Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 42: Command Beast Horn

When the flames burst out, it was not just the entire lake, as if most of the mountain was shrouded in flames.

The horrific heat emerged from the void, like a rushing river. The fleeing Duan Tianlin, like a sharp arrow, almost exerted his inner strength to the extreme, but could not escape the flames.

The mighty Black Dragon Army, the most powerful and elite army of the Xiqi dynasty, is comparable to the guards of the Dayan dynasty. In this flame, like grass and mustard.

Suddenly, there was only a rushing flame in everyone's eyes and pupils. The flames swept forward, silent, the rocks were burned into dust, and the trees were burned into coke. When the flames dissipated, this spell turned out to have burned a vacuum of more than 100 meters in the beast mountain.

"Tianwei, this is Tianwei!"

Guo Tianwei, the only practitioner in the team, stared at the scorched earth in front of her eyes.

Even if he runs out of thoughts, he may not be able to cast half the power of this fire storm spell. But Chu Jingtian came in handy, which was beyond his imagination.

"Sinister Sinister!"

Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong looked at each other.

Although Chu Jingtian had meant to kill everything before, everyone was somewhat skeptical. After all, there are hundreds of black dragon troops. If they escaped desperately, could you kill them all?

But now Chu Jingtian ends with a spell, burning the lake area into waste soil, and burying more than a hundred Black Dragon Army here, it is incredible!

This young Master Chu, how many cards do they not know?

"who is it?!"

Just when everyone was shocked, Chu Jingtian frowned, turning his head to look between the mountains and forests, and Shen Sheng yelled, "Get out there, sneak out!"

Anyone else?

Everyone froze and quickly looked forward. I saw another mountain and forest, slowly walking out of a team of people. But this time it is not the Black Dragon Army of the Xiqi Dynasty, but the Guards of the Dayan Dynasty.

A man with the look of a thousand captain walked with shock.

"Hongming Guang, the thousand captain of the Blue Dragon Regiment, meet Master Chu!" The man clenched his fists, respectfully. "We just followed Zhou Hailong and did not intend to disturb you. Please also forgive Master Chu."

"Really?" Chu Jingtian sneered.

The commander named Hong Mingguang was numb to the scalp stared at Chu Jingtian, and could not help but kneel.

The relationship between the Qinglong regiment and the Beiliang King was relatively close, and he had also visited the Beiliang King's Mansion several times and had seen a few faces that were shocking. At that time, Chu Jingtian was a master scolded by everyone, and Hong Mingguang also disdainfully.

But who would have thought that the little-known man was so decisive.

"Master Chu, I dare not speak rashly."

Hong Mingguang looked pale and quickly explained: "We have a spy who found that Zhou Hailong left with a group of people sneaking away, and there was a fighting sound here, Master Wanfu was worried about the black dragon army's tricks, so Let me have a look! "

"You dare not measure!" Chu Jingtian waved his hand and stopped looking at him.

"It's done, and it's time to go back!"

This time I went into the mountain for the purpose of red bead and golden fruit.

Although there was a small episode of the Black Dragon Army, he has reached the period of infuriating and can be regarded as a complete one. Next, there is only Xuan Yincao. As long as he gets him, he can make ‘Tong Xuan Dan’ and enter the Tuan Xuan Period!

Thinking of Tongxuan period, Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

The fire storm previously released by him is a second-order medium-quality spell. Although it is powerful, its consumption is equally good. This one spell alone will exhaust his 70% of the god's thoughts. If he can reach the Tongxuan period, it is the most powerful spell.

"Master Chu, please stay away!" Then Hong Mingguang's cry came from behind.

"Oh? Do you also want to open my belly and take out the red beads and golden fruits?"

Chu Jingtian stopped and looked at it with a smile.

Although he consumes a lot of money, it does not mean that he has become a soft persimmon that anyone can handle. This is the case of the Black Dragon Army, as is the case of the Blue Dragon Corps of the Guards. If it really annoys him, it will be a complete kill.

"Dare not, dare! Master Chu, you have the means, even if you give me eight more courage, I don't dare! The reason why I want to stop you is to ask you a favor!"

Hong Mingguang quickly explained:

In order to hunt down that person, both the Black Dragon Army and the Guards gathered in this beast mountain. During this time, there were several frictions. The Guards won more and lost more. And now the Guards are about to be crushed by the Black Dragon Army out of Manchu Mountain!

Not only did he not fight the Black Dragon Army, but he was afraid that he would not be able to complete the task.

After seeing Chu Jingtian's methods, Hong Mingguang was surprised. If there were more people in the Guards, his strength would inevitably increase, and he might be able to counterattack the Black Dragon Army.

"Just, I'll do you a favor!" Chu Jingtian condensed for a moment and nodded.

The Imperial Guard had real power in the dynasty. If they were to help, Xuan Yincao might have been easier to handle, and there were many less twists and turns.

"Thank you Master Chu!"

Hong Mingguang quickly thanked.

On this way, Hong Mingguang also knew everything and said everything that happened in the Manju Mountain in the recent period.

"The man we were chased by the Guards and the Black Dragon Army was called Zhang Xuan. He only repaired it during the Qi period, but he didn't know how to mix into the royal family of the Xiqi Dynasty and stole the slinging beast horn!"

"As long as the‘ command beast horn ’is sounded, you can urge the herd of beasts, ranging from dozens of heads to hundreds of heads. During this time, the beast tide in the beast mountain was caused by Zhang Xuan!

"Our task of the Guards is to prevent the Black Dragon Army from getting this horn!"

Chu Jingtian nodded.

Dayan and Xiqi were hostile, and it was normal for them to make such a move.

"Is there such a magic weapon?" Wang Chong couldn't help but startled.

Are n’t the magicians ’magical aids all released? How could you order the herd?

If during the large war, the Xiqi dynasty used such instruments to control hundreds of monsters and join the army, who else could resist?

"How not? It's just that you haven't seen it." Chu Jingtian said lightly. "In my estimation, these instruments should be made from some powerful monster beast horns, and then refined by some special means. Can control hundreds of monster beasts. This beast horn is taken from at least the third order. The body of the demon! "

"That's right!" Hong Mingguang gave a shocked glance at Chu. He didn't expect the other party to infer from his own words, the origin of the beast horn.

"This beast horn is taken from a third-order necromancer. At first, the Black Dragon Army just sent it for hunting it, and sent nearly 10,000 people. The casualties were more than 70%!"

"If we can get this beast horn, it is tantamount to weakening Xiqi's strength. Of course, if we can get it, it would be great!"

Hearing Hong Mingguang's words, Chu Jingtian suddenly lost his interest in calling the beast horns.

With his current methods, although he can't control the herd as easily as the commanding beast horn, once he reaches the end of the Xuan period, he can use the ancient dragon language to achieve the level of the herd as an arm. .

Ordering the beast horns is just a chicken rib to him.

Led by Hong Mingguang, the crowd went all the way to the camp of the Guards.

The entire camp was heavily guarded, and a majestic blue dragon flag fluttered in the wind. They went directly to the position of the army's large account, the captain, where a group of people were studying the map.

"Captain Wan, I have identified the whereabouts of Zhou Hailong. It turned out that he was for a red bead and golden fruit, but all of them have been beheaded. It was this one who shot ..."

Hong Mingguang was about to introduce Chu Jingtian, and the Governor's eyes glanced at once, showing a hint of joy.

"It turned out that the head teacher Wang came in person, and with your help, I'm waiting for you!"

The majestic man surrounded by the center, surrounded by the stars, greeted him personally, and arched Wang Chong.

"Teacher Wang!"

The seven or eight captains present at the scene, seeing Wang Chong also stretched his brow, hurriedly greeted him.

This Wang Chong, they all know, is one of the newly appointed teachers of the Qinglong regiment.

The strength of the Blue Dragon Regiment is similar to that of the Black Dragon Army, but because the Black Dragon Army came to Wanju Mountain early, occupying favorable terrain, they defeated each other. Don't look at the fact that there is only one Wang Chong, but for them, it is not only a great help, but also can stabilize the army and improve morale.

"Master Bai Xun ..."

Wang Chong stood embarrassed on the side, and glanced at Chu Jingtian ~ ~ Bai Xun, the captain named Bai Xun, smiled and patted Wang Chong's shoulder, and his old friend looked like:

"Teacher Wang, I know you haven't got a letter of appointment and haven't officially taken office. But with your strength, this is already a nail in the nail. And you are still appointed by our chief commander, who dares not to accept?"

"Come! Come! Come! Come on, please!"

"It is indeed the chief coach that the great commander sees. Once Wanshan came, he helped us so much. Zhou Hailong was the youngest thousand captain in the Black Dragon Army, and his strength reached half a step. You can enter the period of true energy in the year of the year! You beheaded him this time, which is considered to be a contribution to our Dayan Dynasty! "

The thousands of captains around were also congratulating.

"The king's teacher really deserves his reputation!"

"With your help this time, we will definitely be able to roll the fart that the Black Dragon Army beats!"

"That week, Hailong was too arrogant. Relying on his high strength, he killed many of our fighters in the Green Dragon Regiment. You killed him as soon as you shot it. It's too defiant!"

Listening to the congratulations around him, Wang Chong's face was sincere and fearful.

This is not his credit, and he dare not attack!

Quickly waved:

"Master Bai Xun, you have tormented me. It was not me who killed Zhou Hailong, but someone else!"

"Oh, who is it? I'd like to introduce you quickly!" Bai Xun then realized that he was mistaken, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face, but after all, as a captain, he was used to big scenes and soon Back to normal.

His gaze swept across Wei Zhicheng, Guo Tianwei, Ma Dongxue, and others, and at the same time a hint of doubt arose in his heart.

These people do not seem to be strong, how can they kill Zhou Hailong?

Just when everyone was puzzled, this voice came slowly:

"it's me!"

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