Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 844: who is the ghost

The boy's home is very simple, and the simplicity is a bit too much.

The room was not big, with only a lame wooden bed and a cabinet, and the cabinet was still used as a bed leg and placed at the foot of the bed.

Two wooden bowls are placed on the cabinet, and it seems that they also serve as a part-time table.

There is a stove near the corner, a small pile of firewood is piled next to it, and a small axe stands beside it.

Next to the stove, there are two old jars, covered with lids, I don't know what they are filled with, other than that, there is nothing, in the true sense of the four walls of the family.

The pair of big eyes that had been clinging to the door saw the young man come in, they immediately ran over, hid behind the young man, and looked at Zhang Tuohai and Lilith timidly.

"Is there something wrong at home? Are there no outsiders here?"

The boy asked Big Eyes.

Big eyes shook his head.

"That's good, just wait, there's something delicious today."

The young man came to the stove skillfully, scooped some water from a tank, took out two flints from the stove, and picked some dry pine branches from the pyre on the side as a kindling material. After a while, the flames It rose in the stove.

The boy took some coarse bran from another jar, poured it into the pot, broke the chick into small pieces, threw part of it into the pot, and tied the rest with ropes and hung it from the beams of the house.

The young man acted very quickly and seemed to be defenseless, exposing his back to Zhang Tuohai, but the corner of his eyes always stared at Zhang Tuohai and Zhang Tuohai vaguely.

Zhang Tuohai also felt that there was nothing wrong with the young man's vigilance. If two unknown strangers came to his house, he would treat them like this. No, if the Tianshuguan was broken into, he would have greeted the self-propelled machine and Wan. The Book of Law and the Will of the World have been copied.

"By the way, can I ask a question?"

Seeing that the young man was almost busy, Zhang Tuohai opened his mouth and said.

"You say."

Hearing this, the young man turned around immediately, and unconsciously touched the hatchet at his waist.

"When I first came to the village, I saw that many houses were emitting cooking smoke, but when I knocked on the door, many people put out the cooking smoke, and no one opened the door no matter how I knocked. What happened? thing?"

Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

Hearing Zhang Tuohai's words, the young man's face instantly turned ashen.

"You mean, you saw cooking smoke in the house?" the boy asked tremblingly.

"Yes, what's the matter, is there any problem?"

Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

"A group of robbers came to the village half a month ago. When it was just night, those robbers robbed the remaining food in the village, and they were not satisfied. In the end, they killed all the people in the village and dragged them back to use it as food. Now , the village has become an empty village, where did the people come from?"

The boy said, his voice trembling.

"Mist grass!" Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but tremble when he heard the boy's words.

If everything the boy said was true, what did he see in the village during the day?


At this moment, Lilith, who had been looking at the room, suddenly spoke up.

"Let me ask, how did you know all this? Although your house is a bit remote, it's close to the village. If the robbers come in, there's no reason to let you go. How did you survive?"

"How did I survive? How did I survive?" After hearing Lilith's question, the young man kept muttering to himself, covering his head with his hands, and squatting down slowly, he felt His mind was about to explode, and he desperately wanted to recall how he survived, but the memory of that day was a mess, he wanted to see clearly, but he couldn't.

The boy squatted on the ground in pain, hammering his head with both hands.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Brother!" Seeing this with big eyes, he immediately crouched beside the boy and shouted anxiously.

"I, I hid my sister in the hole at the bottom of the tank that day. I hid myself under the bed. A robber wanted to remove the tank to check the situation. I, I was afraid that he would find out and rushed out from the bottom of the bed to beat him with a knife. Cut off his leg, his screams attracted other robbers, there were too many of them, and then... I died..."

Speaking of this, the boy's body suddenly stopped shaking, he slowly raised his head, and stared at Zhang Tuohai.

At this time, his eyes were full of blood red, and the surface of his body was covered with a layer of black mist, and the mist floated like a black flame.

"Why, why, remind me of all this!"

The boy's body began to fade, literally.

Zhang Tuohai watched with his own eyes the color on the boy's body slowly fade away, and finally turned into pure black.


After the last ray of color on the boy's body faded, the boy's figure completely changed. His body was pulled to a longer length, and his hands turned into sharp claws, and he violently grabbed towards Zhang Tuohai.

"What is this? Is it a ghost?"

Thinking about it, Zhang Tuohai took out his umbrella and parried.


With a muffled sound, Zhang Tuohai directly knocked out the ghost that the boy had turned into.

The ghost hit the wall, then bounced back and fell to the ground.

Looking at the ghost figure falling to the ground, Zhang Tuohai frowned.

He just used the properties of quantum crystals just now, but the ghost image didn't have the slightest effect, it was just thrown away.

This situation becomes What is this situation? Are the people here quantized, or do people in the quantum world have the characteristics to ignore the attack of the quantum crystal characteristics? "

Zhang Tuohai secretly guessed.

If it's the latter, it's better, but if it's the former, doesn't it mean that everyone in the quantum world is a born demigod?

Zhang Tuohai felt a little terrified in his heart.

However, Zhang Tuohai knew that now is not the time to think about these things, and the first thing to do now is to take advantage of the weakness of the ghost and destroy it.

He raised the black umbrella in his hand and continued to attack the shadow.

Just as the black umbrella in his hand was about to attack the ghost, the big-eyed little girl who had been hiding behind the boy suddenly rushed out from behind and hugged Zhang Tuohai's black umbrella.

"Please, don't kill my brother, he is a good man, please!"

The girl held Zhang Tuohai's umbrella and said loudly.

"He's turned into a ghost, avoid it, or it will kill you too."

Zhang Tuohai said with a frown.

"No, no, he's my brother, he's a good guy, he won't do anything to me, please, give him a chance, I can take him out of here, not for you to see, yes, that one The chicks are also returned to you, we don't want anything."

The big-eyed girl was crying while holding Zhang Tuohai's umbrella.

Zhang Tuohai frowned upon seeing this.

Just when he was about to make a move, Lilith suddenly pulled his sleeve: "Dad, don't be in a hurry, things seem to have a chance to turn around."

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