Chapter Thirty-Seven Ways to Eliminate the Female Ghost

{Mom and Dad, seeing your solemn expression, guessing what you are probably thinking, I can’t help but open my mouth to comfort you, saying that all this is not anyone’s personal fault, if you have to say wrong, then you can only blame Mom and Dad, you should not be born in the cloudy moon and cloudy day. }

{You shook your head and said, our family did nothing wrong, the wrong is the bloodthirsty demon, the wrong is the people who traffic people in Huangcun, and the people behind these things!} }

{They were wrong!} }

{Good people are not born to be bullied, and then resent that they were born at the wrong time, there is no such reason.} }

{Whoever is wrong will have to pay a price for his actions, a terrible price!} }

{Mom and Dad looked at you stunned, I didn’t expect you to say such a thing.} }

{Then Mom and Dad laughed and said yes, it’s them, not us, who have to pay the price!} }

{You ask Mom and Dad if there is any other way to suppress bloodthirsty demons other than the mirror that Grandma gave her sister.} }

{Mom and Dad hesitated for a while, nodded, and said that there was indeed another way.} }

{It is to let another soul, or consciousness, that is almost as powerful as a bloodthirsty demon, enter your body, your brain, and let this soul or consciousness fight against the bloodthirsty demon, so that the bloodthirsty demon has no time to pay attention to you.} }

{But this method, the operation is very difficult, it is easy to accidentally go crazy, even grandma dare not try.} }

{Moreover, a soul or consciousness that is almost as powerful as a bloodthirsty alien demon is difficult to find, and this soul or consciousness must be as good as possible, at least not as crazy as the bloodthirsty alien demon. }

{Such a soul or consciousness, grandmother searched for decades, but could not find it!} }

{You shake your head helplessly, it seems that this road will not work, you can only ask if there is a way to get the help of the female ghost.} }

{Mom and Dad looked at each other, and then shook their heads at the same time, conspiring with ghosts is the hardest thing, especially the female ghost seems to have become resentful, her heart is full of tyranny and killing, maybe only things like massacre will she be interested.} }

{Mom and Dad even felt that being able to restrain herself until now without harming their family was already very restrained.} }

{But the female ghost seems to have almost been unable to bear it, and yesterday she gave the last time, a week.} }

{If you can’t tell her the information behind the scenes within a week, she will go on a killing spree!} }

{Your family will be her first target!} }

{You frown slightly, asking if it is possible to tell the female ghost known to be the members behind the scenes, and let the female ghost kill while investigating?} If this is possible, it will greatly reduce our stress! }

{Dad shook his head directly, saying that not long ago, he mentioned this matter, but the female ghost didn’t want to fight the grass and scare the snake, otherwise the black hand behind the scenes hid elsewhere, she wanted to chase and kill, it was difficult and difficult. }

{You look solemn and ask again, is there a way to destroy the female ghost?!} }

{Although the female ghost’s experience is very sympathetic, she has now resented the spirit, and sympathizing with her is hurting herself!} }

{Mom and Dad hesitated for a while, then nodded, saying that there was a way to eliminate the female ghost.} }

{You are extremely excited, you just asked casually, you didn’t expect that Mom and Dad really had a way to eliminate the female ghost, and immediately asked, what is the way.} }

{Mom and Dad were hesitant, but finally spoke up and said this method.} }

{This method is simple, but also dangerous, that is, let the female ghost enter your body and destroy her through the bloodthirsty demon!} }

{Even if the female ghost is completely spiritualized, it cannot be stronger than the bloodthirsty demon, and in doing so, not only can destroy the female ghost, but also consume the bloodthirsty demon, at least for a short time, the bloodthirsty demon will have no energy to make you lose and occupy your body.} }

{The danger is that in the process of fighting bloodthirsty aliens and female demons, your soul is likely to be annihilated because of their fighting.} }

{Especially when the female ghost is fooled and finds herself invincible to the bloodthirsty demon, it is likely to concentrate her energy and attack your soul!} }

{In this case, you probably can’t support it, and you are likely to lose your soul!} }

{Also, a female ghost will not easily enter your body, unless for various reasons, she must enter your body.} }

{After that, you have to find a way to seal her until she is destroyed, and you can’t let her out of your body.} }

{This method of sealing her is relatively simple, grandmother taught her parents.} }

{Just wait for the female ghost to come up, tie you with twine, and then glue your whole body with duct tape, seal your mouth with a towel, and leave only your nostrils to breathe, so that the female ghost has no way to come out of your body.} }

{When you heard this method, you looked shocked, isn’t this what my mother found to drive away evil spirits?} It turns out that those things still have this effect, no wonder they can be used to deter female ghosts. }

{As for this method, you remember, when it is not a last resort, you will not use it, and you will not use it for yourself, but your sister, because you have not really awakened the bloodline of bloodthirsty demons. }

{At this moment, you can’t help but think of the mirror that Grandma left for my sister again.} }

{It is clear that the mirror has an unparalleled attraction to the female ghost, so much so that the female ghost gives up his upper body, who was born in the cloudy moon and cloudy day, and possesses his sister instead.} }

{Grandma, this is already laid a trap, the female ghost does not come to their family, once she comes to find it, she will definitely go to her sister’s body.} }

{My sister will awaken a bloodthirsty demon, and most of my grandmother has already seen some clues before.} }

{It’s just that at that time, my grandmother’s own situation was already very critical, too hasty to do more detailed research on my sister, so it was impossible to determine when my sister would awaken the bloodline of bloodthirsty demons.} }

{As a result, because of this, the best time to bind the female ghost to her sister’s body was missed.} }

{If Grandma had been there at the time, she would have been able to tell that my sister had awakened a bloodthirsty demon.} }

{After that, just seal the female ghost in her sister’s body, let the bloodthirsty demon destroy it, and at the same time consume the energy of the bloodthirsty demon, so that the bloodthirsty demon cannot let the sister get lost in a short time!} }

{And grandma only needs to protect her sister’s soul in this process, and not be hit by the female ghost to the bottom.} }

{Even grandmother probably has a way to let the female ghost’s soul as a way to nourish and strengthen her sister’s soul.} }

{Such a good way to kill multiple birds with one stone, but because Grandma can no longer suppress the bloodthirsty demon in her body, it is rare!} }

(PS: Ask all readers greatly, hope that the family of three this rule weird talk, have a grand and complete ending, or just need to hastily finish, immediately enter the next rule weird talk.)

These two are completely different ways of writing, to be honest, until now, the author’s younger brother is also a little panicked [inner words: he is super panicked].

This is almost forty chapters, if you want to continue to improve, give a grand and complete ending, I am afraid that it may be written directly to the shelf, I don’t know if readers will read it after it is on the shelf, and this kind of is difficult to write, every day I want to lose my hair in the plot [this is true].

Another kind of hasty finishing, roughly to the writing of a result, is much easier, and can start a new rule weird talk, do not have to spend in this rule weird talk all the time, and write new rule weird talk, the update speed can also be improved [heart: in fact, he wants to keep his hair].

Two schemes, two different ways of writing, the author’s little brother, here to ask the opinions of readers [heart words: save the child’s hair, a handful of it down! ] 】)

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