Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 836: 10,000 tons equivalent

"Survival on the road, I have a prompt system (

Seeing the looks of the sisters Su Mu and Su Qi, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but want to laugh.

When the two sisters just entered the world of the nine-story tower, he used the back door of the spiritual space to access the other's spiritual space, and then secretly upgraded, opened the forced transaction function, and put a spiritual system into the past.

That reminder system that Su Qi got is.

As for the hint, it was just a cover-up. What he really relied on was the version data obtained by Zhang Tuohai's thousands of deductions.

He had already figured out the situation of the rooms around the sisters Su Mu and Su Qi, and he could always send them to the second floor in the shortest possible time.

Moreover, not only the second floor, but also the third floor, the fourth floor, and the ninth floor.

There is a main reason why the two sisters were sent directly to the ninth floor, that is, in addition to the spirit system, Zhang Tuohai also forced a little thing to pass.

This is related to whether he can successfully kill Chamil in this world.

Of course, in addition to Su Qi, the clone players sent by Zhang Tuohai also had his tips.

However, in order to act real, Zhang Tuohai deliberately sent some players to die on purpose, and some players barely found the stairs and entered the second floor after paying a heavy price.

This looks real, otherwise, all the players passed the first floor without a single casualty.

Of course, the number of damages is too much, and it is not very good. It is too much. After several deductions and demonstrations, a loss rate of about 20% is more appropriate.

With the help of the "hint system", Su Mu and Su Qi successfully found the stairs leading to the second floor, and even obtained some useful equipment and supplies during the period, which made the two of them make a small payment. .

"It's cool to have a reminder system."

Su Qi was happily lying on the chair, eating the popcorn she just picked up.

"Is this really the stairs leading to the second floor? Isn't it a trap?" Su Mu asked, looking at the elevator in front of it with only a first-floor mesh door.

"Yes, the prompt system said, this is the door to the second floor, absolutely no problem."

Su Qi said while eating popcorn.


Su Mu slowly drove the car into the elevator.

The net was slowly pulled up, the elevator started, and slowly drove up.

Because the elevator door was just a layer of netting, Su Mu could easily see what it was like outside.

After passing through a long dark elevator pipe, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Su Mu quickly put on his sunglasses and looked out the window.

To her astonishment, what appeared in front of her turned out to be an endless desert.

"This is the second floor? This is the tower? Isn't this too big?" Su Mu looked shocked at the scene outside.

When she was on the first floor just now, because it was all a small metal room, she didn't feel much. When she came to the second floor, she really understood how big this nine-story tower was.

The entire second floor is a vast desert, with no head in sight.

"Sister, let's go quickly. The prompt system says that if you can't leave the elevator within three minutes, the elevator will explode with an equivalent of at least 10,000 tons."

Su Qi said with a pale face.

"10,000 tons? Too much!" Hearing Su Qi's words, Su Mu's face turned blue. This was already the equivalent of a little boy's atomic bomb.

Although her car has undergone several upgrades and the armor has been greatly improved, it has definitely not reached the level of hard resistance to nuclear explosions.

At the moment, Su Mu didn't dare to delay, and rushed out of the elevator with a kick of the accelerator.

After rushing out of the elevator, Su Mu glanced back. She was stunned to find that there was a countdown sign on the elevator. There was more than a minute left, and a red dot was still flashing.

are you crazy!

Who put the reminder device outside?

Who is this reminder device for?

You are numb!

For the first time, Su Mu wanted to scold someone.

She felt that the world of the nine-story tower seemed to have a bad taste and was a little unfriendly to players.

Now, although she is out of the crisis, another problem is placed in front of her, that is, there is a desert in front of her, and there is not even a road. Where do you want to go?

"Quick, flip through the guidebook, what's the point of this layer?"

Su Mu asked.

The time when the strategy manual was sent out was too short, and they only came to read it anxiously, mainly studying the first floor, and barely reading the rest.

"I'll take a look."

Su Qi took out the guidebook, turned to the second floor, and read: "The world on the second floor is a desert terrain. It is entirely by luck that players need to find an elevator to go to the third floor."

"Don't stay in place for too long, more than ten minutes will be attacked by sandworms."

"The main dangers in this world are: sandstorms, scorching heat, sandstorms, sandworms, gold-eating ants, players (including their own)..."

"It's a terrible world if you can't even trust your own people."

Su Mu glanced at the strategy book. There was only a thin page of introduction to this world, and there was no substance at all. Whether it was possible to find the way to the next floor was entirely a matter of luck.

Finding a random direction, Su Mu stepped on the accelerator.

"What a terrible world, if only that guy were around."

Driving on, Su Mu thought of Zhang Tuohai.

She remembered that if it was a world that depended on luck or labyrinth, there would always be some unexpected gains if you went to Zhang Tuohai.

Although, there is a price to pay, but it is better than losing your life.

It's just that the two of them belong to two camps now, and I don't know how the guy is doing.

While thinking wildly, Su Mu tried her best to drive forward. At this moment, in the distance, she seemed to see an escalator leading to the heaven and the earth.

"That's the staircase leading to the second floor? Why is it an escalator?" Su Mu saw the scene in the firstly, happy, then stunned.

How can the car go up the escalator?

"Forget it, let's go ahead and talk about it. Anyway, there is a track mode. The big deal is to catch two tracks and you can always drive up."

Su Mu thought about speeding up, but at this moment, Su Qi suddenly shouted: "You can't go there, it's a mirage, if you go there, it will only get farther and farther."

"Then how should we go?"

Su Mu stepped on the brakes and asked.

"Let me see, the prompt system says, at 9 o'clock, drive forward 20 meters, turn at 8 o'clock, drive forward 200 meters, and stop."

Su Qi said.

"What kind of ghost route is this." Su Mu was very puzzled by the route. Why did he have to turn a corner when he could go straight there?

However, the first floor and the elevator just now have proved Su Qi's correctness. No, it has proved the correctness of the prompt system.

Therefore, even though he didn't understand a bit, Su Mu still followed suit.

After driving 20 meters in the direction of nine o'clock, Su Mu glanced at the side of the road and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Because, there is a quicksand pit, if she follows the plan in her heart, she will inevitably fall into that quicksand pit, the car will sink in, and both of them will be suffocated to death.

"It's really dangerous."

Su Mu wiped off his sweat and admired the reminder system even more. He turned the steering wheel and drove towards eight o'clock.

100 meters, 150 meters, 180 meters, 200 meters.

Su Mu looked at the centimeter-accurate counter and slammed on the brakes.

This is an empty space.

"Why stop here? Where is the elevator to the second floor?"

Just when Su Mu was puzzled, the entire car was suddenly thrown into the air by a huge force.

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