Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 29: 0 beast pilgrimage

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian together.

He couldn't make it. He wanted to continue betting?

I only listened to Chu Jingtian and looked at each other:

"If I had conquered this black panther this time, wouldn't you regret it again?"

"No!" 俆 Mo Qing's stern look.

"Enough! Chu Jingtian, you have already subdued the iron arm ape, passed the animal master evaluation, don't make a fool here! You go back first, and we will send your animal master's badge to the palace in three days! "

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Ding Wenyuan couldn't help but yell when he even bet on this black panther.

Seeing Ding Wenyuan drinking, Mo Moqing gave a provocative glance at Chu:

"It's your luck today! Actually let someone like you pass the animal control assessment, but you won't have such a dog in the future!"

Chu Chu was shocked and frowned slightly.

He always does things neatly, or he doesn't do it, he must do his best. But Ding Wenyuan, and the elders of the guild, were obviously reluctant to pass his assessment of beast control.

Wouldn't it be more falsified if I just left so bleakly.

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian glanced at Ding Wenyuan and said:

"Are you afraid I will take your black panther away?"

"Joke! It's a joke!"

He Ding Wenyuan laughed angrily when he heard the words. The black panther at his feet also gave a roar, as if he knew that Chu Jingtian had offended his master and opened his fangs directly. If it wasn't for Ding Wenyuan, it would have been thrown out.

I was sighing again and again, as if Chu Jingtian was the number one idiot in the world.

Wu Moqing and the long princess were both going to leave, and they realized that the scene stopped again.

"This black panther is called the Black Emperor! It is a second-order royal beast and a blue-eyed black dragon panther! It took me three years and seven months to make the black emperor feel good to me, and it was precisely because I conquered it. Only then was promoted to the second-order animal trainer! "

"So far, the Black Emperor has been with me for eighteen years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a relative."

"If you can make the Black Emperor obey you, let alone pass the animal control assessment, even if you are directly promoted to the second-order animal control master, there is no problem!"

I saw Ding Wenyuan's anger, everyone nodded again and again.

It is very difficult to tame a monster without a master, but it is even more difficult to tame a monster with a master.

This is like someone asking you to leave your wife and son to follow others, and you certainly won't agree. The same is true for animal control!

"I haven't seen it for a few days, but Chu Jingtian is getting more arrogant, I don't know the heights and heights of the sky!" Qi Moqing looked at Chu Jingtian coldly, looking at how you ended, looking at the lively look.

Princess Chang's eyes were full of surprise, and she denied it as soon as possible, but saw Chu Jingtian's swearing gesture, and her heart beat again:

"Is there anything he hasn't revealed?"

I saw Chu Jingtian looking at Ding Wenyuan very seriously, "Don't you regret it?"

"Without a single word, it is difficult to chase a horse! In addition to me, there are so many elders at the scene to testify. If you can really let the black emperor obey you, I will definitely let the headquarters issue you a second-order animal master badge! "

Ding Wenyuan replied.

Chu Chu smiled and nodded, looking towards the Black Emperor.

At the first sight of Chu Jingtian's gaze, the Black Emperor suddenly growled in a low voice, all eyes were alert. The higher the level of the monster, the higher the intelligence. Although the black emperor could not speak, he understood the dialogue between Chu Jingtian and Ding Wenyuan!

"This boy really doesn't know what it means to take it when you see it, and I don't know what it means to be tall and thick!" An elder shook his head and sighed.

"I want the black emperor to obey him, unless he dreams day by day, he can't do it at all."

"Look how he gets ugly!"

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian one after another.

Just when everyone thought that Chu Jingtian would hit the black emperor and force the other to tame as before, he saw Chu Jingtian take a deep breath, his chest bulging high, and he suddenly drank!


At this instant, the sound is like a bell, and the sound is like a thunder.

The sound of directly turned into a rolling sound wave and spread out, making the flowers and grass in the courtyard slammed, as if the wind was passing by.

Suddenly, Chu Jingtian shook his body, a wave of Longwei was released at the same time, and flooded to the Black Emperor like a tide.

Everyone was trembled by the sound of the eardrum, and the scalp was exploded.

大家 When everyone didn't know what Chu Jingtian was selling in the gourd, he saw the black emperor tremble, as if he saw an ancient beast lying on the ground in fear.

"What's wrong?"

"My Bailing Boa! Oh my god, this is ..."

"Black Eagle King ..."

Except for the Black Emperor, the other monsters of the Beastmaster are at this moment like the Black Emperor and lie on the ground obediently.

He even included the previous iron arm ape and the three-tailed cat demon, all kneeling in front of Chu Jingtian.

I saw Chu Jingtian hooking up to the black emperor, and the black emperor came to Chu Jingtian without hesitation, and even rubbed Chu Jingtian's calf with his head, which seemed to please him.

"Black Emperor!"

Wu Ding Wenyuan shouted subconsciously. But Heihe snarled at Ding Wenyuan politely, and saw the gesture of killing his father and his enemies. I couldn't believe Ding Wenyuan's frightening back.

The other elders also looked at this scene with shocked faces.

The monsters, one by one, lay on the ground, facing this scene of Chu Jingtian, it was like a pilgrimage!

Chu Chu was shocked to look at the black emperor at his feet, and looked at Ding Wenyuan with a sneer.

"Do you accept it now?"

"Serve! I serve!"

Ding Wenyuan is like pounding garlic, hard to hide in his heart.

This is a pilgrimage to beasts!

The strongest method for the beastmaster to control the beast is to just speak and drink, and the beasts surrender. This is nothing more than their means of courting the monsters, and I don't know how many times to be clever.

He followed his eighteen-year black emperor and abandoned himself directly. How could you let him, the second-order animal trainer, disagree?

The other elders also looked at the monster that was out of control and couldn't even speak in shock.

Earlier, they also taunted Chu Jingtian vocally, and did not believe that Chu Jingtian could tame the Black Emperor. But in a blink of an eye, Chu Jingtian not only tamed the Black Emperor, but also tamed all the monsters.

This result was a slap to them!

"I passed the animal control assessment, do you have any comments?" Chu Jingtian asked again.

"No opinion, absolutely no! If you are not such a pass, I am afraid that none of us deserve to be an animal master."

Ding Wenyuan glanced at the picture of worshipping beasts under his feet, and smiled bitterly.

He glanced at the others.

The elders also bowed their heads with awe in their faces.

"俆 Mo Qing, I have tamed this black panther too, I wonder if you can admit defeat now?"

Chu Chu was shockingly looking at Xu Moqing.


Wu Moqing looked at the princess for help.

Princess Long Ling secretly sighed, expressing her admiration for help.

She comes from the royal family. Although she can't say anything like the emperor, she can't let her words go. Mo Moqing has already played with Lai once, and now if he wants to play with Lai, even the beast-controlling guild will not agree.

Sure enough, I saw Ding Wenyuan step forward:

"俆 Mo Qing, you and Chu Jingtian's bet, we can testify. If you dare to keep your word, our beast guild will report this to your Majesty!"

Just when she didn't know what was good, Chu Jingtian's voice also sounded lightly:

"Your dog sees people low and taunts me repeatedly. It is already my servant who is punished for being my maid."

"Chu Jingtian, you want me to be your maid, it's just daydreaming!"

I glanced at Chu Chutian fiercely, but Mo Qing only felt that she had lost all her people, and she had no face to stay, so she left with anger.

Chu Chu snorted coldly.

至今 He still does not know if 俆 Mo Qing has been with those who framed himself. If both parties were involved, it would be an exaggeration to kill her.

I watched the other figure fled, Chu Jingtian's eyes were low, and his heart was full of ridicule.

‘No one has ever been able to lie in front of me three or five times! ’

‘Today ’s bet, you ca n’t escape in your life! ’

Since it has passed the assessment of beast control, it doesn't make much sense to stay here ~ ~ Just when Chu Jingtian was preparing to leave, the long princess stopped him.

"Chu Jingtian, did you tamed the Black Emperor and spoke the ancient dragon language?"

"You also know the ancient dragon language?" Chu Jingtian glanced at the princess.

Princess Chang Long showed a look that really looked like this, and looked at Chu Jingtian's eyes more and more curious.

Even in the royal family, there are very few introductions to the ancient dragon language. All she knows are all speculated from the book. Because Chu Jingtian's previous vocalization was similar to the signs of dragon language described in the book, he asked like this.

Seeing Chu Jingtian nodded and confirmed, the princess was shocked and happy: "I have a merciless request. I wonder if you can teach me the dragon language?"

"You want to learn?" Chu Jingtian glanced at the princess.

In the ancient Long language, each character syllable has different strength.

But the ancient dragon language is not so easy to learn. Just like Chu Jingtian's previous thunder, he can make the beasts worship! Similarly, he only uttered a drink, but consumed more than 70% of his thoughts.

失 This lost language is even more powerful than the emperor's Jinkouyuyan. If you do n’t master the essence, speak at will, even a word will drain a **** ’s thoughts!

"Please ask Master Chu to teach me, I am willing to worship you as a master!"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian didn't answer, the princess immediately bowed down and worshiped. As soon as Chu Jingtian nodded, she immediately gave a five-body ceremony.

But Chu Jingtian just glanced at her slightly, and shook his head without hesitation:

"I will not accept disciples!"

"And ancient dragons are not something you can learn!"

After talking, leaving the long princess there, Chu Jingtian didn't look back, and walked out of the Beast Guild with his hands on his back.

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