Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 23: Sword of Life and Death

"It seems I still overestimate him!"

Master Qin secretly said.

Wang Chong is also difficult to conceal.

The higher the Xiu Xiu, the more able to understand that cultivation is not a smooth road, but the bones are the way and the blood guides. How can you accept everything with an open mind if you have no awe of everything in the world?

Chu Chu shook his head in shock, he naturally knew that the other party didn't believe what he said, and maybe even taunted himself secretly in his heart. But he was too lazy to argue, and with resentment:

"Father Qin, it's time for me to leave."

"Why don't you stay a few days, Master Chu, there are many places in Qiannan City that you haven't visited!" How can he get into his eyes, you don't want to stay any longer! "

Qin Ruoxi glanced at Father Qin in doubt, his heart was full of strangeness.

Before that, Father Qin was very enthusiastic about Chu Jingtian, how did he suddenly become cold?

She didn't know. After seeing the conflict between Chu Jingtian and Wang Chong, Father Qin discovered that Chu Jingtian's pattern was too small, and he didn't know how to converge, and he didn't know the height of the earth.

‘The real master should be arrogant and full of heart. Chu Jingtian is so proud, he can't stand others in his eyes, and refuses to accept everything. Although he has reached the Taoist Grand Master so young, his realm is limited to that! ’

King Wang Chong was also very polite, pointing gestures:

"Chu Jingtian, your vision is too small, like a frog at the bottom of the well. The complexity of Kendo ’s journey is not so much compared to your practice of magic. I ’ve studied Kendo for decades, and I only know everything about it. If you want to give pointers, Me, unless I pass me in Kendo! "

Master Qin secretly shook his head.

How difficult is it to want to surpass Wang Chong on the way to Kendo? He also studied Kendo when he was young, but the mystery is like the galaxy star, enough to deplete the life of ordinary people.

Wu Chu's brows frowned slightly, this Wang Chong was not over!

He was about to speak, and suddenly a dark voice came from the side: "It's too easy to surpass you on the way to Kendo. Unfortunately, Chu Jingtian doesn't have this opportunity! Because of his head, I want to order! "


Everyone couldn't help but look at the sound source.

A figure slowly emerged from the darkness, gradually becoming clear. It was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. He was ordinary in appearance, but there was a long-term killing intention between the eyebrows. After his figure appeared, the temperature in the courtyard dropped suddenly!

"Who are you, how dare you break into my Qin family?" Father Qin turned back and sang loudly.

"It's not about your business. I have a debt and a debtor. I am entrusted to get the head of Chu Jingtian. Whoever dares to stop me, I will kill anyone!" Shen said, a middle-aged man.

"Are you a sword of life and death Bai'an?" At this moment Wang Chong suddenly made a sound.

Qin Ruoxi saw the man named Bai An, not even Wang Chong, and quickly panicked and asked: "Who is the sword of life and death Bai An?"

King Wang Chong glanced at each other.

"The sword of life and death is his nickname, because he claims that‘ a sword separates the road of life and death, and the sword is in charge of life and death ’! Bai An is his name!”

"Bai An was a wanted criminal in the Dayan Dynasty. He practiced 'Blood Jiyi Sword Technique'. In order to practice his sword, he slaughtered a village overnight.

"In order to hunt him down, the royal family even laid the Tianluodi net, but I don't know how he escaped and how he came here!"

"Do you know me?" The other frowned, and then sneered. "Since you know who I am, don't hurry to get away. Do you still want to block me with your sword like that?"

"Look for death!"

Wang Chong was so stupefied that Chu was so shocked that he had nowhere to vent.

He is actually ridiculed by the other side of the "half-sword of the sword", how can he withstand such agitation.


Step one step earlier.

The momentum that tadpoles have accumulated in the body has completely erupted. With a short body, even some humpbacked Wang Chong suddenly turned into a towering huge snow mountain in the eyes of everyone.


Next, there was a sword light approaching to the extreme, and a crisp sword sound.

剑 This sword is like a sudden avalanche, pouring down desperately, coming in wildly. Rushing like a roaring dragon, brought up a two-meter-high air wave, the rockery, trees, and flower beds in the house where they passed were crushed directly!

It's almost overbearing, Pemo is hard to stop!

"Is this the power of the sword?"

Father Qin closed his eyes and pupils. "Everyone said that the strength of the Qi-refining martial artist is not better than that of the same-level practitioners, but if the 'potential' is refined, the strength is only stronger than that of the spiritualists!"

"Is this sword power?"

Qin Ruoxi swallowed saliva, eyes full of horror.

"No wonder the sword power is so difficult to cultivate. Once it is refined, the gas-refining warrior is completely true to reality! The sword power is so powerful. Would n’t it be more horrible if you cultivated the sword heart and sword meaning?"

After Xun cut out the sword, Wang Chong glanced at the earth with a triumphant glance, as if asking, ‘How is my sword compared to your fire dragon technique? '.

But Chu Jingtian's indifferent gesture, his face did not care.

I haven't waited for Wang Chong to make a satire, but listened to Bai An sneered:

"I said a long time ago that your half-hanging sword's sword can't stop me at all, and you dare to show it out to be ugly! In front of me, you are just a flimsy turkey!

He said that he did not even pull out the sword, but just held the scabbard a little forward, and only heard the sound of 嘭, the two-meter-high wind and wave burst directly.

"how is this possible?"

As soon as Wang Chong's eyes and pupils closed, he knew that Bai An was powerful, but he did not expect him to be so terrible, and he could easily resist his own sword attack.

"I don't believe you can resist it!"

He screamed angrily, and his momentum suddenly rose again. Although he didn't see any action, the surging sense of coercion became stronger and stronger. In this momentum, everyone only feels like an ant at the foot of the holy mountain.

He raised his sword and chopped it forward, and it was exactly Qin Ruoxi's previous sword practice. Frightened by Chu Jingtian's criticism, the weak swordsmanship erupted to the extreme in his hands.

At this moment, everyone in the courtyard only felt that Wang Chong's sword power had evolved into a pouring wave, one wave after another, and there was a mighty trend that flattened the world!

"Wang Shi has all the strength!"

Father Qin closed his eyes and pupils.

"Sword like this, I'm afraid he can't stop it!"

I thought to myself, he looked towards Bai An.

But Bai'an looked disdainful, looked at Wang Chong, looked at the dead, and shook his head:

"No tears without seeing the coffin! Since you don't believe in evil, let you see my sword!"

He also practiced sword power?

Everyone couldn't help but look at Bai'an with shock. I saw him look cold, and suddenly a sharp iron blood burst out from his body.

气 This momentum is more complete and stronger than Wang Chong's construction. Even standing next to him, I could hear the sound of the rushing blood!

He sneered and lifted his sword!

"not good!"

At the same time that he felt the opponent's powerful sword, Wang Chong's heart fell to the bottom. His heart trembled, and he hurried back towards him. However, his speed is fast, Bai An's sword is faster!

The cold and cold Jianmang slashed down Wang Chong's chest, the rebellious Wang Chong screamed, and immediately fell to the ground.

I saw that Wang Chong's chest was almost broken by this sword, and the ribs of white flowers were exposed in the blood of Quan Yong. Everyone just feels that the scalp is numb. If Wang Chong's movement is slower, he might be cut off!

"Did not even finish the sword, and dare to contend with me."

Bai An sneered.

Master Qin Qin felt so cold that even Wang Chong couldn't stop Bai An. Who else could?

However, after all, he is also a person who has seen the big waves, and screamed: "Come!"

Standing outside the courtyard is the guard of the Qin family. Although he is not a master of kendo like Wang Chong, he is also able to use a ten-strength warrior to burst out when he hears Qin Lao's drinking.

There were seven or eight people in the roaring crowd, and they saw this situation at first ~ ~ and turned towards Bai An.

These people have just acted, and have not yet reached Bai An. I saw Bai Anli sword dancing, bringing up a half-month sword light. Suddenly, seven or eight heads flew up.

Hiss! hiss! hiss!

I watched ‘噗通, 噗通’ smashing into the ground, and there was a sound of gas in the courtyard.

They looked at Bai An like looking at the devil.

Old Master Qin was even more shameless. He had expected these guards to stop Bai An for a while and give everyone time to respite, but who knows that the other party is killing eight people with one sword!

"Everyone who doesn't want to die, get away, I am just here to kill Chu!"

Tong Bai'an glanced at the pale-faced Father Qin, and glanced at Wang Chong, who was extremely frustrated, and finally his eyes fell on Chu Jingtian.

Although he was fighting with others before, the breath of Bai An has always locked Chu Jingtian, and once the other party moves, he will be cut off with a sword!

"Who sent you? How much did the other person spend? Our Qin family will give you double!"

Qin Ruoxi said hardly.

钱 "Money? Money can't buy Chu Jingtian's life! If you blame it, you can only blame him for offending people who shouldn't be offended. I'm going to fix his head today, and the little girl will get rid of me!"

Bai An is in a good mood.

He has been with the fourth prince Zhang Fanchen for some time, and has not made any achievements so far. Now that he has obtained the amazing head of Chu, Zhang Fanchen will inevitably look at him.

Xi Qin Ruoxi was covered with cold hair by Bai An's cold eyes, and hardly gritted his teeth before he stepped back. But how can she withstand the momentum of Bai An, just when she was about to hold on, Chu Jingtian smiled lightly behind him and stepped forward:

"Bai An, you little inner master wants to kill me?"

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