Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 624: Control the player

Looking at the neatly packed 16 compressed packages, and then at the 16 prompts popped up by the game system, Zhang Tuohai's mouth showed a curve.

These systems are like seeds. You only need to wait for time to let them take root and sprout, bloom and loose leaves, which will surely bring you rich rewards.

As for why there are 16 compressed packages, it is because each level of the system is divided into two levels: basic version (beggar version) and advanced version (krypton gold version).

Zhang Tuohai is going to be a pusher himself, so that players in the same area can enjoy these high-quality spiritual assistance systems in advance.

First release the beggar version for free, and then release the upgraded version of Krypton Gold after they get used to this convenience.

From extravagance to frugality, those players who are accustomed to convenience can adapt to the era when everything needs to be done by themselves after experiencing the convenience of the spiritual realm?

Can't make leeks honestly and let him harvest them?

Even if they resist the temptation and only use the beggar version, it doesn’t matter. All players who use the Spirit Realm system will become Zhang Tuohai’s broilers and tentacles. Through these players, Zhang Tuohai can even influence, guide and even control players in the entire area. .

Thinking of the beautiful scene in the future, Zhang Tuohai feels a little hard to control himself.

He didn't even look at the random technical drawings of level 8 and sent a message directly to Cang Xiaokong.

"What class is your current car?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"It's level four," Cang Xiaokong said.

"Give you a control system, you try it."

Zhang Tuohai sent a four-level advanced version of the spiritual realm system installation package to Cang Xiaokong, and then waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, Cang Xiaokong sent a message to Zhang Tuohai.

"It's really easy to use! It can even be driven automatically, and even weapons can be controlled. It only needs voice passwords. It also has a sleep alert system. You don't have to worry about being attacked while sleeping. Such a good thing. If it is sold out, it will definitely become a hit!"

Even through words, Zhang Tuohai could feel the excitement of Cang Xiaokong.

As for being so excited?

For Cang Xiaokong, Zhang Tuohai was a bit disapproving. Shouldn't automatic driving and automatic weapon control be popularized long ago?

Moreover, those players actually have to worry about being attacked while sleeping?

No, not at this time, the sleep alert system has not been popularized yet, right?

Zhang Tuohai found that his understanding of the level of those players seems to have produced a certain misunderstanding.

That is, although many players have caught up with him in weapon strength and armor protection, they are far inferior in various soft power.

For example, the automatic driving system, even the Su Mu Suqi sisters, who are very rich in drawings, still drive manually, and even require manual vigil at night.

Many people drove on main battle tanks and put on depleted uranium armor, but the artillery shells still need manpower to load, and the fire control system also needs to be manually controlled.

The gaps in various software greatly limit the hard power of those players.

This has also led to the fact that although many players seem to have little difference in equipment from Zhang Tuohai, once they fight with Zhang Tuohai, they will be collapsed.

This is the crush formed by the gap in comprehensive strength.

"Since you have confidence, that’s fine. Sell these systems. Remember, you must sell them all. It doesn’t matter if you make less or even post money. What we want is quantity, we must occupy the market, and we must let all Everyone uses my spiritual system, do you understand?"

As Zhang Tuohai said, he sent a copy of all the 0.1-0.7 generation beggar version system to Cang Xiaokong.

"Understood, I will definitely push it out."

Cang Xiaokong glanced at the remaining 82 people on the regional channel and nodded.

After several days of intense fighting, especially after yesterday's nuclear bomb washing, there were only 82 players left in the entire regional channel.

And Zhang Tuohai's red name level has also risen to LV3, and the coordinates will be broadcast every hour.

However, these players have basically lost their fighting spirit. Their biggest goal is to live through this world and never mention the pursuit of Zhang Tuohai.

Even the nuclear bomb was washed out of the ground, and it was chasing an egg, and it was enough to wash and sleep.

Moreover, Zhang Tuohai's coordinates were too far away from them, and there was a thick cloud of virus, which made it impossible to get through.

Even if you have that heart, you don't have that strength anymore.

Now that group of players have only one idea, and that is to live the world, if possible, pick up some materials and return to the capital, is it some gain?

Cang Xiaokong believed that they would definitely not reject this spiritual realm system.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the backstage, and at this time there were many more serial numbers. Those serial numbers are the spiritual systems that were sold one by one. Through these serial numbers, Zhang Tuohai can collect the information of these vehicles through the backstage, modify the weapon parameters, and even directly Take control.

"It's pretty fast, I actually sold five or six in such a short time."

Looking at the slowly increasing number, Zhang Tuohai was very pleased with Cang Xiaokong's business ability. This should be his most successful investment since he came to this world.

"When there is a chance, give her something to benefit."

Zhang Tuohai thought secretly.

"Monitor these vehicles, collect all kinds of information and data, and build a database. If someone is malicious, immediately focus on monitoring." Zhang Tuohai said to Xiao Ai.

Regional channel observations and inquiring about news through others are all second-hand materials. Due to the subjective factors of the sender, the information may be distorted to a certain extent.

Zhang Tuohai prepares to use the Spirit Realm system to collect players' to obtain first-hand information.

When the information is abundant enough, Zhang Tuohai can even complete a profile of a player, and in the end he knows himself better than the player himself. This is the horror of big data and platform terminals.

Arranging things for Xiao Ai, Zhang Tuohai picked up the level 8 technical scroll.

This is a random technical scroll, only when you open it can you know what's inside.

Zhang Tuohai slowly opened the scroll.

【Virtual Digital World Technical Manual: Level 8 knowledge, contains a full set of virtual digital construction technology, immersive peripheral equipment manufacturing technology, cross-regional data transmission technology, data frequency hopping encryption technology and a full set of related technologies. 】

Seeing the contents of the scroll, Zhang Tuohai was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a look of ecstasy.

He just created the spiritual realm system, and now the main positioning is only an auxiliary system, which only meets the needs of players, but it is not attractive enough.

If these technologies are added, he can build the spiritual realm into a real virtual space. Players are tired of killing and surviving outside, and they can hide in the virtual world to seek relaxation and comfort, and everything in reality is It can be taken care of by a more intelligent spiritual realm system, and players only need to set goals that must be completed every day.

It is so hard to survive every day, and there are few ways to entertain. Players lack channels for venting. They are like volcanoes waiting to erupt, which may erupt at any time.

Zhang Tuohai believes that if he launches such a thing and builds an ideal utopia, then he can't sell it to the top?

I like survival on the road, I have a reminder system for everyone to collect: () Survival on the road, I have a reminder that the system updates the fastest.

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