Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 989: Ask the paparazzi

The residents of Shengyao City were awakened by the loud explosion. They went out from their homes and looked in the direction of the harbor, not knowing what was going on.

In their hearts, the lighthouse country is the most powerful country in the world, and the lighthouse country's navy is the most powerful army in the world.

Sanya is also one of the home ports of the Lighthouse Navy.

Backed by the most powerful army in the world, the entire Sanya is naturally one of the safest cities in the world.

Although it happens almost every month there are so few shooting eucalyptus.

It is not uncommon for sailors to get drunk and hurt people.

However, this did not affect the inner pride of the citizens of Shengyao.

"What happened? How did it catch fire?"

A citizen wearing a nightcap on his head asked curiously.

"I don't know, but I look at the direction of the military port, and I don't know what happened."

Another citizen was wearing a dress and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Could it be that the military port was attacked?" asked the citizen wearing a nightcap.

"No, this is the No. 1 navy in the world, who would dare to attack?" The citizens in clothes were full of disbelief.

"However, it's clearly the fire in the military port." The citizen wearing a nightcap stretched his neck to look out, but he could only see the red flames in the sky, and he couldn't see the specific situation at all.

"I guess it's acting or something. No, I have to write a complaint letter tomorrow. The exercise so late has affected my rest, and I have a nervous breakdown. I want them to compensate me for one million, not ten million dollars."

Said the citizen in clothes.

"Good idea, I'll sue them too, and I'll go to a lawyer tomorrow." The citizen wearing a nightcap nodded in agreement.

"Honey, come back quickly, I'm in a hurry." A bumpy woman came out of the room and greeted.

"I'll be right here." The man in clothes dashed back to the room, looking a little nervous.

"The Female President's Almighty King"

"Isn't that woman Howard's wife? How did she show up at White's house? I didn't expect them to have such a relationship. Should I knock White, Mrs. Howard, or report to Howard?"

"Hey, children only choose, I want them all."

The nightcap-wearing neighbor's eyes gleamed with excitement.

Many citizens watched the lively for a while, felt that it was not interesting, and went back.

Little did they know, the fallout from the nuclear leak was hanging over their heads.

"What? The naval port was attacked and the aircraft carrier nuclear leaked, is that true?" The city councilor got up from his lover's bed in panic and asked.

"The actual nuclear leakage of the Geiger counter has exceeded the limit, and the entire city of Sanya is uninhabitable. It needs to be evacuated immediately." The security officer who came to notify said, "Sir Speaker, do you want to notify the entire city to evacuate?"

asked the security official.

"No! No notification!" The Speaker immediately stopped the security officials, "If notified, those stupid citizens will block every road, and even we won't be able to leave. Let's go first and wait until we reach the security. Let's talk about the area."

Security Officer: "..."

"By the way, anti-radiation suits and anti-radiation medicines are ready for me. I want six sets."

the Speaker shouted.

"But isn't there only four people in your family?"

asked the security official.

"Don't I need the two dogs I raised?" the speaker asked in a cold voice.

Security Officer: "..."

"Do you have the heart to watch my two dogs die from all kinds of cancers, contaminated with radioactive dust? You know how heartbroken my wife and children will be?"

The Speaker said eloquently.

"By the way, the Drake family, the Charles family, and the illegitimate son of the Morgan family should be notified and send someone to evacuate them. Remember, they must not suffer any loss, remember, any!"

"I don't want them to no longer support me because of your little mistakes, and let me lose the position of Speaker, do you hear?"

"Understood," the security officer replied immediately.

"Don't do it soon?"

In the middle of the night, a group of luxury motorcades were driving on the highway without people, and some areas had been restricted by the speaker's martial law, so that he and the motorcade of several families could quickly leave the city of Sanya.

As a wealthy family, there will naturally be people paying attention to every move. There are always paparazzi in the vicinity of the wealthy family, waiting for the opportunity, hoping to take an exclusive photo, make a big news, get a big bonus, or be bought at a high price by the wealthy family. Go back and become rich overnight.

Several top giants in Shengyao City evacuated their families late at night, which naturally attracted the attention of those paparazzi.

"What are they doing?" Several paparazzi looked at everything in front of them in horror.

They know that everything these big families do has a purpose, and there is definitely something big going on in a late-night retreat of this scale.

"Look at What are they wearing? It's a protective suit!"

A paparazzi with sharp eyes, he was horrified to discover that each of these big family members was wearing a protective suit, and it was military grade.

Many precious things are still covered with dust covers, and even pets are wrapped in protective clothing.

"Did something leak out?"

Several paparazzi immediately thought of the tragedy that a few years ago, a biological laboratory was leaked, resulting in 70% of the residents in a nearby small town getting sick and 1 in 10 dying.

Sheng Yayu must also have a secret biological laboratory leaked, otherwise, these big families would not retreat in a hurry like this, there must be something tricky!

This is definitely big news, this year's Pulitzer Prize goes to me!

A lot of paparazzi kept pressing the shutter, took pictures one by one, and then wrote the manuscript on the tablet computer, and discussed with the editor-in-chief the issue of the manuscript fee.

After selling the manuscript to the editor-in-chief, these paparazzi picked some photos that were close to each other, contacted the Internet celebrities and big Vs who cooperated with them, and sold the photos at relatively high prices.

Then, a piece of news titled "The Sheng Yagou Biological Laboratory leaked, and several giants evacuated in a hurry" spread all over the Internet.


As the president of the lighthouse country, Zhiye has been unable to sleep lately. Although the progress of the guards is relatively smooth, and those pesky mercenaries are about to be wiped out, her heart is always restless, and she always feels that something big is going on. To happen, she rubbed her head, turned on her phone, and read the news.

Suddenly, a breaking news popped up and appeared in front of Zhi Ye.

Zhi Ye immediately stood up when he saw the news, picked up the phone, and connected to the military commander in chief: "Tell me honestly, do we have a biological laboratory in Shengya?"

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