Rune Wizard

Chapter 80: :crisis

   Not far away, the spirit body was floating in mid-air.

   The semi-transparent form can vaguely recognize the appearance of Sabine, but the expression on his face is full of confusion.

   "Sabine!" Karen said solemnly.

   As if waking up from a dream, Sabine suddenly raised his arms and looked at his semi-transparent body, a blood red gradually appeared in his eyes.

   "Damn, I'm going to kill you!"

   Sabine let out a scream, the original translucent body gradually showed an ink-like color, as if it turned into a black mist.

   "Resentful Soul?" Karen raised her brow.

   After any creature dies, the soul will be separated from the physical body. Most of the spirit bodies in the initial state are at the level of [Revenant]. Unless they have had special encounters during their lifetime, they may form a higher level of [Resentment].

   Sabine, as a third-level apprentice, has a mental power that is different from ordinary people.

   Therefore, after learning that he was dead, he had a strong resentment in his heart, and he quickly transformed from [Dead Soul] to [Resent Soul] state.

   "Soul Might!"

   Facing the resentful soul with its teeth and dancing claws, Karen's face was calm, and her spiritual power turned into coercion, directly suppressing Sabine.

   "Hand over the list of assassinations in the North." Karen said solemnly.

Under the suppression of    Soul Power, Sabine stopped in pain, but there was still a strong hatred in his eyes, and he kept screaming, showing no way of communicating with Karen normally.

   "Did you lose your mind?" Karen frowned slightly.

   After most of the creatures die, their souls will be damaged to varying degrees. The dead souls will become stupid and foolish, while the resentful souls will become crazy and bloodthirsty because of the hatred in their hearts, and it is difficult to communicate.

   "Soul thorn!"

   Karen groaned for a moment, using the soul thorn rune, with mental power like a sharp cone, stab at the grieving soul Sabine, and the other party immediately screamed.

   However, when everything is over, the resentful soul becomes crazy again.

   It seems that it is not that Sabine is unwilling to communicate, but that after turning into a grievance, he has lost the ability to communicate.

   In this state, it is almost impossible to ask for a list of assassinations.

   Karen shook her head, took out a mirror fragment from her arms, and then sucked the grieving soul Sabine into it and temporarily sealed it.

   At the same time, on the plain.

   The **** smell permeating the air became more and more intense, with waves of howling wolves one after another, the sharp-toothed wolves affected by the drug, their eyes flushed like blood, rushed towards the camp frantically.

   In the center of the camp, Morgan has a solemn expression.

   Evelyn’s eyes flashed with fear, Carol shivered in the corner, Nora’s face was a little pale, but there was a trace of calm in her eyes.

   "Damn it, I can't stop it!"

   Karl condescendingly, standing on the carriage, swung his sword to kill a pointed wolf, his face became more and more ugly. The dark iron knights had amazing combat power, but they couldn't resist the crazy attack of the wolves.

   Within half an hour, there was already a wolf carcass around the camp.

   The number of sharp-toothed wolves that appeared on the plains has exceeded two hundred. Although the Dark Iron Knights have not suffered casualties for the time being, their physical strength is extremely exhausted, and it is obviously impossible to support them for too long.

   "Miss, get ready, I'll take you out to kill!"

  At this time, Morgan came to Evelyn and whispered.

   "But... is it okay?" Evelyn hesitated. She knew that Morgan was also a knight, but now that she is old, her physical strength and fighting spirit have already declined, and her combat effectiveness is at most slightly stronger than that of the trainee knight.

   "You can only spell it once!"

   Morgan took a deep breath, his eyes a little solemn, even as a knight, it was not easy for him to take Evelyn away from the surrounding fangs of wolves.

   But in the current situation, there are not many choices.

  The crazy attack of the sharp-toothed wolves, even the Dark Iron Knights can't stop it, at most half an hour, the camp will be lost. For Evelyn's safety, Morgan must take her to break through in advance.

   "Where is Master Karen?" Suddenly, Evelyn looked around.

   Sharp-toothed wolves besieged the camp. As the strongest player in the team, Karen didn't know where to go, which undoubtedly gave rise to a lot of suspicion.

   "Damn it! He must have run away!" Carol screamed.

   Nuola's face became cold, her eyes turned bad, she looked at Carol, and said coldly: "Dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that I tear your mouth."

   A hint of anger flashed in Carlo's eyes, but when she met Nora's cold gaze, she couldn't help being taken aback, lowered her head and dared not say anything.


   At this moment, a sharp wolf howl suddenly came, and Evelyn's complexion changed drastically. The defense composed of the carriage had been torn apart, and a sharp-toothed wolf broke into the camp.

   "Go back!"

   Morgan gave a low growl and also drew out the cross sword. As a former knight, although he has not used the cross sword for many years, he has never forgotten how to fight.

   A calf-sized sharp-toothed wolf rushed towards Morgan.

   The faint white vindictiveness attached to the cross sword, Morgan let out a low growl, and met the sharp tooth wolf's claws, but shortly afterwards, two more sharp tooth wolves rushed and bit on Morgan's calf.

   "Uncle Morgan!"

   Evelyn screamed, her face pale for an instant, as Morgan was entangled by the three tine wolf, another tine wolf rushed into the camp and rushed in the direction of Carol and Evelyn.

  Carole shivered, and Evelyn fell to the ground in fright.


   Just as the Sharptooth Wolf pounced on Evelyn, a stone slammed into the Sharptooth Wolf's head. Nora's legs trembled slightly, but there was a trace of strength in her eyes, and she bit her lips.

   "Come on! Monster!"

   Nora roared, pulled out the dagger from her waist, and aimed at the sharp tooth wolf, showing a desperate fight.

After    was hit by a stone, the sharp tooth wolf shook his head.

   But soon, it looked at Nora with scarlet eyes, grinned and hissed like a low growl, and its hind legs were slightly bent.

   The next moment, the sharp-toothed wolf pounced.

   Nora's face was as pale as paper. Although there was a courage in her heart, it was not enough for her to contend with the monster. The sharp fangs of the fang wolf seemed to be able to crush Nora's neck with just one bite.

   "It's over, I'm going to die!"

   Seeing the sharp-toothed wolf rushing towards her, Nora couldn't help but feel despair in her heart, and a sense of fear surged in her heart, making her legs seem to be on the ground, unable to move half a step.

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