Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 712: pyramid, mummy

"This thing really works?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the huge slingshot suspiciously.

Using this thing to bounce the car in, no matter how you look at it, it feels unreliable.

"Don't worry, I have already calculated, the distance is absolutely enough, and, with your eternal barrier, you don't have to worry about those air defense equipment. In short, everything is under control, and everything is left to me. "

Lilith patted the airport and said.

"Okay, then trust you again."

Zhang Tuohai nodded and drove the car to the launch pad of the slingshot.

The cantilevers on the sides have also pulled the slingshot to its maximum.

Everyone in the car also grabbed the handle and prepared for the collision.

Lilith was in high spirits holding the microphone and giving orders.

"Every unit is ready, this car is about to eject and take off, please sit tight, count down, 3, 2, 1, start!"


Zhang Tuohai felt a huge push back from behind, and the car rushed forward rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tuohai's car rushed to the end of the Huayue platform, and then the whole car flew directly.

A number of purple rays shot towards the car from the fog.

Zhang Tuohai was prepared, raised his black umbrella and used the eternal barrier.

In an instant, a black light curtain was like an eggshell, wrapping the surrounding of the car firmly.

Squeeze, sizzle.

A line of purple light hit the black light curtain, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any waves.

Zhang Tuohai's car, like a black cannonball, smashed into the gray fog.

After passing through a thick foggy wall, the eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a huge circular island, with hundreds of mist generators standing on the edge of the island, constantly emitting mist, covering the island with mist.

Not only around the island, but even the sky above the island, the entire island is completely shrouded in fog, and there is no dead corner to spy on.

Next to the fog generator, there are tall iron towers standing one after another. These towers are similar to the towers guarding the bridge, with huge **** on top of them, with electric lights flashing on them.

Behind the tower are dense laser transmitters. These objects aim the transmitter at Zhang Tuohai, constantly emitting purple rays of light, trying to knock Zhang Tuohai down.

However, Zhang Tuohai's eternal barrier is a quantum crystallization, and the existence of transcendental levels, these purple lights want to break, just as ridiculous as the two-dimensional people want to threaten the existence of the three-dimensional.

Looking at the dense defense system inside the island, Zhang Tuohai felt numb in his heart.

This level of defense, let alone a base number of missiles, even if he runs out of ammunition and reserves, he may not be able to break through.

Fortunately, I didn't get up before, otherwise, the consequences would be unpredictable.

At the very core of the island, a huge pyramid stands in the center of the island.

The pyramids are all made of bright yellow basalt. The walls of the pyramids are engraved with dense golden runes, exuding golden light, making the entire pyramid even more mysterious and magical.

At the top of the pyramid, there is a huge golden triangle, which is exuding bright light, like a small sun.

Zhang Tuohai only had time to take a quick glance, and then he fell all the way to the foot of the pyramid with the car.


After a muffled sound, Zhang Tuohai's car hit the basalt at the foot of the pyramid.

If it were an ordinary stone, Zhang Tuohai could directly smash it into pieces.

However, a light golden mask appeared on the basalt that was hit, and the car hit the mask with one head and was bounced back.

Zhang Tuohai looked over, good guy, the armor on the front of the car was slightly dented.

His eyes are straight. This is a multi-layer alloy plus a variety of armor plates that are suitable for armor synthesis. It can resist the direct fire of a 300mm rifled gun. Faced with this kind of stone, it was actually dented. Is this still a stone? ?

Or is it an ordinary stone?

If it weren't for those things that emit purple light and start to turn and aim at Zhang Tuohai, he must find a way to pry a few pieces down to study and study.

But now, Zhang Tuohai knocked twice directly on the metal door next to him.

The gate with intricately carved patterns disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Ai drove in the car ahead of the pack.

Zhang Tuohai held an umbrella behind him to block a wave of purple light, and jumped in.

Inside the gate is a long corridor.

Zhang Tuohai looked around and found that this place was already the dead end of those purple light emitters outside, so he could breathe a sigh of relief temporarily.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of neat footsteps at the end of the corridor.


Zhang Tuohai immediately raised his vigilance.

At the end of the corridor, there was a group of mummies wrapped in white cloth strips and holding spears, walking towards him with neat steps.

After seeing Zhang Tuohai at the end of the passage, the mummies seemed to be on a stimulant. They instantly boiled, and they quickly ran towards Zhang Tuohai with their spears held high.

"These guys are definitely not here to invite me to dinner."

Seeing the menacing appearance of those guys, Zhang Tuohai immediately made a judgment.

"Close defense artillery, counterattack!"

Zhang Tuohai said loudly.

Da da da.

Four near-defense artillery shells came out and fired at the mummies.

A series of metal storms swept across, turning the mummified men upside down.

Those with broken hands, broken feet, broken waists, and some even had half of their heads broken directly, these guys still crawled towards Zhang Tuohai persistently.

"Why are you encountering such undead creatures recently?"

While muttering, Zhang Tuohai prepared to summon the self-propelled machinery to clean up the dregs with intensive firepower.

At this moment, there was another sound of horseshoes at the end of Yong Zhang Tuohai looked up and did not know when, a two-wheeled carriage pulled by two horses appeared in Yong. end of the road.

In the carriage stood two men, one with reins and two horses, the other with a large shield and a spear.

"A new class of troops? Give me a try!"

Zhang Tuohai pointed with one hand.

The four close-in defense artillery immediately turned around and fired at the horse-drawn chariot.

However, the shield holder on the carriage suddenly swung the big shield in his hand, and golden runes lit up. In an instant, a golden light curtain enveloped the chariot.

The 30mm shells of the near-anti-artillery hit the light curtain as if they had hit a solid alloy wall, making a ping-ping-pong-pong sound, and even rubbing sparks, but they couldn't penetrate into the slightest.

And the shield bearer on the carriage jumped directly onto the back of the horse, and the spear in his hand was raised horizontally forward, seemingly ready to pierce Zhang Tuohai in one fell swoop.

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