Chapter Thirty-Nine The Fastest and Deadliest Way to Kill

{You looked at the time again, it was already ten thirty-four, and there was still one hour and thirty-nine minutes before the rooster crowed!} }

{Time is very tight, in order not to waste this simulation, you first set a few general directions, and then conceive of it.} }

{First of all, assume that the rooster cries are artificial. }

{Therefore, as long as the rooster cries are blocked, it is very likely that the series of arrangements of the masterminds behind the scenes will not be able to continue!} }

{There are two main ways to block the rooster’s crow, so that the thing that makes the rooster can’t make the rooster, and the person operating the thing disappears!} }

{Relatively speaking, it will be simpler and more direct to make the person who operates this thing disappear!} }

{If the female ghost is willing to help, it will be very simple to do this, but after a series of contacts, this plan has been ruled out, so you can only rely on yourself!} }

{If you want the person making the rooster to disappear, you need to find his approximate location first.} }

{Generally speaking, in the interior of the community, buildings that do not face the street, even if the windows are opened, as long as it is not square dancing by aunts, the sound above the 15th floor is basically not heard. }

{If there are more green trees in the community, you generally can’t hear any sound above the 10th floor!} }

{And the greenery of this community can be regarded as more.} }

{In addition, the rooster cries heard at that time did not come out through a megaphone, but came directly.} }

{In other words, the person who makes the rooster croak should be within ten floors of his home.} }

{In addition, late at night, there is generally no one in the corridor, if the rooster cries in the corridor, it will be very empty, the sound will be expanded, it will be distorted, there will be an echo, but the rooster cries you hear several times, there is no echo, so it should not be in the corridor. }

{The elevator has very good sound insulation and is even more unlikely to be inside the elevator. }

{Most likely, you should be in a room near the window, open the window, or stretch out your hand and make a rooster croak.} }

{And this room should be within ten floors of your floor, that is, between the eighth and eighteenth floors!} }

{According to the information currently available, the rooster should be a code word for some kind of action, that is, the person who makes the rooster should be mainly responsible for observing in secret.} }

{Therefore, it is best to have a clear view of the situation in the home in this room.} }

{The room that meets this situation has only four units, and the vertical row of rooms near the stairwell, in which only ordinary telescopes are needed to clearly see the situation inside the room.} }

{Even the person in charge of observation is likely to be in one of the rooms right now, staring at himself, staring at home, looking!} }

{Your gaze, sweeping across the vertical row of rooms, when your gaze swept to the fifteenth-floor windowsill, a figure flashed!} }

{You close your eyes and recall the roosters you heard several times before.} }

{At the same time, you fantasize in your mind whether the rooster cries roughly corresponded if they came from the room on the fifteenth floor just now, and then when you heard the roosters.} }

{The conclusion is, there is almost no big deviation!} }

{Now you lock the secret observer into that room on the fifteenth floor.} }

{Even if there are still mistakes, there are still places that are not rigorous enough, it can only be like this first, the time is too urgent, you can’t continue to waste time on this, you must start the layout immediately!} }

{The mastermind behind the scenes will first send people to observe in secret, which means that they are not clear about the situation at home and whether there are other forces behind it.} }

{In this case, there are two main scenarios.} }

{The first is to pretend that there are more mysterious forces behind the family, and the investigation of the masterminds behind the scenes is not a whim, but organized and planned, so that the other party is afraid and dare not do it easily. }

{This kind of plan should also be considered by the other party, after all, there is no grievance between Dad and them, and it is impossible to investigate them in vain.} }

{The second is to take the initiative to attack, before the other party has figured out the situation, directly remove this secret post, so that the other party is more unclear about the situation and more jealous, so that they dare not do it easily.} }

{The first plan is obviously simpler, but there are more mysterious forces behind the disguise, which is difficult to disguise, and even if it makes the other party fearful, the other party can still send some small minions to test it.} }

{After all, sacrificing some small minions is not an unbearable loss for those behind the scenes, but once their own side is tempted, the disguise is easy to see.} }

{So this time, you can only choose the second one, take the initiative, use practical actions, and directly bluff the other party.} }

{If the dark whistle is gone, it is equivalent to losing eyes, in this case, the other party should not dare to easily tempt.} }

{Then the problem now is how to eliminate the dark whistle, and be as fast and ruthless as possible, and kill the other party with one blow if they don’t have time to react and can’t give warning!} }

{The effect caused by this is easier to bluff the people behind the scenes.} }

{The best way to unknowingly dispose of the black hand behind the scenes is naturally to use a sniper rifle with a silencer to shoot the opponent in the head, but there is no sniper rifle, and he does not have that technique. }

{Besides sniper rifles, what other way is there to kill the fastest and deadliest?} }

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