For Yang Fan’s unsolved mysteries.

The top research teams in various countries have carried out the most intense brainstorming.

Some researchers have even proposed that Yang Fan may have clairvoyance and superpowers such as spider sensing!

Hearing these speculations, the researchers couldn’t help but be shocked, although it is very sci-fi and unrealistic, but these superpowers can indeed barely explain the first two situations.

But immediately afterwards, someone asked, how did Yang Fan know about the contract ceremony to summon female ghosts?

And, how did Yang Fan know a series of things such as the pocket watch and mirror function left by his grandmother? Superpower said, falling apart in an instant.

These things like the contract ritual of summoning female ghosts are indeed not explained by superpowers.

The researchers can only look at it again frame by frame, looking for details they have missed.

For ordinary people, this matter is not very important.

But for the research team, for each country, Yang Fan’s method of obtaining this information is extremely important.

This rule has been talking about invading the real world for some time, but countries have exhausted all kinds of methods and spent considerable human, financial, and material resources to obtain new information from it.

Because of this, a professional research team will propose that the difficulty of this rule strange talk has risen to the level of unclearable, and the future rule weird talk is likely to be more difficult than this.

If humans want to continue to reproduce, they must adopt plans such as migrating to the starry sky.

But judging from Yang Fan’s series of actions, it is not that the difficulty of this rule has risen to the level of not being able to clear the level, but that they are likely to use the wrong method to find clues.

Like spying on them, and those hiding in cars.

Through meticulous and in-depth research, they can find some clues.

But before that, none of them thought about it, did it in this direction, and no one found the problem.

Then they thought that the difficulty of this rule was raised to the level of unclearable.

But it turns out that the difficulty of this rule strange talk has indeed increased, but not to the level of unclearable, as they thought.

Instead, we need to change our thinking, change the direction of research, and use more wisdom to study it.

It is no longer like before, blindly using the tactics of the sea of people, and constantly trying and making mistakes to find out the way to clear the rules and strange talks.

And this kind of human sea tactic, which has been proposed by a research team before, is very unintelligent, very primitive, and completely underutilized, modern technology and human intelligence.

This incident proves that this view is correct.

If humans want to survive and clear the rules, they must change the inherent ways and methods.

It’s difficult, but there is still some hope.

At least, for the vast majority of countries and people, it is much better than the Immigration Starry Sky Program.

I can’t figure things out on this planet, and I still go to the universe to break in, don’t you light a lantern to go to the toilet and look for?

And just like the administrator of the Dragon Kingdom said, even if the global force is used to frantically promote the immigration starry sky plan, how many people can be taken away in the end? How much human civilization can be preserved?

And just like it is written in “The Three-Body Problem”.

The one who really goes into space is no longer human!

Can the human civilization preserved in this way still be called human civilization? What is human civilization?

It is the material achievements and ideological accumulation formed by human beings in the activities of survival and development, and it is the spiritual civilization of unity, love and mutual assistance.

It is a material civilization that knows the law and abides by the law, is inclusive, and people create and influence these things from the stars of the universe to bacteria and microorganisms.

It was only when there was a nest that the ancestors of human beings began to distinguish themselves from animals, broke away from the barbaric behavior inherent in animals, and established a fair and regular society with wisdom… Since then, human civilization has begun.

After leaving this planet and entering the universe, the most basic laws have changed, and it is no longer the planet on which human beings rely to survive, but the universe.

Can planetary human civilization be the same as cosmic human civilization?

The world background has changed!

In both systems, moral values will change to varying degrees.

At least, the human civilization at that time is no longer the current human civilization.

For people who are accustomed to warm water, it will be seriously unacceptable to run to the cold and lonely universe.

Before countries thought that there was really no way to clear this rule strange talk, and the subsequent rule weird talk, they could only helplessly agree.

But now, through Yang Fan’s series of unconventional operations, they have discovered the new method of customs clearance rules and strange talks.

If there is still a glimmer of hope, why give up?

If you can fully grasp the method of obtaining information by Yang Fan, and then add the huge base of human beings, it is not completely impossible to clear this rule of strangeness.

You know, human beings, but have been called the special existence of the fourth natural disaster.

For a while, countries were changing their methods of studying the strange rules of customs clearance.

At the same time, fully involve the people and do everything possible to exert the terrifying power of the fourth natural disaster.

As a result, new hope has been kindled in all countries.

Only the administrators of the Beacon Country, as well as some of the managers of the die-hard countries under them, were at a loss.

Previously, it was clear that the managers of the Dragon Kingdom were spit on and isolated by countries around the world.

In the blink of an eye, how did the isolated ones become them?! It’s not scientific!


Rules talk about the world.

“Brother, where are we going next?”

My sister asked a little dazed.

In fact, she has not fully reacted to the series of events that happened tonight.

Too many things, too sudden.

Especially her parents, the image in her mind, completely collapsed.

Before, she just had some doubts about her parents chopping bones late at night, but she never thought that her parents would betray their family.

Especially unexpectedly, my grandmother would be in danger, and it was because of the betrayal of my parents.

“Go to Tangshan Mental Hospital, grandmother is in this mental hospital!”

Yang Fan frowned slightly and said.

The existing series of clues all point to Tangshan Mental Hospital, and Tangshan Mental Hospital is an unsolvable existence in the simulator.

According to previous experience, if you encounter a situation without solution, most likely there are unknown rules.

For example, in the beginning, no matter how you go to school, you will die.

The key reason is that Yang Fan could not find the relevant rules of the morning chapter at that time, and did not know that before going to school, he needed to observe the pocket watch and clock timing.

Then, according to the timing of the pocket watch and the clock, decide whether to get into the father’s car or the mother’s car, or jump out of the car by all means within half an hour…

And the rule note, which cannot be found in the simulator.

You have to find it yourself in the rules of weirdness.

In addition, if you want to clear this rule of strange talk, you need to make up for the regret of the original owner of the body and rescue your grandmother.

And if you want to rescue your grandmother, you can only enter Tangshan Psychiatric Hospital first to look for more clues and opportunities.

The original owner of the body will eventually become an unspeakable rule of weirdness, and a key reason is that he was arrested in Tangshan Psychiatric Hospital and became the fourth experimental specimen.

and finally being thrown into that terrifying wishing well, using his body as a bargaining chip to make a wish to the wishing well.

Therefore, if you want to make up for the regret of the original owner of the body, you must experience what he has experienced, and then on this basis, change the final outcome.

In this way, we can make up for the regret of the original owner of the body and clear this rule strange talk.

Therefore, entering the Tangshan Psychiatric Hospital is a must to do.

It is even possible that Yang Fan will have to jump into the wishing well once, and then make a different decision than the original owner of the body.

In this way, it is possible to completely make up for the regret of the original owner of the body, and then clear this rule of strange talk.

In short, the encounter of the original owner of the body can be divided into two stages.

The first stage is, before alienation, that is, the beginning, being deceived by mom and dad, and being arranged step by step to fall into hell.

The second stage is that after alienation, in the terrifying Tangshan Mental Hospital, parents personally debunk their lies, told the truth to the original owner of the body, and destroyed the original owner of the body both physically and mentally.

In the first stage, it was much safer, and Mom and Dad had been acting.

In the second stage, it was much more tragic, Tu Qiqi saw that Mom and Dad tore off all their disguises, and personally pushed the original owner of the body into the abyss of endless pain.

Because Yang Fan had a simulator, the first stage was infinitely accelerated.

Under normal circumstances, it should be deceived by parents, and then step by step into the abyss of endless pain.

Now Yang Fan directly skipped those false performance stages, directly entered the theme, and directly stepped into the second stage from the first stage.

This is not just a template for the life of the original owner of the body.

Similarly, grandmother, father, mother, sister, and female ghost Li Xue will go through a process.

According to the original life script of the original owner of the body, in the end, they will all fall into the abyss of endless pain in the Tangshan Mental Hospital and become the nourishment of that well.

Now, Yang Fan will also enter the Tangshan Mental Hospital, but he is not forced and arrested, but takes the initiative to enter.

This was the biggest difference between Yang Fan and the original owner of the body at that time.

Moreover, the original owner of the body was mentally broken down at that time, alone, and was arrested into Tangshan Psychiatric Hospital without resistance.

And Yang Fan is now accompanied by his sister and female ghost Li Xue, and they both trust Yang Fan.

In this comparison, in the first stage, Yang Fan has already won a big victory.

Next comes the second stage.

And the second stage was opened by Yang Fan on his own initiative, which can kill his parents to some extent, and the mastermind behind the scenes is caught off guard.

In this life and death game with strange rules, because of the existence of simulators, Yang Fan has always been the first hand and has always held the initiative! By chance, beat them, half a son!.

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