Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 16: Come back to life

"You, how do you know?" Jiang Haoran went up and down, constantly looking at Chu Jingtian, a pair of dim eyes seemed to see Chu Jingtian through!

"Master Jiang, is he really saying that?"

Qin Di, who was rushed up, had already rushed people. You can see Jiang Haoran's gesture, can not help but ask.

"It's true! What he said is not bad!"

Qiu Hao smiled bitterly.

"Father Qin is in critical condition, and I forcibly saved his life through" Xuanming's Needle "."

但这 "But in the past few days, the effect of 'Xuanming's Acupuncture' has been minimal. As the so-called illness comes down like a mountain, I can't help you. So these days are impatient and this is why the snake venom attacked."

After hearing this, everyone felt incredible, and looked at Chu Jingtian in surprise.

At this time, they and Jiang Haoran were inseparable, and they could not see the poisoning of each other, but Chu Jingtian could see it!

"Is he really a hidden master?"

Some people's gazes at Chu Jingtian have changed.

"You can't even heal yourself, and go and heal others, isn't it a quack?" Chu Jingtian stood by his hands and looked at Jiang Haoran with a sneer.

Hao Ran was speechless.

Chu Chu's shocking remarks poked his key points everywhere, leaving him speechless.

要 If he was not a quack doctor, how could he not save Father Qin?

要 If he wasn't a quack doctor, how could he not cure his illness?

"Master Chu, the younger generation does not know Taishan. Father Qin is already dead, and I ask you to help!"

Haojiang Haoran watched Chu Jingtian quietly for a moment, and suddenly took a long sigh, bowing heavily towards Chu Jingtian.

He gave this bow a shock and suddenly startled the people in the hall.

The Qin family three tigers looked at each other with surprise.

Qi Qintian stepped forward quickly, and Jiang raised Jiang Haoran.

"Master Jiang, this ..."

Everyone doesn't know what happened, nor do Jiang Haoran suddenly salute Chu.

I saw Jiang Haoran's extremely frustrated saying:

"Master Chu can see that the snake venom that I suppress on me, the means is already above me. And Father Qin has only stepped into the Ghost Gate, and it can no longer be cured by my means alone. Now the only hope is, Only Master Chu! "

"If it weren't for Qin Ruoxi's pleading for me, the life and death of Father Qin would have nothing to do with me, and I would not have promised to come to the Qin family!"

"But as a result, you say I am a liar, and you have to send me back to the palace."

"It's too late to ask me to take another shot now?"

Chu Chu's eyelids lifted slightly, and he looked at everyone with a sneer.

As soon as he said this, there was nothing in the Chamber. Everyone you look at me, I look at you, all look awkward.

I want to know that everyone's imaginary "master" must be Jiang Haoran's state-of-the-art style. Chu Jingtian, a fifteen-year-old hairy boy, has nothing to do with ‘master’.

加上 In addition to Chu Jingtian's deeds, who would associate him with the master?

But now the fact is here, who dare to have a little doubt.


Xi Qintian sighed, came to Chu Jingtian, and bowed sharply:

"Master Chu!"

"I have eyes and no beads, and I ask you to have a lot of adults, save your life!"

Qi Qin's other two tigers, suddenly returned to God.

I also bowed together.

"Master Chu!"

The hall was completely silent, and the needles could be heard.

Qi Qin's family is a rich country, not even the Dayan royal family.

But now the three Qin people at the helm are bowing and worshiping to a hairy kid. If this scene spreads, I am afraid no one can believe it!

Qin Ruoxi looked at these uncles and uncles, sighing secretly, I knew why today?

But after all, she is the Qin family, and she still hopes that Chu Jingtian can make a shot.

"Master Chu!"

Xi Qin Ruoxi looked at Chu Jingtian with a begging face.

Chu Chu stood in the hall quietly and looked up slightly:

"Please help me, it's not cheap!"

Everyone was relieved when they heard this, as long as Chu Jingtian spoke, everything was easy to say.

Xu said that the Qin family is not bad. For the Qin family, nothing is impossible with money. If you ca n’t, it ’s not enough money!

"Eight million purple gold!"

Chu Chu shocked and said lightly.

Hissing ~

As soon as he said this, the wealthy Qin family couldn't help taking a breath.

What is the concept of 8 million Zijin?

The net income of the Great Dayan Dynasty was only 100,000 Zijin a year. Chu Jingtian embezzled the state treasury and swallowed a total of 100,000 purple gold. This is the savings of Beiliang King's Mansion for ten years. The eight million Zijin accounted for 50% of the Qin family!

"Master Chu, isn't this too much?"

Qin Ruoxi was also dumbfounded.

This is not just a lion's big opening, it is a swallow of half a Qin family!

But Chu Jingtian shook his head slowly:

"Originally let me take the shot, and I can pay nothing. But now it ’s different. The Qin family is disrespectful to me! Of the eight million Zijin, half is the death of Mr. Qin. In my opinion, it's already a good deal. If you don't believe me, ask Jiang Haoran! "

That's four million purple gold!

教训 This lesson is really memorable.

Qin family three tigers, you look at me, I look at you, they all laugh and cry, but no one can do anything about it.

Qin Ruoxi worked hard to please Chu Jingtian out of the mountain, but instead of disrespecting him, they had to drive him away. This matter can only blame themselves, but can't blame others.

"Yes, eight million Zijin can invite Master Chu to exist, it is very cheap." Jiang Haoran nodded aside.

He is a second-order physician.

Seeing a doctor, you still need to watch, smell, listen, and cut. But Chu Jingtian can only infer his cause, country of illness, and illness just by looking at him, and it is ten steps away from him. This method is much higher than him.

This existence is no longer available for purchase.

I hesitated for a moment, and Qin Tian made up his mind and said quickly:

"Master Chu, as long as you can rescue the father, eight million purple gold from our Qin family! However, my Qin family currently does not have that much money and it will take some time to raise."

"Okay, you guys are still filial sons, I shot this time. Take me to the backyard!" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

Before long, everyone had arrived at the backyard of the Qin family.

In the long trail, the aura is like mist, wandering lightly, and everyone walking in it just feels that the pores above and below the body are unconsciously opened, as if soaked in the hot spring.

This is a house built by the Qin family specially for the Qin father.

When he saw Father Qin, he was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, and he was so angry. Even people who do n’t understand medicine can see that the other party is running out of time.

"Master Chu, would you like to check it again?"

Hao Ran asked carefully.

"Natural!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

Every doctor who treats Grandpa Qin must check before seeing a doctor.

Only by diagnosing the cause can we prescribe the right medicine. But the physical condition of the old man is getting worse every day, I'm afraid I can't wait too long for the examination.

But who thought, Chu Jingtian just clicked with his fingers on Father Qin's eyebrows, and before the people responded, he had retracted his fingers.

"Some tricky!"

Chu Chu was shocked and frowned slightly. "Father Qin once fought with others and was interrupted by the ribs! The fragments of the ribs blasted into the internal organs."

"One of them was a truncated bone, which accidentally stirred into the heart and cut off the blood, which killed his vitality."

Everyone heard Chu Jingtian's words and almost didn't bite his tongue.

Qiu Jiang Haoran was even more ashamed.

At the time, he diagnosed Father Qin, but it took him three days to diagnose the veins and needles again, and then he determined the cause. But when someone touched it with their hands, it became clear.

He didn't know that Chu Jingtian was a master of Taoism. Divine thought invaded Father Qin's body, and he knew the situation inside the other person with his fingers.

"Master Chu, can't you even do it?"

When Qin Tian saw Chu Jingtian's expression, his heart sank immediately. "If you can't even save your father, I am afraid that only gods can do it!"

Everyone couldn't help sighing.

Hao Ran Hao Ran is already the best doctor among the countries travelling this week! Chu Chutian is even more powerful than Jiang Haoran. But even Chu Chutian could not save Father Qin, who else can?

Thought of this, everyone sighed slightly.

Such a powerful existence will not save his life.

Qin Ruoxi already began to wipe tears.

The three tigers of the Qin family also looked at each other face to face. They thought that Chu Jingtian could bring them hope, but who knew that Chu Jingtian wouldn't do it ~ ~ Please also change your grief! Jiang Haoran sighed.

When everyone was desperate, Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows, and said strangely, "What's the grief? By the way? Father Qin hasn't died yet, I haven't shot yet. Do you expect me to save people?"

Everyone can't help but listen to this.

Qi Qintian looked at Chu Jingtian with amazement, could not help but say:

"Chushi, didn't you just say ..."

"I just said it's a little tricky, but it's not incurable. Although I'm not a god, I have a god! I'll show you how I can save people!"

In the shocking eyes of everyone, I saw Chu Jingtian put his right hand gently on Father Qin's chest.

When everyone looked at it in confusion, I didn't know what medicine was sold in Chu Jingtian's gourd, and I saw that he drew it with his five fingers and shouted:

"come out!"


There was a tearing sound, and I saw a gray matter rushing out of Father Qin's chest and flying into Chu Jingtian's hands.

Grandpa Qin lying on the bed suddenly spit out blood, and closed his eyes, slowly opening!

"This this……!"

Hagi was crying bitterly, and there was a moment of silence in the sorrowful house. Everyone widened his eyes and couldn't believe it. He even opened his eyes and even Father Qin who sat up.

Qi Qin Ruoxi's eyes were about to stand out, and she even forgot to wipe her tears.

I only have Chu Jingtian's face flat and spread out his right hand.

Everyone hastily looked.

I saw, in his palm, lying a broken piece of bone!

I'm not a fairy ... but I have a magical means!

This is not resurrection, what else can it be?

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