Chapter 54 The First Killing

{After a short rest, you and your sister get out of the car and move the driver from the cab to the trunk.} }

{Inside the trunk, you and your sister see a lot of women’s clothing, women’s magazines, and some strange, unspeakable things.} }

{You tell your sister not to stare, say that none of those are good things, and close the trunk.} }

{The sister blushed, lowered her head, and did not speak.} }

{You and your sister go back to the car and rummage through the car to find two cell phones, four thousand cash, a hammer, a dagger, and other scattered objects.} }

{Looking at the hammer and dagger, you and your sister broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads, and their hearts palpitated, if the shot was a little slower just now, or relaxed a little harder, the driver is likely to touch the hammer or dagger!} }

{You gently rubbed your sister’s little head and handed her a bottle of milk to your sister, telling your sister not to think about it, the driver was already lying quietly in the trunk.} }

{The sister nodded slightly, drank a sip of milk and did not speak, what made her feel terrible, not the first killing, but after the first killing, she was not much afraid, on the contrary, a little excited! } }

{You start the car and park it in a closed section where no one is occupied.} }

{My sister looked at you with a surprised look and asked when you learned to drive.} }

{You laugh and say, there are no traffic police here, and there are no other cars on the road, as long as you can start the car and don’t drive the car into the ditch, it’s fine.} }

{You ask your sister, do you remember how to go to your grandmother’s house.} }

{My sister looked at the dark outside, shook her head and said, it’s too dark, I can’t find the direction.} }

{You said that you also looked outside too dark and couldn’t find directions, so now you can only wait in the car until dawn to figure it out.} }

{The sister nodded slightly, and directly closed her eyes to sleep, not feeling uncomfortable at all because there was a corpse lying in the trunk.} }

{You look through the driver’s two phones and try to find some useful information.} }

{Originally, you just had the idea of giving it a try, but you saw a picture of you and your sister in an internal group.} }

{The message shows unread, indicating that the driver did not read it at the time, and if the driver saw this message, it is likely that things are not the way they are.} }

{Send a message This person’s remark name is Brother Bing, the circle of friends is locked, I can’t see it, it means that the relationship between the driver and this soldier brother is not very familiar, but you have no doubt that the driver will bring you and your sister to Brother Bing in order to please Brother Bing!} }

{And this soldier brother should not be behind the scenes, just a small minions used to find people.} }

{You frown slightly, wondering who issued the search order, Mom and Dad, or someone else behind it?} }

{You glanced at the time, it was almost two o’clock in the morning, the rooster was already ringing, and Mom and Dad must have known that you and your sister were not at home.} }

{And that you and your sister are not dead, confirming your conjecture that as long as you don’t go to the basement at that time period, the man in the black trench coat will indeed not appear, I just don’t know if it’s just tonight, or any other time.} }

{If other times are like this, maybe you can take advantage of this and play an unexpected role, you silently note this.} }

{You continue to rummage through your phone for useful information.} }

{In addition to some of the dirty information in the driver’s dirty group, you also found a human sales information, a little girl who took a taxi late at night, and after being forced by the driver, the driver did not want to take responsibility and directly resold it to human traffickers. }

{From the simplicity of the information exchange, it can be seen that this is not the first time the driver has done this kind of thing.} }

{In addition, one of the most seen messages is that city administrators are running.} }

{By understanding what you find, the city’s city managers, through congressional elections, popular votes, generally run every five years.} }

{It’s exactly five years now, and the city manager race starts next week.} }

{Normally, every selected city manager can be re-elected for the next term.} }

{But this time, a very strong competitor has emerged, which may make the old city manager unable to be re-elected and step down early, and the major online platforms are also reporting on this matter.} }

{In addition, some platforms have successively erupted scandals about old city managers, and in some dark corners of the city under the governance of old city managers, there are even sensational things such as human trafficking and organ trafficking.} }

{As soon as this information was sent, it immediately exploded, but then it was banned and deleted, and at the same time there were positive energy big Vs who came out to appeal to the people, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, the Internet is not a place outside the law!} }

{However, the people do not seem to think so, and after the information was deleted, the people’s emotions were even more ignited, and many even took to the streets to protest and demand that the old city administrators step down and accept legal investigation.] }

{The demonstrations of some people could not really shake the foundation of the old city managers, but because of this, the indignation of the people intensified, and various demonstrations were repeatedly banned. }

{Even some time ago, the Public Security Department broke out in large-scale clashes with the demonstrators, dozens of people were injured and hundreds were arrested. }

{This incident has even more ignited the anger of the people, and various large and small conflicts continue to occur every day.} }

{You are not too interested in things like the city manager campaign, but you have seen too many similar pieces of information that you can’t help but wonder if the people behind the scenes will be related to this city manager election.} }

{If those reports are true, the old city manager is likely to be the most powerful behind the scenes.} }

{If the old city manager is really behind the scenes, mobilizing the power of the entire city against himself and his sister is completely a matter of words!} }

{You frown slightly, your intuition tells you that things are not so simple, and you think of a completely different possibility.} }

{The man running with the old city manager may be behind all this, the real mastermind.} }

{In order to remove the old city administrator, he created and promoted this series of contradictions, and even blew himself up some workshops belonging to his human trafficking and organ trade.} }

{You can’t help frowning, if this is really the case, if this person really becomes a city manager as he wishes, it’s hard to imagine how this city will change next!} }

{This city will become like this, you don’t care too much, the point is that no matter which of the two of them is behind the scenes, the power and power they have are probably more powerful than you can imagine.} }

{You think, how should the game be broken?} }

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