Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 699: Tough Skeleton Soldier

"what sound?"

Zhang Tuohai instinctively felt that something was wrong, and activated the weapon system on his body.


The strange sound became stronger and stronger, as if someone was pushing a broken wooden door that had been in disrepair, making a harsh rubbing sound. During this period, there were some messy sounds of things falling to the ground.

"In the end what happened?"

Zhang Tuohai glanced around cautiously, not daring to act rashly.

In this environment, the most important thing is to be cautious and careful, and running around is the most prone to problems.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was on guard, suddenly, a skeleton emerged from the fog and appeared in front of Zhang Tuohai.

This skeleton is about the same height as a normal person, the bones have turned yellow, and there are a lot of mildew spots, a lot of algae are wrapped around the bones, there are tattered cloth strips hanging on the body, and a rusty horn helmet and helmet on the head. There are also many barnacles parasitizing on it, which looks like a dead bone that has been soaked in sea water for a long time.

The skeleton was holding a machete in his hand. The machete was almost covered with rust. At first glance, it was full of tetanus buffs.

Of course, the most striking thing is that there are two green flames in the eye sockets of this skeleton.

"I boil it!"

Seeing this skeleton, Zhang Tuohai was taken aback.

He originally thought that this was a world dominated by science, but the appearance of more and more strange creatures was constantly shaking his cognition.

He originally thought that all kinds of black-tech mechas and genetically mutated creatures were outrageous enough. Unexpectedly, the skeleton soldier, a creature that only exists in games and novels, actually stood in front of him.

After the skeleton soldier saw Zhang Tuohai, the fire of the soul in his eye sockets jumped twice, and his mouth made a crackling sound, which seemed to be very excited.

The tetanus+12 machete in his hand slashed towards Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai quickly floated to the side and distanced himself from the skeleton soldiers.

At this time, the close-up guns also aimed at the skeleton soldiers.

Da da da……

The dense metal barrage swept towards the skeleton soldiers.

Because most of the Skeleton Soldiers' bodies are hollow, most of the barrage passes through the gaps in the bones.

Only a small portion of the barrage hit the Skeleton Soldier's body, breaking the bones into pieces.

However, a barrage is a barrage.

Even if the skeleton soldiers have their own dodging buffs, in the face of the absolutely dense barrage, they still cannot escape the fate of being smashed into pieces.

Soon, the skeleton soldier turned into a broken bone.

"It doesn't seem too scary."

Seeing that the skeleton soldier was dead, Zhang Tuohai's mood calmed down a little.

However, before he could finish being happy, the skeleton soldier started to slowly climb up again.

The broken bones were spliced ​​back into their original positions, and even the cracks between the bones began to mend together.

Even the broken tetanus machete returned to its original form.

If it weren't for the warheads scattered on the ground, Zhang Tuohai would have thought that he had been pulled back just now.


The skeleton soldier raised the machete in his hand again and charged towards Zhang Tuohai.

"Does the physical attack not work? Then try this magic attack."

Zhang Tuohai floated to the side, raised his hand and aimed at the skeleton soldier, and a blue high-voltage current shot at the skeleton soldier.

stab, stab...

The blue electric current hit the body of the skeleton soldier.

If it was a mammal, it would have been burnt long ago in the face of this high-voltage current.

However, the Skeleton Soldier continued to charge forward like a normal person, and even the fire of the soul did not change.

"Electric resistance? Then try fire!"

Zhang Tuohai quickly grabbed a flamethrower and burned it at the skeleton soldiers.

The blazing flames licked the skeleton soldier's body continuously, not only burning the rags and water plants on his body to ashes, but even the mildew spots attached to the surface of the body were burned away, but the skeleton still Chasing after Zhang Tuohai with big strides.

It means no harm at all.

"Da, what's the situation?"

Zhang Tuohai frowned when he saw the Skeleton Soldier's incompetence.

At the same time, there were bursts of gunfire and the explosion of plasma grenades in the fog.

Obviously, the surrounding self-propelled machines also encountered these skeleton soldiers, and now there is an exchange of fire, and the situation is not optimistic.

"Xiao Ai, do you think we have any other means of attack?"

Zhang Tuohai asked while dealing with the skeleton soldiers.

He's been trying to find a regular way to kill skeletons.

In this way, he can accumulate experience for the next time he encounters monsters of the same type, instead of letting him use a black umbrella to crush it every time.

Such efficiency is too low.

Of course, if it was a last resort, he could only use the high-level status of the black umbrella to crush these skeleton soldiers.

"The only way to attack now is Miss Aya."

Xiao Ai said.

"Aya?" Zhang Tuohai remembered that the opponent's ability type is super ability, and the ability effect is freezing, which can freeze items into ice cubes and then shatter them.

"Alright, let her come out and try."

Zhang Tuohai said.


After 30 seconds, the door opened.

Wearing a combat uniform and carrying a Gatling gun, Ah Wei rushed out first.


Ah Wei shouted and pulled the trigger at the skeleton soldier.

Da da da.


The skeleton soldier stabbed Awei's chest against Gatling's strafing knife.

With a puff, Ah Wei fell to the ground and began to wait for his resurrection.

"Stupid brother."

Aya, who was late, saw that Awei fell to the ground, and couldn't help covering her forehead.

She found that since her brother discovered that he was immortal, he had embarked on the road of fancy death, and ran all the way, without any intention of turning back.

Not dying once or twice a day seems to be missing something.

After the skeleton soldiers killed Awei, they charged towards Aya with a machete.

At this time, Aya was right on the head of the fire, and the skeleton soldier suddenly hit the muzzle.


Aya stretched out her left hand towards the skeleton The menacing skeleton soldier was instantly sealed by a thick layer of ice, like a huge ice sculpture.


Aya squeezed with one hand.

There was a muffled sound, and the huge ice sculpture turned into pieces that filled the sky.

Skeleton soldiers also turned into broken bones everywhere.

However, the broken bones began to gather in the middle again, and a brand new skeleton soldier was about to stand up again.


Zhang Tuohai also felt a bit of a headache when he saw the skeleton soldiers that were constantly being resurrected.

Since entering the Survival World, he has experienced quite a few battles, from beasts to viruses, from mutant creatures to silicon-based life, and he thinks that he is rich in knowledge, but he is still a tough guy like the skeleton soldier. Seeing for the first time.

Is there really no way to solve it by conventional means?

Zhang Tuohai frowned.

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