Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 100: Overlord's Body vs. Master Heng Lian

"What exactly is this barbarian looking for? So scared of life or death?"

Chu Jingtian stepped slowly, and the dense and wild ancient forest couldn't walk at all, even the thousands of captains who had been used to fighting in the forest all year had to watch the road under his feet.

But Chu Jingtian was as flat as every step he took, everyone had to trot to barely keep up.

"Back to the commander-in-chief, it is said that it was not the barbarian who was looking for it, but someone else. Our spies inquired that a group of young people had controlled the barbarians with fierce means and asked them to find an ancient tomb in the barren ancient forest."

A thousand captain followed, walking quickly.

His name is Shu Hongliang, and it sounds like a scholar with a trace of scolding, but he is a full-fledged martial artist. Ranked second only to Shi Han in the White Tigers, Chu Jingtian simply designated him as the captain.

"What is the origin of those young people?" Chu Jingtian frowned, "there are still such means."

"This one……"

Shu Hongliang shrank his neck.

He glanced at the shockingly, and said carefully:

"This group of young people are about eighteen or nineteen years old and have extraordinary strength. I'm afraid they are not separated from you and Lu Jian!"

The book Hongliang said quickly.

When the White Tigers resisted the barbarian counterattack, the group of young people appeared once, but the result was that they were alone and they couldn't move forward. In this group, there are strong practitioners, but also warriors who refine the body, as well as beast masters, gas refiners ...

Even after a long time, Shu Hongliang remembered that those young people still felt scalp. The White Tigers also secretly checked the origin of these people, but the other party seemed to appear out of thin air.

‘Is it the people of the Great Dynasty? ’

Chu Jingtian secretly said.

At this moment, the resistance of the barbarians in front of them suddenly intensified, and several guards who penetrated the ancient forest flew out of the forest like a kite that broke the line, and hit the ground like dumplings.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the bones of the whole body of the Guards that had been blasted back, as if they had been hit by a fierce beast. I was afraid that the internal organs would be cracked.

"These are here!"

Hong Liangmeng's face changed.

When I saw a teenager, walking slowly with both hands, surrounded by hundreds of the Guards, instead of showing the slightest fear, he turned his face in disapproval. Every time he went further, he forced more than a hundred guards to take a step back.

Chu Jingtian looked up and saw that the other party was indeed as old as Shu Hongliang said.

"Why are you white tigers here again? I haven't been taught enough last time, before I get angry, get out of this forest, otherwise I will make this place your bones!"

Xiao Yuan said without fear.

"It's our right to say this!" Seeing the other person, Shu Hongliang's scared scalp was numb, but when he thought of Chu Jingtian, a triple master, and Lu Jian, who was a cross master, suddenly died Courage was raised again.

"We won't be afraid of you this time!"

"You're not from the Dayan Dynasty ?!" Chu Jingtian frowned.

"Hahaha, yes, we are from the Dongsheng Dynasty!" Xiao Yuan glanced at him with a shocking smile, and said with a smile: "Our strength is not what you can imagine, and you want to compete with us, just you little fish and shrimp It's far from enough. "

"Since you don't leave, don't blame me for it!"

His voice had just come to an end, and it was already rushing forward. Xiao Yuan had a thin posture, but the momentum of the attack was extremely shocking. It was as if a humanoid beast was almost unstoppable, the trees where he passed fell, and everything that was in front of him was smashed in an instant.

Several of the Guards who were standing in front of him were directly knocked open, and a crackling sound broke out on the spot on the spot, and they were breathless when they landed.

"Lu Jian away, take him down ..."

Chu Jingtian looked cold.


In the face of Xiao Yuan's rushing, Lu Jian stepped on the same foot, and a burst of blood like the impact of the waves erupted in the body.

"Master Heng Lian?"

Xiao Yuan's brow lifted, a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Although they are both Heng Lian Masters, there are still gaps. Let me see what the true Heng Lian Master is for today!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yuan raised his fist and went.

As strong players, they don't need to use any martial arts or weapons. Their body is their strongest weapon. Xiao Yuan raised his hand and smashed, and immediately a strong wind was set off, and an ancient tree with a diameter of several meters was roared by the wind.

The terrible wind was crushed immediately, and several ancient trees across the center were immediately shattered and shattered.

"Be careful!"

With such a mighty momentum, everyone in the White Tiger Group could not help but change color, exclaiming together.

In the heart of Shu Hongliang, the stormy sea turned up:

‘I ’ve heard the old commander say that there are some dynasties outside the Dayan Dynasty, and Dayyan who is like them is just a small country. The cultivation methods there are more complete and better than us ... ’

‘Even if they ’re the same masters, it ’s hard to rival each other! ’

Seeing the prestige of Master Xiao Yuan, Chu Jingtian couldn't help but stun his tongue slightly:

"The warriors from the Dongsheng dynasty are so strong? No wonder my father did not let me go to Ye family to seek revenge directly. This is the case. This strength has far surpassed the average master. It is Lei Yunfei who encountered such existence. I hate it too! "

"Great Commander!"

Hong Liang heard the book, and his face suddenly changed.

Even he has shown great strength to the opponent, can Lu Jianli still be an opponent?

Just when he was shocked, he only heard Chu Jingtian smile slightly:

"Unfortunately, he met Lu Jianli! Lu Jianli's strength is far from comparable to that of a great master!"

Just when everyone was in doubt, when Xiao Yuan was laughing wildly, the two men in the air had already hit each other fiercely.


With a loud noise, in the incredible eyes of everyone, Xiao Yuan, who was like a demon, blasted directly and knocked down seven or eight towering ancient trees all the way, until he stopped on a rock more than ten meters high. .

The giant rock burst a crack like a cobweb along his back, and countless pieces of gravel burst out like a crossbow locust.


Xiao Yuan showed a hint of suspicion, but immediately laughed again.

"I didn't expect that the wild and ancient forests and you are such masters of cross-industry! No wonder they are arrogant in front of us! Unfortunately, you have found the wrong person."

As soon as the words fell, he had rushed again.

He did not believe that there could be a rival in this remote small country. Even the patriarch of the wild tribe could not help him. He had previously been thrown away with a punch. That was because he looked down on the other side too much. The other party pays the price of blood!

The barbarians around were panic-stricken, avoiding like a plague. They have seen Xiao Yuan's strength. His punch and kick are simply supreme power. Compared with the opponent, their barbarian warriors are just as vulnerable as dead wood.

"Ha ha! It's almost death!"

Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

Lu Jianli was the hegemonic body. At first Chu Chutian was just using Hualongdan to activate the opponent's physique. This is still the case where the physical strength only awakens a part of him, so that he can directly reach the Master of Heng Lian, and we can see how terrible the overlord body is.

The ordinary Heng Lian master can't suppress Lu Jianli at all. If he wants to deal with him, at least he must be able to do it in the third realm.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the eyes of an incredible bunch, the two had already fought into a ball in the forest. When the fists and feet intersected, a tornado was swept up by the sky, and the trees and rocks caught in it were torn on the spot. Crush.

Everyone watching this scene was cold.

If it wasn't for your own eyes, I'm afraid that this is a fight between the two monsters. They hit in the past, no matter what, they had to be crushed, but when you hit it with all your strength, it just seemed to tickle each other.

"Is this Master Heng Lian?"

Shu Hongliang's scalp was numb, and the hair on his body seemed to stand upside down.

Fortunately, when Chu was shocked to kill Shi Han, they did not revenge on Shi Han in desperation. Otherwise, Lu Jian can slap them all with a slap.

"Why is this kid so strong? Could it be that he is the prince of a country? How could he cultivate to such a degree without the support of a country's resources?" Xiao Yuan only thought it was incredible.

He was more flexible than Lu Jian, but when he punched his opponent, instead of playing a role, he was numb by shock. When the opponent cut it with one palm, he couldn't resist.


Thinking about it, Lu Jianli already took a slap.

Xiao Yuan's face changed drastically, and he quickly avoided it. Just listening to the roaring rumbling sound, the ten-meter-high giant rock was smashed on the spot by the opponent, and rocks were shot in all directions like flying crossbows.

These rocks rolled up the power of Lu Jianli, and even Xiao Yuan, who was also a master of horizontal training, was afraid to confront him.

"too strong!"

Looking at the rock that burst out, Xiao Yuan was shocked. "This level of cross-refining is not something I can deal with, I'm afraid only Brother Ye Ming can pack him!"


He was still shaking, just listening to the sound of the wind in the void, a figure had already emerged from the dust and rushed to him.

"Take a punch from Fat Man!"

Lu Jianli grinned ~ ~ and lifted his fist and smashed it.

"not good!"

Xiao Yuan's eyes flashed with panic, but at this time he had no time to avoid, he could only raise his arms in front of him, and then endured the opponent's punch.


A loud thunderous sound sounded, and a ring-shaped gas wave burst directly into the air.


This punch banged on him, Xiao Yuan only felt that a strong to incomparable force suddenly infiltrated his body, this power was strong enough to completely crush him.

With an incredible shock, Xiao Yuan spit out a mist of blood, and his body burst out like an arrow off the string on the spot. The huge force made it break a tree, and eventually blasted into the depths of the wild and ancient forest.

(End of this chapter)

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