Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 944: MPs' response

, Survival on the road, I have a prompt system

When the Agricultural Association was established in Old Tom's house, the Senators of Straw City suddenly found themselves losing control of Straw City.

Before, in addition to some public affairs, they relied on water, money and various violent institutions to control the straw city.

Now that the dam has been bombed, the water source is free for anyone to use.

With water, everything is there. Most of these are farms, and it is not realistic to control them through food.

In terms of money, because of the loss of control of the water source, the sales of the Coke company plummeted, the tax revenue fell sharply, and the Coke company also issued an ultimatum, if they could not control the situation, they would completely cut off all kinds of support for them. .

In other words, if they can't restore the environment to the kind that favors Coke, they could be replaced.

They wanted to use the military and police gangs and other violent institutions to solve the problem. However, they were stunned to find that the military and police gangs in the straw city had been cleaned up, and Cassandra, who had high hopes for them, brought their last armed The force fled to the lighthouse country overnight. It is said that they found a snakehead to enter the lighthouse country through a tunnel, and have taken root in a slum in a border city.

"What should we do? Everyone thinks of a way. If we continue like this, we will be doomed. There will be no taxes, let alone the Coke company. The president alone can remove us."

one MP asked.

"What else can be done? It can't be settled with money, and the armed forces in our hands have also been wiped out. What else can we do? The only way now is to reduce the loss, sell the company, we can still get involved in the business, and then make the last one, and then Going to beacon country to get a condo."

said another MP.

"Apartment?" Another member sneered with a thick cigar in his mouth, "Do you know how many people are bankrupt in the lighthouse country now? Every day, a large number of middle-class people go bankrupt, become homeless, live on relief, and now there are a lot of real estate It’s vacant, do you think the house can be rented out now? How long will it take to pay for it? 30 years, or 40 years?”

"And, do you think we'll have a good end if we go to the lighthouse? When we pass, I'm afraid it's not free air and a good life that greets us, but dump trucks and accounts frozen, and then we work hard Everything stolen becomes someone else's wealth."

"Then what do you say?"

The congressman asked angrily.

"We can only have the best life here. Therefore, the straw city must not be lost. We must not only sit here, but also sit firmly. Only by showing our value will we not be discarded."

said the congressman smoking a cigar.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, Malthus, we all know that you have the most crazy ideas, let's talk about it quickly."

Speaker Lavrov said.

"What I mean is very simple, we must not leave the straw city, only if we sit here, those people above will give us money and rights. If we lose the straw city, then everything will leave us."

Malthus took a cigar and said lightly.

"Then how should we stay, without money and guns." Speaker Lavrov asked.

"Who said we ran out of money?"

Malthus sneered and asked: "In the past ten years in Straw City, everyone has put them in their pockets, Matthew, I remember that your younger brother and sister run a construction company, which has undertaken dozens of municipal administrations in recent years. Almost none of the projects were completed, but the budget was directly overrun by 300%, where did the extra money go?"

"Saris, your wife and family are in the middle management of the Coke Company. They have nothing to do but receive high salaries and dividends that are not in line with their status. Do you need to explain?"

"Carl, can you explain what's going on with the huge shortfall in the straw bank?"

"Malinda, your casino, as I remember it, never paid a penny in taxes and didn't have a license."


The faces of the members whose names were named were not very good-looking.

"Okay, Malthus, I didn't ask you to be a prosecutor to examine everyone, but to come up with ideas. If we all go down, your smuggling route will also fail, and everyone will die."

Speaker Lavrov said coldly.

"Dear Speaker, I don't mean anything else, I just explain your financial situation," Malthus said quietly, smoking a cigar, "In the more than ten years in the straw city, you have saved seven or eight figures. Worth, now the straw city has encountered a problem, it is the time when we need to work together, so I hope everyone will spend a part of the money, this is also for our better tomorrow to invest, isn't it?"

Lavrov turned his head and glanced at the surrounding members, then nodded and said: "I can convince them to take out the money, but you need to tell the plan, and we will judge whether it is feasible. Of course, we will also send people to supervise this. The use of the money ensures the safety of our property."

"Of course," Malthus You know that I am in the smuggling business, so I am familiar with the border and the underground forces in the south. Not long ago, I was pulling the green flag in the south. on a relationship. "

"Green battle flag?"

Hearing Malthus' words, the surrounding councilors all gasped.

In the chicken roll country, no one does not know the name of the green flag.

This is a powerful black organization. In the early years, it made a fortune by selling various hallucinogens to the lighthouse country, and even developed a method of transporting hallucinogens by gliders and submarines.

After accumulating a wealth of wealth, the green battle flag extended its tentacles to all black areas, and they committed almost every crime that could be found in criminal law, including human trafficking, organ trafficking, smuggling, extortion, casinos, and usury.

The last President of the Chicken Roll Country saw that the green war flag was rich and wanted to cut a knife, so he directly used the army and wanted to slaughter a fat pig for Chinese New Year, but he did not expect the green war flag to penetrate almost one-third of the army, four One-third of the Air Force, two-thirds of the Border Guard, one-quarter of the Police Department and almost all of the Special Forces.

Coupled with the countless outlaws gathered and the advanced weapons and equipment smuggled from the Lighthouse Country, half of the counter-insurgency troops directly rebelled as soon as the battle started.

If it wasn't for the lighthouse country needing a peaceful chicken roll country to **** blood, the green flag might have directly unified the chicken roll country.

Rao is like this, the last president also resigned sadly, and was shot to death at home.

And the green battle flag actually controls the southern part of the chicken roll country and is a local emperor.

If the green battle flag can be pulled in, it does not seem to be difficult to regain control of the straw city.

Thinking of this, the eyes of many congressmen lit up.

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