Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 939: Evacuate the ammunition depot

The cowboys worked fast, quickly set up the bombs and installed the fuzes.

A group of people quickly withdrew from the dam, and with a deafening roar, one generator set was blown into pieces, and a large number of pieces flowed down along with the surging river.

The violent explosion even caused some fine cracks to appear on the dam, and the time required for repairs was greatly extended again.

The Cowboys cheered and celebrated their hard-earned victory.

Many people hugged and cried, and they finally regained the water they depended on for survival.

"Thank you so much. Without you, we don't know when we would have gotten rid of this curse."

Old Tom took Zhang Tuohai's hand and was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"Don't be too happy, this is just the beginning, it's far from the time to open the champagne, those capital consortia will not be reconciled to this failure, for the benefit of this area, they have been planning for several years, they will not at all Give up easily, we have to be careful of their retaliation."

Zhang Tuohai said.

If only a few years ago, old Tom would have patted his chest and said, "We have the confidence to guard our homeland."

However, everything in the past few years has shattered his rhetoric.

He now put all his hopes on Zhang Tuohai.

"What do you think we should do? What do we have to do to keep our home?"

asked old Tom earnestly.

"That's it." Zhang Tuohai thought for a while before saying, "Your current strength is still too poor. If they want to use strong force, you can't resist, so the first step is to improve your strength."

"How to improve?"

asked old Tom.

"follow me."

Zhang Tuohai took Old Tom and the others back to the ammunition depot.

At this point, the two guards in the post were already drunk.

Zhang Tuohai skillfully took the keys from the two people and opened the door of the warehouse.

"Just take it, as long as you need it, you can move it all away."

Zhang Tuohai pointed to the things in the ammunition depot and said.

Old Tom was stunned and looked at Zhang Tuohai in disbelief: "Is this really possible?"

"Don't worry, I gave the money, and we bought these." Zhang Tuohai said, took out a few crumpled banknotes from his pocket and threw them on the guard's table.

Old Tom looked at Zhang Tuohai, at the sleeping guard, and at the ammunition in the ammunition depot. Finally, he made up his mind and did it!

Since no one stood up to speak for them when their interests were damaged, and they were allowed to be exploited by gangsters, they could only take up arms to defend their strength.

A group of cowboys stormed the ammunition depot and removed everything they thought was useful.

By the time they left, the ammunition depot was as clean as if it had just been cleaned, not even a single 9mm bullet was left.

After the last cowboy left, Zhang Tuohai locked the door again and put the key back on the guard.

The group drove out of here and returned to Old Tom's farm.

After arriving at the farm, Zhang Tuohai asked them to establish a joint insurance system. As long as one person is in crisis, the rest of the farmers are obliged to help.

Only when they are grouped together can the strength of the group be valued.

After counting for a long time, Zhang Tuohai put them back. He knew that all this had just taken shape, and it would take some training to train them into usable strength.

When they returned to the farm, the water from the dam had filled the crystal lake, and continued to flow to the surroundings through the previous river channel, and flowed into the various farms along the diversion channel. The dry land was irrigated and the land became green again. Wet and reborn.

With the restoration of water sources, farmers and urban residents in Straw City no longer need to rely on cola as drinking water. For a time, the river outside the city was crowded with people fetching water, and many children even jumped into it. Have fun in the river.

Sales of Coke in the city plummeted.

This phenomenon immediately caught the attention of the distributors. When they came to the river to check, they were shocked and immediately wanted to ask the gang for help to stop those people from fetching water. However, they remembered that last night, the straw The gangsters in the city were completely eradicated. Apart from a few truant kids and dozens of corpses hanging from street lamps, there were not even half of the gangsters in the city.

Those dealers had no choice but to go to the police station. However, almost all of the people in the police station had an affair with the gangsters. Some of them fled overnight, and some hid out of town and dared not come back. The entire police station was almost empty. .

In desperation, these distributors had to go to the cola seller, threatening to give up their distributor status if the problem was not resolved.

The interests of the sellers and distributors are the same. One is prosperous and one is damaged. After seeing this situation, I immediately sent someone to contact the direction of the dam. Only then did I know that the dam was blown up. It is estimated that it needs to be repaired. It took ten years.

Knowing that their fortunes were cut off, the seller exploded immediately, and immediately sent someone to contact the manufacturer, claiming that if the problem is not solved, everyone will bear the lost benefits.

After the Cola Company got the information, it was naturally unwilling to lose such a large profit in vain, and immediately contacted the Straw City Council directly and demanded that the matter be resolved immediately, otherwise, this year's tax revenue would not be guaranteed.

Hearing the news, the Straw City Council was horrified.

Straw City's finances mainly depend on the taxes of big companies like Coke. If these companies refuse to pay taxes, the entire Straw City's finances will go bankrupt immediately.

The financial bankruptcy of the city is a small matter, and the oil and water they can get will be greatly reduced. This is a matter of life and death.

After receiving the call, the council of Straw City immediately ordered the garrison to drive away the crowd by the river and arrest the murderer who participated in the bombing to extinguish the anger of the Coke Company.

The garrison leader Cassandra personally brought people to the ammunition depot to collect weapons and equipment.

By the time Cassandra arrived, the two guards were still asleep.

"These **** bastards!"

Cassandra swept the wine bottles off the table and picked up the two.

The two guards were still in a daze until now, and when they saw that it was Cassandra, they came back to their senses and hurriedly saluted.

"Hurry up and open the door for me, I want to get a weapon!"

Cassandra growled loudly.


The two guards immediately ran to the door of the ammunition depot, took out the key tremblingly, and opened the door. Then, all they see is a clean, empty room with no straw.

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