looked at the handsome boy in the battlefield with a childish look on his face, as if overpowering Wuwei, and could not help crying, "Why the **** is you so powerful!"

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