Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 815: Dipper Babel

Hearing Lilith's words, Zhang Tuohai felt a sense of sadness.

It was a good low-key development, and it took the opportunity to provoke a wave of civil war between the demigods. Now one death and two serious injuries, the situation is very good.

Zhang Tuohai originally planned to take this opportunity to develop a wave quietly, but as a result, he suddenly became enemies all over the world.

However, he will not back down.

As a latecomer, he would have been jointly suppressed by those with vested interests in the early days, and it was originally a path of enemies all over the world. This is his awakening as a latecomer.

It is impossible for him to hold back because he is afraid of being oppressed by others. History has proved that even if you put down your weapons, the maliciousness of others towards you will not be reduced, but will intensify because you do not have weapons.

Dignity is only above the edge of the sword, truth is within the range of the cannon.

If Zhang Tuohai wants to live in this world surrounded by wolves, he can only sharpen the sword in his hand and hack to death everything that wants to be detrimental to him, whether it is a demigod or a god, who wants to block His way, whoever hacked to death, is the only way to survive.

"They're all enemies, aren't they?" Zhang Tuohai nodded, "Then I won't have any scruples when I make a move in the future."

"Don't worry, I will always stand by your side. I would like to see what it will be like after you are infused with Origin Quality."

Lilith said beside her.

"Before, the person closest to this goal was Lao Tianshi, and now, it's you."

"I'll be by your side too." Zhao Wanwan buried her head in Zhang Tuohai's chest.

"I will stand at the top of the world and see what the scenery is like there."

Zhang Tuohai nodded and said.

"By the way, will those demigods know about the promotion in the fairy tale world?" Zhang Tuohai asked Lilith, which was related to the time he could use next.

"I can use technical means to cover it up. However, the delay time is not long. In a month at most, the fluctuation of the fairy tale world's promotion will spread throughout the Chaos Sea, and those demigods and righteous gods will know the news. What plan should be prepared early." Lilith said.

"A month? Almost enough."

Zhang Tuohai calculated that it has only been two months since he entered the survival game, and he has already reached the current height. In another month, he should be able to improve to another height, maybe he can become a positive person. God, no matter how bad it is, it can cut a wave of the strength of those demigods.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was thinking about the plan, the projection of Xiao Ai appeared beside Zhang Tuohai.

"Commander, Miss Alice has completed the clean-up of the tower of Babel base. I would like to invite you to come over."

Before Alice, she had been cleaning up the remains of the Tower of Babel with many self-propelled machines. After about a week of hard work, she was finally done.

"I'll go take a look here."

Hearing this, Zhang Tuohai immediately exited the fairy tale world, turned back to the Tianshuguan, and then passed through the portal of the Tianshuguan to the base of the Tower of Babel.

At this time, the base of the Tower of Babel that was destroyed by the Soul Eater has been cleaned up, the broken walls and building debris have been cleaned up, and the big pit created by the Soul Eater has also been filled up. At this time, the original huge Babel The tower base has disappeared, replaced by a vast plain. In the center of the plain, is a monument made of obsidian. There is no word on it, but a tower to the sky.

Alice, standing in front of the monument at this time.

"I'm here." Zhang Tuohai came to Alice's side.

"Help me find the real murderer behind the scenes and kill it, I can pay everything." Alice grabbed Zhang Tuohai's shirt and said, "I know this is difficult, but I have no one to believe. "

A week ago, she was the biggest resistance organization in Chaos Sea, the captain of the second action team of the Tower of Babel, and there were more than ten masters with quantum crystal weapons behind her. The technical reserve of the base was also very advanced, combining dozens of worlds The core technology, the overall technical level, is much better than some old-fashioned demigods.

However, all of this came to nothing a week ago.

Even the soul was swallowed up by the Soul Eater, and there was no chance of resurrection.

Thinking of all this, Alice felt powerless for a while. If it wasn't for the belief in revenge that still supported her, she probably wouldn't be able to persist today.

"Don't worry, the black hand behind the scenes has been found, the demigod Hermes. However, it fought with Liuli and escaped with serious injuries. When I find it, I will not let it run away again."

To eradicate Xiao Jiu's information, Hermes once obtained some of the soul eater cells by chance, and then used these native cells to cultivate a soul eater. This soul eater is the one that attacked the Tower of Babel. Only Soul Eater.

Hermes put the Soul Eater there, originally wanting to test the strength of the Soul Eater.

Moreover, according to normal circumstances, the Soul Eater should not wake up on that day, but continue to sleep and grow for a while.

When the Soul Eater should wake up, Hermes will be there to observe the situation.

As a result, the Tower of Babel did a technical test, and by chance, the sleeping Soul Eater was activated, which caused the Soul Eater to make a scene at the Tower of Babel, and Zhang Tuohai rescued the scene.

If the Soul Eater hadn't woken up early, and Hermes had not been present to command, what happened later would have been a different outcome.

Of course, Zhang Tuohai also came to a conclusion based on the information given by Xiao Jiu and the previous information.

"It turned out to be It really is it." Alice's hands clenched into fists, "I have a request, if possible, can Hermes leave me, I think Solve it with your own hands and help the comrades in the Tower of Babel take revenge."

"Naturally, if I can catch it, I will hand it over to you."

Zhang Tuohai nodded in response. Anyway, what he wanted was the authority of Hermes. It was the same for anyone who did it. All he wanted was the body.

"Really? Thank you so much. I know that my request is very willful, but I have no other way. This should be regarded as the deposit. If it is not enough, I will add myself."

Alice said, and put a shiny black cube into Zhang Tuohai's hand.

"What is this?" Zhang Tuohai looked curiously at the black cube in his hand. It was one inch square. It looked a bit like obsidian. However, it was more lustrous and smooth than obsidian, and it had a warm feeling to the touch, like suet jade.

"This is the chip that stores all the technologies of the Tower of Babel. Fortunately, it has not been destroyed. I hope it can be of some use to you."

Alice said.

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