Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 38: Meet Master Chu

The visitor is not someone else, it is Wang Chong!

Not only Yan Shiyong, but other people at the banquet also stood up and rushed to meet.

"Brother Wang is like Wu Xia Ameng. I haven't seen him for three days! Now that you have become the chief teacher of the Guards, don't forget our old brothers in the future!"

Wang Chong held his hands and looked proudly: "Naturally not! You and I are both in adversity, how can I forget you?"

The other side said a word that immediately made Yan Shiyong proud, and he secretly glanced at Chu, and could not help but feel disappointed.

Chu Jingtian sat motionless there, as if even Wang Chong came, it wasn't worth him to stand up to welcome him.

"Brother Wang, at what cost did the band of the Guards ask you to come out of the mountain?" Yan Shiyong looked back and quickly led the way.

"It's just a vacancy in the military!" Wang Chongdan said indifferently.

This sentence made everyone around me envious.

Just a false job by a great coach is enough to make a family stand for a hundred years, and it is comparable to those people who have worked hard all their lives!

Unexpectedly, Wang Chong continued:

"The big coach is nothing!"

"After I was instructed by the predecessor, thousands of miles a day, the sword potential not only reached the level of freedom in sending and receiving, but also stepped into the threshold of 'one person and one power!'

"Don't talk about the chief instructor. I can do the Chief Instructor!"


Suddenly, there was a sound of exhaustion around.

There are three types of guards. The first is an ordinary coach who teaches boxing and kung fu. There are more than a hundred of them in a legion. The second is the level of Wang Chong and Chen Beiwang. There are only ten people in a legion, which is called the chief teacher!

The third is the head coach!

Although it is also a false job, its position in the army is even comparable to that of the captain.

"Brother Wang has jumped over the dragon gate!" Yan Shiyong couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, Brother Wang! I wonder if you can give us any pointers?" Yan Shiyong suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, how about us?"

"If we can get directions from Brother Wang, it will be better than ten years of hard work!"

Hearing Yan Shiyong's instructions, everyone started to coax and look forward.

Most of the people present were Jian Xiu, who also wanted to delve into the sword. But how difficult the sword potential is, take Yan Shiyong as an example. Although he has practiced kendo for more than 30 years, the threshold of the sword potential has not been touched.

If you can get the guidance of Wang Chong, even if you only understand Dingdian's fur, the strength will be turned upside down!


Unexpectedly, Wang Chong shook his head.

He glanced at the disappointed crowd, and he said:

"It's not that I'm deliberately hiding, but I'm in trouble!"

"My sword power comes from the sword power of that senior. In theory, I can only be regarded as the disciple of that senior. I cannot teach his sword power at will!"

"Although the Guards asked me to be the chief instructor, I have not yet agreed. This time I went to the Imperial City specifically to ask the senior's opinion. If he agreed, I would dare to go to the Guards!

There was a hint of disappointment on Yan Shiyong's face, and others were unavoidable.

But what Wang Chong did was normal.

After all, he learned the sword from others, and how could he impart the skills of others without his permission. If you let that senior know, if the other party's anger is to abandon his practice, isn't it worth the loss?

"Who is that senior?" Yan Shiyong asked softly.

Everyone looked curiously.

They also want to know what kind of existence can guide Wang Chong!

Wang Chong smiled slightly and shook his head.

When everyone saw him unwilling to say more, they could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

‘Wang Chong said earlier that he was going to the Imperial City to ask the senior. Is the other person a royal family member? ’

'Right! Only the royal family can have such an existence ... It's like the kind of superhero who can't see the end of the dragon, but we can't see it in this life! ’

At this moment, I only heard a voice from the room:

"Wang Chong, I don't remember accepting such a named disciple!"


The smile on Wang Chong's face suddenly stiffened, and he quickly looked towards the room.

I saw that Chu Jingtian was sitting at the banquet with all his enthusiasm. He didn't stand up and looked at them.

Yan Shiyong and others were also surprised.

They knew that in Wang Chong's heart, the predecessor was like an immortal. Every time he mentioned the other party, Wang Chong was a respectful and respectful expression. He only dared to claim his name as a disciple. words.

Now that Chu Jingtian was so humiliating that senior, it was tantamount to making tiger beards!

‘It does n’t matter to us! ’

Yan Shiyong's heart moved secretly, and the others couldn't help but swallow saliva, as if he had seen the scene of Wang Chong's anger.

But the next scene that no one thought of happened.

I saw Wang Chong's expression of anger suddenly turned into horror, fear, worship ... In the incredible eyes of everyone, Wang Chong almost trot all the way to the front of Chu Jingtian, with a knee on his knees!

"Disciple Wang Chong, met Master Chu!"

The whole banquet was dead.

Yan Shiyong's eyes were about to protrude, and the others almost didn't startle his jaw. Looking at Wang Chong kneeling on the ground, and watching Chu Jingtian, who was at ease, all felt that at this moment, all their cognition had completely collapsed!

Even if they dream, they dare not imagine the scene in front of them!

"Brother Wang, he ... is he the senior you said?" Yan Shiyong was about to spit out blood.

"It is Master Chu! On the same day at the Qin family, a sword of life and death, Bai An ambushed us, and Master Chu killed him with a sword. I learned the complete sword potential from Master Chu's" social self-respect "!"

Wang Chong glanced at Chu, and respectfully said:

"Master Chu, my sword potential was realized from the‘ solo lordship ’. I dare to claim my name as a disciple!”

Every time Wang Chong said something, everyone looked pale.

What kind of existence is this Chu Jingtian?

He accepted second-rank Dan Shi Luo Shengyu as a registered disciple, and now even Wang Chong, who has reached the level of freedom of swords, dare to claim himself as a registered disciple.

Earlier Chu Jingtian slaps him, but he is still a little dissatisfied. He thinks that although he does not have the ability to fight against Chu Jingtian, he is far away from Qingyun Town and the horizon, and the other party can not bear him.

But now it seems that no one dares to take revenge on Yi Chu's shocking power even if he destroys his door!

"Well, I'll take you as a named disciple! I don't know which of the Guards Corps invited you to be a teacher?" Chu Jingtian glanced at Wang Chong and asked at random.

"It's the Qinglong regiment! If Master Chu doesn't want the sword to spread, I will reject them!" Wang Chong said quickly.

Some existences are very cautious about their ability to protect, and will not pass on half points. Therefore, Wang Chong did not dare to decide at will, and could only listen to Chu Jingtian's opinions.

But where did he know that his sword potential did not even learn the skin of the ‘solitarian lordship’, how could Chu ’s ability be revealed?

"I agree with you to serve as the head of the Qinglong regiment!" Chu Jingtian said.

"Thank you Master Chu!" Wang Chong thanked him quickly.

At this moment, Wang Chong suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly: "Master Chu, I don't know what you are talking about in Qingyun Town this time?"

"A red beaded golden fruit appeared in Wanju Mountain, this time I came here for it. But Yan Shiyong told me that because of the beast tide on Wanju Mountain, you have to wait for your protection before you can go up the mountain!" Chu Shocking Road.

As soon as Wang Chong closed his eyes, he lifted a slap and brushed it directly on Yan Shiyong's face, and beat him out again:

"What is Master Chu's strength? He is an enlightened and powerful double master. Even I can only be his disciple. As the beast mountain is so big, where can he go and use me to protect him?"

Yan Shiyong's face was swollen on both sides, and his mouth was full of blood.

Hearing Wang Chong's words, he almost did not cry. I knew Chu Jingtian was a double master, what else did he advise? If he had known that Chu Jingtian was the senior in Wang Chong's mouth, where would he dare to talk nonsense?

"Master Chu, how to go to Wanjushan, and listen to your arrangements!" Wang Chong hurriedly said.

Chu Jingtian smiled, and then he looked at Yan Shiyong quietly: "Departure from Wanshoushan tomorrow ~ ~ Do you have any comments?"

"No, no!" Yan Shiyong nodded again and again.

Seeing this from the other side, Yan Shiyong only felt as if he was poured from head to toe with a bucket of ice water. He originally planned to use Wang Chong to beat the other side. But nowadays, he dare not move any more.

Otherwise, if it really irritates Chu, even the emperor Lao Tzu cannot save him.

"Night rest and start tomorrow, everything is as I planned." Chu Jingtian talked, already surrounded by Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong, left the banquet.

After he left, everyone was surprised that their whole bodies were already soaked with cold sweat.

Yan Shiyong almost collapsed.

Especially Chu Jingtian looked at him as he was leaving, as if he had seen the whole person through, leaving him with an illusion of nothingness.

"It's unexpected, really unexpected!" Guo Tianwei shook his face.

"The real person doesn't show up!" Ma Dongxue shook his head with a grin.

Not only him, but few of the people present could think of a word-of-mouth sister-in-law who turned himself into a double master, but also mastered alchemy and sword power.

Even Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong worshiped at his door.

Where is this younger person?

Obviously, it is the **** dragon in the sky, and being able to eat at the same table as Chu Jingtian is a great glory to them!

"Chu Jingtian is so powerful, why is there a rumor in the imperial city that he is just a waste?" Then everyone came to his senses and began to wonder. "Can it be intentional?"

Everyone thought for a while, but they didn't draw any useful conclusions.

As for Yan Shiyong, he was almost scared.

He was amazed for the rest of his life after thinking about it, only thinking about how to please Chu Jingtian and wash his fault.


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