Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 21 Granu, you can't escape...


After a loud noise, the two figures smashed through the ceiling and fell to the ground!


A fat man in yellow clothes who just fell on the ground rolled and crawled from the ground and rushed towards a certain maid who was thrown to the corner of the house.

"Are you okay, baby-5!"

The body of the scantily clad maid trembled twice, and she got up from the corner.

"I'm fine!"

Although he saw the maid crawling up from the corner of the wall, and there was no external injury on her body except some dust, the fat man in yellow clothes rushed to the maid eagerly, wanting to reach out his hand to confirm her injury.

"Do you feel any pain..."


The maid unceremoniously stretched out her hand and patted the other's hand away, "I said I'm fine, can you still fly?"

"It might work!"

The fat man in yellow stretched out his hand. Watching my hand turn a few times like a propeller. "I'm fine..."

"Then let's go quickly,"

The maid moved her body, "Hurry up and shoot down those spaceships in the sky."

At this moment, the door of the house crashed down, and a girl with a sword on her waist and a boy with a green algae head stepped on the door panel that fell to the ground and walked in from the outside.

"Sorry, I'm afraid you don't have this chance..."

The girl looked at them with a serious face, holding one hand on the hilt of her waist, and the boy with green algae standing beside her also pulled out the katana from his waist, and handed the hilt to his own. mouth.

"Tell me, are you surrendering, or are you trying to resist?"


The fat man in yellow looked at the two boys and girls with swords walking in, and asked in panic, "What should we do?"

"what to do?"

The maid pulled out the machine gun impatiently, "Are you going to surrender? Buffalo!"

"of course not……"

The fat man in yellow waved his hands again and again.

"Then what else can you do?"

The maid raised her machine gun and pointed at the swordsman girl, "The order I got was to destroy those spaceships, not to fight with you, as long as you leave this room..."


The girl held her sword hilt with her hand, leaned forward slightly, and made an attacking posture.

"Don't come here..."

The iron chains on the fat man in the yellow clothes also began to spin rapidly, and a violent gust of wind roared in the room.

"We are very fierce!"

step step step step...

With his hands behind his back, Kong Ming walked calmly on the streets near the arena. Behind him was Qiwuhai who had flushed cheeks and secretly glanced at him from time to time, as well as a blond-haired boy and an orange-haired and blue-haired boy. girl.

"It should be here..."

Kong Ming stopped and glanced around.

"This is where the signal device on Reiju disappeared."

"Boss, who is Reiju you're talking about?" the orange-haired girl asked curiously, "Do we know each other?"

"You must know each other," Kong Ming nodded, "She is Sanji's older sister!"

"My own sister?" The blond boy scratched his head with his hands in distress, "I can't remember at all, don't I only have three annoying brothers?"

"I don't have any impression either..." The orange-haired girl also looked confused.

"It's okay if you don't remember it,"

With one hand on his glasses, Kong Ming looked like a scanner, scanning the traces of battle on the street and the bodies of several pirates who fell to the side.

"She was turned into a toy by the sugar of the Don Quixote family with the ability of the childlike fruit. All your memories about her have been erased by the ability of the devil fruit..."

Sugar's childlike fruit can be said to be one of the most powerful abilities in this world.

First of all, everyone she comes into contact with will be turned into a contracted toy by her, and secondly, when someone becomes a toy, all traces of this person in this world, including other people's memories of him, will be destroyed by the Devil Fruit ability to erase.

When a person is turned into a toy, it means that the person is socially dead!

And there is no upper limit to this ability, even if it is the king of a franchise country, after he becomes a toy, everyone in the whole country will forget him in an instant...

How terrible!

So at the beginning of the battle, Kong Ming specially set up a magic map on his glasses, and then placed a communicator on all the cadres on his side.

To be on the safe side, Kong Ming also put the mainframe of this magic map into Karazhan, and matched the names of all the cadres with the communicators. In this way, as long as a certain communicator loses contact, Kong Ming can be notified immediately...

If a certain communicator is lost, and Kong Ming finds the name of this person on the map that he does not recognize, it means that the sugar has appeared.

Because of this, Kong Ming was able to lock on the location of Granu when Reiju lost contact.

"Reiju should have defeated the pirates in front of me here just now," Kong Ming began to restore the situation just now based on the traces of the scene, "then when she walked to this position..."

Kong Ming tapped the place where the transmitter disappeared with his foot.

"She was attacked by some kind of ice and snow ability. There were no traces of too intense a battle at the scene, indicating that the opponent should have sneaked up on her. Then when she was fighting the sneak attacker, she was attacked by Sugar and taken away in a wave. gone."

"Is that so?"

The boy and girl still looked a little puzzled. "Boss, how did you see this? We haven't seen the traces you mentioned at all..."


Kong Ming snapped his fingers, and a purple light flashed from his body, covering the surrounding streets instantly, and various traces of purple light appeared on the stone roads of the street immediately.

Purple footprints, purple swirls, purple spots...


A certain Qi Wuhai looked at Kong Ming, who had highlighted the entire survey site with a spell, clasped his fists, and his eyes were full of little stars.

"Boss is right."

The boy and the girl touched their chins with their hands like a certain Erha, looking at the traces of purple light shining on the ground.

"This line of footprints walked to the place you mentioned, boss, and then disappeared..."

"It's not that it disappeared..."

Kong Ming lightly tapped some small dots that shone with purple light.

"It was her footprints that became this."

"That is to say..." the boy and the girl looked at each other, "The owner of this footprint was turned into a toy."

"Well said!"

Kong Ming calmly pushed his glasses, "Sanji, Nami, Nokigo, you guys follow the footprints of this toy and find this toy."

"Yes, boss!"

The boys and girls agreed in unison, and immediately followed the purple dot footprints.

Kong Ming raised his head and looked at the sky.

"The safety of these children, I will trouble you, Master Shiji..."


An impatient voice came from behind the roof next door.

Kong Ming turned around and looked at a beautiful and flowery Qi Wuhai.

"Miss Hancock, please help me find this childlike fruit of ability user Granu..."

"Of course no problem, I can follow you to the ends of the earth..."

A certain Shichibukai folded her arms, and a cloud of steam rushed out of her head.

Kong Ming turned his head, gently supported his glasses with his hand, and looked at the little footprints shining with purple light in his field of vision.

"San Tang, you can't escape..."

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