Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 409 Founded Lake

\u003cabl ali=ri\u003e\u003cr\u003e\u003c\u003e\u003c\u003e\u003c/\u003e\u003c/r\u003e\u003c/abl\u003e"This is the person from Hutanya!"

Seeing Chu Jingtian looking puzzled, Li Shanqiao quickly explained from the side.

"Because it's very close to Hutan Cliff, warriors from Hutan Cliff often come here. It is said that they also found a strange beast called a tortoise in Qiandao Lake. Although it looks like a turtle, it has a bird's head and a snake's tail. Ru Mu Po. It is a big sky demon with the strength of a master of the five realms, and they came here to find the tortoise."

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly, he naturally didn't care about the tortoise, he just looked forward with a slight frown.

"You maidservant, you are so careless, do you believe that I threw you into the lake to feed the fish?"

The youth shouted.

Hearing the words, the little maid turned pale with fright, kowtowed and begged for mercy, her head was bleeding:

"I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't do it on purpose..."

The young man still wanted to talk, but an old man next to him said in a deep voice: "Shan Beiyi, the ancestor told me not to cause trouble when I went out this time. She is just a mortal, an ant-like thing, what do you care about with her?"

"Hmph, get out!"

Hearing this, the young man named Shan Beiyi snorted coldly and waved his hands, as if driving away ants. "Little Elder, we don't need to be so alarmist, right? We can still shit and fart, so we have to be careful to guard against Chu Jingtian?"

"Chu Jingtian acted perversely and domineeringly. Since he came to this area this time, we naturally have to restrain ourselves and be careful to bump into the other party, so as not to be used by the other party to make a fuss out of nothing." The old man said lightly.

Shan Beiyi's face was full of indignation. Obviously, he was still dissatisfied with Hutanya, a dignified hidden family, who actually wanted to bow his head in front of a young boy. Just thinking about such a thing, he felt too aggrieved.

On the side, there were quite a few Hutanya tribesmen who looked like the second or third generation, shouting and yelling, with aggrieved faces.

"These bastards are actually talking about us behind our backs. Boss, do you want to go over and beat up these people?" Lu Jianli held his breath and stared coldly ahead.

Li Shanqiao was startled when he heard this, and quickly looked at Chu Jingtian.

If Chu Jingtian was really encouraged,

I'm afraid there will be another big battle on this thousand lakes. But Chu Jingtian was unmoved at all, as if he didn't hear it.

'It seems that he is not as unscrupulous and unscrupulous as the rumors say! After all, Hutanya is a hermit clan, and it is only a few hundred miles away from Hutanya. Even if he is lawless, he has to be scruples. '

Li Shanqiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little disappointed in his heart.

But he didn't know that the reason why Chu Jingtian didn't act was not because he had any scruples, but because he was thinking about whether he would startle the snake. His goal is to take the entire Hutan Cliff in one pot, not these little guys.

Of course, if these people jumped in front of him, Chu Jingtian would not be stingy and push them to death on the boat.

But in the next few days, this group of Hutanya people were quite honest, most of them stayed behind closed doors in the cabin, and at most only sent a fourth-generation clansman out to check how long it would take to reach the inner circle.

It took another three or four days before the boat arrived in Linzhou.

Chu Jingtian discovered that after the group of people from Hutan Cliff got off the boat, they summoned a huge tortoise, and the group of people sat on the turtle shell and went to the depths of Qiandao Lake. Watching this scene, Lu Jianli felt itchy in his heart:

"Boss, why didn't you bring the tortoise from Taibai Mountain, or else we could be like them."

Chu Jingtian also secretly regretted it, but the martial arts world itself was a temporary idea, let alone coming to Qianhu Lake. But after this trip, it took at least half a month to turn back, and all the time was wasted on the road.

He casually said:

"Since we're here, there's no need to say anything. We're not sightseeing. How do you see others?"

Lu Jianli heard the words and looked at the others.

Most of the people who can take the beast with them like Hutanya are a minority, and most of them rely on their cultivation to cross the water. Soon, the whole boat is full of people and Qiqi has already left, only the three of them are left. Stick in place.

Chu Jingtian glanced at Li Shanqiao, nodded and said:

"Thank you for leading the way!"

When Li Shanqiao heard the words, he felt overwhelmed and flattered, he didn't even dare to say anything, and immediately a group of people went into the water and went deep into the depths of Qianhu Lake.

With Li Shanqiao, an old native, leading the way, Chu Jingtian naturally didn't need to search for islands in the vast lake. Of course, there is also a fixed route in this lake. He knows which way to go and which way not to go. The fish monsters in the lake also have their own territory divisions, and basically do not invade each other.

Of course, those with a small territory are just those small fish and shrimps, and the really powerful big sky demon has no place it can't go to in the entire Thousand Lakes.

Occasionally, some little monsters would break in, and without Chu Jingtian's hands, Tanlong would eat him up in one bite.

"Chu Tianwang's beast control is the Great Sky Demon, right?"

Li Shanqiao asked cautiously.

"Hehe..." Chu Jingtian smiled, noncommittal, but Tanlong was too lazy to talk to the old man.

But Chu Jingtian knew in his heart that Tanlong has now entered the stage of growth from infancy. At this time, he already has the strength of the sixth-order demon emperor. order!

Seeing that Chu Jingtian was unwilling to speak, Li Shanqiao could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

As one goes deeper into Qianhu Lake, the dangers also increase. The most frightening thing is not the monster on the island, but the existence under the feet.

Chu Jingtian even saw a martial artist accidentally enter Ran Yiyu's territory with his own eyes. These palm-sized Ran Yiyu are fourth-order demon envoys, with dagger-like sharp teeth, which can devour blood, mana, and truth. A shield formed by air. When Chu Jingtian wanted to rescue him, the warrior had already been gnawed into a pile of bones.

As for the group of people at Hutan Cliff, they have never appeared before, and they seem to have already entered the depths.

Chu Jingtian, on the other hand, was happy and quiet, before stepping into the island, he had already searched for his spiritual thoughts, and when he entered, he found everything inside the island so precious that Li Shanqiao was stunned for a moment.

Just like what Li Shanqiao said, there are many treasures of heaven and earth in this thousand lakes, and Chu Jingtian naturally never refuses anyone who comes. He just gave up some to Li Shanqiao, and he was overjoyed.

"Further ahead, it is the territory of the Great Sky Demon."

In front of a body of water, Li Shanqiao reminded.

"Boss, look at the water here!" Lu Jianli exclaimed in surprise.

I saw that the huge lake seemed to have a sharp boundary: the outside was cloudy and gloomy, and the inside was clear and bright, presenting a strange landscape.

Tanlong Youyou mocked:

"Fatty, this is the relationship between the difference in spiritual energy, don't you even understand these?"

"Smelly snake, tell me more?" Lu Jianli frowned, "Don't think that you can be arrogant in front of the fat man because the boss is protecting you. Believe it or not, I peeled your skin to make snake soup?"

Chu Jingtian helplessly shook his head.

These two stubborn guys mixed together, and neither would let the other.

"It's true, the aura inside the lake is more intense, which causes a difference in water quality." With his eyes back, Chu Jingtian nodded and said: "We have to hurry up, lest the treasures of heaven and earth be picked by others... Huh? "

Chu Jingtian was talking, when suddenly he raised his eyebrows and looked forward.

Lu Jianli and Tanlong also stopped their quarrel and looked into the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Just when Li Shanqiao was wondering, he saw a large group of people rushing up not far away. This group of people were not other people, but the passengers on the boat with Chu Jingtian and the others.

"What's going on, why are you back?"

Li Shanqiao grabbed a passerby and asked.

The man was full of resentment, seeing that it was Li Shanqiao, he didn't dare to act presumptuously, and sighed:

"The people at Hutanya are too domineering! They found traces of the swirling turtle in Qiandao Lake. They were afraid that we would disturb them to catch this swirling turtle, so they sealed off this lake. We want us to use this as a boundary, and we are not allowed to step over it. ..."

He glanced at Li Shanqiao and said:

"You are the Grandmaster of the Five Realms, maybe Hutanya doesn't dare to be so blatant, but how can we young people dare to challenge Hutanya? If he said let it go, we can only let it go!"

On the other side, they were also full of helplessness.

After all, they came here for Qiandao Lake this time, and they only lasted a month each time. It was only a few days after the beginning, and Hutanya was driven out of the core area of ​​the lake, so they were naturally unwilling.

"King Chu?"

Li Shanqiao looked at Chu Jingtian questioningly.

"Hehe, how dare he seal the waters of Hutan Cliff on my head?" Chu Jingtian snorted coldly, "Keep going!"

Li Shanqiao pondered for a moment, and could only bite the bullet and step forward. He hoped that Hutanya would not block Qianhu Lake against him because of the fact that he was the Grandmaster of the Five Realms.

But it is clear that this expectation is too unrealistic.

As they got deeper into the core area of ​​Qiandao Lake, everyone found that the number of warriors who were kicked out increased, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

At the beginning, it was still below five realms.

But later, the entry, early stage, peak, and consummation of the five realms... until the seventh day, everyone met a master-level powerhouse who came back dejected.

"Master Wang, have you been driven back?"

Li Shanqiao looked at the dejected Grandmaster of the Five Realms, and couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Hmph, what else? This Hutan Cliff is too domineering!" The Grandmaster of the Five Realms, known as Master Wang, was full of resentment, "When did this Thousand Lake become his family's waters, and he can seal it if he wants?"

"King Chu, let's go back..."

Li Shanqiao glanced at Chu Jingtian who was expressionless, but finally swallowed his words.

He is confident that this thousand lakes are so vast that he can lead Chu Jingtian to avoid the search of Hutan Cliff. What's more, he still covets those pills in Chu Jingtian's hands that can replenish qi and blood.

But unexpectedly, after they entered a small area, they were still bumped into by two tribesmen from Hutanya, one of them was Shan Beiyi who had met once on the boat.

When Shan Beiyi came up, he yelled loudly:

"Who let you in?"

Chu Jingtian's face was flat, while Lu Jianli's face was indifferent. Only Li Shanqiao stood there with a face full of panic, at a loss for what to do.

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